AASL Standards and Guidelines - Framework for Relevance Susan D. Ballard For AkASL Alaska Library Association Fairbanks 2016
Where Are We Now?
The Mission: Revolution or Evolution? vs Information Power 1988 and 1998 The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. Standards for 21st-Century Learner 2007 The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. The school library media specialist (SLMS) empowers students and staff to become critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information by:
Reading FROM Students read to memorize/learn the information that will be the basis of classroom assessments or statewide standardized tests. TO Reading is a window to the world NEXT?
Research and Inquiry FROM Students use facts to write reports or conduct a search once to find evidence to defend a thesis or answer an essential question. TO Inquiry provides a framework for learning. Use of a research model guides the student’s effort NEXT?
Ethical Use FROM Students are taught how to distinguish between paraphrasing and using a direct quote, how to cite sources and how to avoid plagiarism. TO Ethical behavior in the use of information must be taught. Students recognize and appreciate and respect the concept of intellectual property. NEXT?
Technology FROM Students need to know how to use software for word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations to produce the end product of research or a class assignment. TO Tech skills are crucial for future employment needs. For lifelong learning students need to be literate in ICT skills. They contribute to content creation through the use of technology tools. NEXT?
Equity FROM Equitable access is a key component for education. TO Equitable access is a key component for education. NEXT?
Literacy FROM Literacy = ability to read, write, listen and speak. Tech literacy = the basic skills to use tech – i.e. keyboarding to use a word processor or skill to assemble the parts of a computer—monitor, cpu, keyboard, mouse, perhaps attaching a printer. TO The definition of information literacy has become more complex as resources and technologies have changed—Students need digital, visual, textual and technological literacies. NEXT?
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving FROM Students need to acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills. So much information is easily accessible on the Internet that students need to be taught how to evaluate information found on a site. TO The continuing expansion of information demands that all students acquire the thinking skills that will enable them to learn on their own—Students need the skills to effectively & efficiently use and critically evaluate information. NEXT?
Learning FROM Learning is an individual matter—There is a fine line between collaboration and cheating. Group work must be monitored to be sure every student does their fair share of the work. TO Learning has a social context—Students learn collaboratively in F2F situations and through technology. Students work more frequently in teams in 21 st century learning and employment environments. NEXT?
Library Program FROM School libraries support the school curriculum and provide equitable access to a variety of electronic and print sources. School librarians cooperate with content area teachers to match resources with curricular needs and teach research skills and tech skills to some students. TO School libraries are essential to development of learning, and provide equitable access to a variety of electronic and print sources. School librarians collaborate to embed info and tech literacy skills in content area learning. NEXT?
Empowering Learners: Flexible Learning Environments CC BY-SA 4.0
Empowering Learners: Building the Learning Environment
Empowering Learners: Learning Environment Resources FROM Pencil and notebook LP’s and cassettes Telephone Antenna Mail “The Internet” Books Reference Works Encyclopedia The Mall TO Laptop, Netbook CD’s, DVD’s MP3’s & DD’s Cell Phone, Smart Phone Satellite, Cable, Streaming , IM, Texting The Web and browsers eBooks Databases Wikipedia Social Networks NEXT?
Explore the physical, virtual and pedagogical connections between the curriculum and the library as a flexible learning environment. Consider how virtual spaces and resources integrate with the physical space. Consider how to use the space and virtual presence to strengthen connections with the community. Consider how you can upgrade the space and the resources- what to keep, what to change, and what to delete. Empowering Learners: Learning Environment – Next Steps
Empowering Learners: Roles 1. Leader 2. Instructional Partner 3. Information Specialist 4. Teacher 5. Program Administrator
Empowering Learners: Roles
Empowering Learners: Roles – Teacher FROM Library Skills Rigid Schedules Lessons taught outside curriculum Isolated Instruction TO ICT/Digital Literacy Flexible Schedules SDRS-A embedded in the teaching and learning process Collaborative design, delivery and assessment NEXT?
What do you think? Roles Report outs from discussion
Assess how prepared you and/or your program are to participate in making the vision a reality Identify what areas you need to address through professional development Develop personal and program short- and long-range goals and objectives Establish personal and program priorities Empowering Learners: Roles – Next Steps
Empowering Learners: Teaching for Learning Building Collaborative Partnerships The Role of Reading Addressing Multiple Literacies Effective Practices for Inquiry Assessment
Empowering Learners: Inquiry – ICT and Research Models Provide access points for content area integration Allow for assured experiences and structure across grade levels and disciplines Ensure multiple opportunities for students to “practice” research using the tools of research (including technology) “Guided inquiry” = “Knowledge Construction”
s Promote critical thinking and problem solving Foster engaging, collaborative, and authentic learning Afford opportunities for curricular alignment and interdisciplinary collaboration Provide scaling/scaffolding of the research process Offer multiple options for end product. Allow for assessments of product and process Characteristics of the Models Empowering Learners: Inquiry – ICT and Research Models
The Research Continuum What we already know What we need to find out The Learning Need Resources that may help Resources identified as useful Abstract and synthesize information Knowledge Empowering Learners: Inquiry – ICT and Research Models
Create a team (administrators, teachers, lms, TI’s) to research and consider use of an inquiry/ research model which also integrates technology Adopt/adapt/build a model based on needs (identified by district strategic plan, learning goals, graduation standards) Agree upon terms and vocabulary Provide professional development Empowering Learners: Inquiry – Next Steps
The Standards: A 4x4 Approach 1.Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2.Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3.Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4.Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Learners use skills, resources, & tools to:
The Standards: A 4x4 Approach Evidence of the standards in action are expressed through: 1.Skills 2.Dispositions in Action 3.Responsibilities 4.Self-Assessment Strategies
Alignment Local, State and National New York m/default.htm Ohio Guidelines Washington State All States Southern Westchester BOCES (NY)
Where Can We Begin? The Vision
Wrap up Questions, Comments, Ideas? Your Turn!