WHS Physics Olympics
What is it? You will compete in 8 events (4 in the fall, and 4 in the spring) over the course of the year. Most events involve you and your partner building a simple device to accomplish a task.
Who is my partner? At every new PO intro you will be assigned a new partner.
Scoring? Each event is worth 10 points. Your score will be determined by ranking all the teams in all four physics classes. Top two teams 10 points, 3 rd /4 th 9.9 points, 5 th /6 th 9.8 points and so on. 6 points is the lowest score (not including deductions).
Bonuses Individual scores will be compiled over the year – top three students in each period in June will be exempt from taking the final!
Event 1 is…?
The Clock Project!
Rules You and your partner will make, from scratch, a timekeeping device. Your clock must be able to consistently measure a length of time – somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds - at least three times. You must start your clock yourself, but the clock must stop itself at the chosen time. At the end point must be a) two musical sounds, b) the rising of a WHS Physics flag, or c) a flung rubber band.
Example 1
Example 2
More Rules Your clock must fit into a box the measures: 44 ½ cm x 29 cm x 23 ½ cm. Your working clock must fit beneath the box prior to testing! You are encourage to spend $0 on this project. You will work with your current table partner for this. All clocks and their parts must have your names on them in permanent ink.
Due Date? You will be given the rest of class today to work on this. All clocks must be in this room on October 1 st. All clocks must be removed from this room by the end of school on the 1st.
Your grade No grade will be given for clocks left in room 137 after the test day. This event will have 10 possible points. Teams will be ranked by best percent error over the three trials.
Deductions If average time is 30 seconds, one point will be deducted from final ranking score. Bigger than the box? 1 point deduction from final ranked score.