+ Do you remember Chapters 1 and 2?! There are four types of noise—example? Difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication? Significance of context? Two elements of self concept? What is attribution theory? Difference between sex and gender? Relationship between perception, self, and communication?
+ Perceptions and Technology Online profiles; strategic choices? Also consider…cultural identity
+ Communication, Culture, and Identity Chapter 3 Lecture/Recap
+ What is Culture? Shared, personal, and learned life experiences Values, norms, traditions Values = standards Norms = patterns of communication Traditions = customs Impacts worldview and interpersonal communication
+ Cultural Identity ‘…cultural background helps shape identity’ (p. 54) Everyone is a cultural being Made up of ethnicity, gender, age, life stage, beliefs, values, assumptions; intersection of these elements Learned from family, friends, and communities (e.g. guideposts) Varies in strength & content Will impact our views, behaviors, and practices Including communication Can you have multiple cultural identities?
+ Intercultural Communication Importance? Occurs when individuals from different countries communicate? The only case?
+ Dimensions of Culture Cultural variability theory Uncertainty avoidance Distribution of Power (high vs. low power distance) Masculine vs. Feminine Individualism vs. Collectivism Context orientation theory High context vs. low context
+ Culture is…. Learned Enculturation Acculturation Capable of creating communities Co-cultures Cultural clash Good or Bad? Multi-leveled Mini-cultures EXAMPLE: Never Been Kissed (film)
+ Application Paper #1 (Worth 30 points) Converse with someone from a different generation about one of the following topics: Social networking Reality television Politics September 11 th Terrorist Attack Hip-Hop Music Feminism How did the conversation go? Do you think culture played a role? Why or why not? Note other cultural differences that may have played a role Go back to chapter 2—how did the conversation shape your perceptions? Explain. Go back to chapter 1—explain if your encounter was interpersonal or impersonal, and why. Address these questions in a 1-2 page typed document (double space). Do not write out entire conversation; just respond to questions after reflection. In addition, do not write a paper on your view of the topic; focus on the questions. Due Thursday
+ Millennial Generation? What are characteristics of this generation? How might those characteristics impact interpersonal communication?
+ Diversity – Roles and Challenges
+ Diversity in U.S. “diversity can be challenging” (p. 57) Why? Diversity increasing Consider how different events/situations impact diversity, culture, and interpersonal communication The Women’s Rights Movement Legalization (or banning) of Gay Marriage September 11, 2001 Election of President Barack Obama Others?
+ Six Reasons for Studying Intercultural Communication Technological imperative Demographic imperative Melting pot vs. salad bowl Economic imperative Global village, outsourcing, globalization Peace imperative Self-awareness imperative Ethical imperative
+ Challenges and Solutions
+ Challenges Ethnocentrism Stereotyping Anxiety and Uncertainty (In-groups vs. out-groups) Misinterpretation of Nonverbal and Verbal Behaviors Assuming similarities and/or differences
+ Improving Intercultural Understanding Acknowledging and eliminating biases, stereotypes, and prejudices Takes effort; some unknown Examples: “no homo” “acting black/white” “Muslim=terrorist” Be tolerant of the unknown Educate yourself Cultural respect Avoid cultural imperialism; practice cultural empathy Be prepared Recognize the individual; not just their cultures
+ Group Activity Watch this episode of Girlfriends titled, “Sister-Sistah” Helps tie culture with verbal and nonverbal communication Look out for examples of stereotypes, assumptions, and cultural clash (among other elements discussed during the lecture) Be prepared to answer following questions? Who was wrong in this situation? Who was right? What is the reasoning behind your answer? How did culture impact the interpersonal encounters? Was there a healthy resolution to culture clash? What were some issues dealing with culture? (e.g. was a statement problematic and culturally insensitive? Was there unfair judgment based on a person’s culture? Were there double standards?) How did your cultural identity impact your reactions to this episode and situation?