Final Exam 20 multiple choice questions on Rome 10 multiple choice questions on Judaism 10 multiple choice questions on Christianity 10 multiple choice questions on Islam 10 multiple choice questions on Israeli- Palestinian Conflict 60 points total
Draw the Italian peninsula, home to the city of Rome
Who were the mythical founders of Rome?
Monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, or democracy? The Roman Kingdom was a _____________. The Roman Republic was a ______________. The Roman Empire was a ______________.
Roman Republic and United States How are these two governments similar?
At the beginning of the Roman Republic, patricians had all of the power. In order to gain more power, the plebeians...
Who won the Punic War, and what did they win? silver mines
To gain complete control of Rome, Julius Caesar won a civil war against _______________. To gain complete control of Rome, Octavius won a civil war against ________________.
Why did Brutus and the other Senators assassinate Julius Caesar?
This piece of artwork is an example of a __________.
What is the purpose of each structure? aqueduct What is the purpose of each structure? Pantheon Colosseumtriumphal arch
Unemployment became a problem in Rome when patricians put ______________ to work instead of ________________.
Nero blamed the Christians for the fire. In other words, Christians became Nero’s ____________________.
Name three continents where the Roman Empire reached
Invaders! ______________ invaded Rome!
Monotheistic Religions: Judaism
God asked __________ to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to prove his faith in God.
The Jews had to the leave the Promised Land because of a ______________. So, the Jews went to ______________.
_____________ led the Jews out of Egypt. Then, he delivered a set of moral laws called the __________________. These help humans know the difference between right and wrong.
King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed __________________, and then he forced the Jews to move to _____________.
King Nebuchadnezzar’s action was the beginning of the __________________, or the scattering of Jews all over the world.
One leader who helped the Jews was ________________. He let the Jews return to the Promised Land.
Monotheistic Religions: Christianity
According to prophecies in the Old Testament, a _______________ will come and save the Jews from persecution, and all Jews will return to the Promised Land!
Christians (and Muslims) believe that __________________ was the Messiah because he fulfilled many prophecies: he was born to a virgin, he performed miracles, and he was crucified.
He will! You just have to wait for the _____________. Wait a second, Jesus didn’t fulfill all prophecies…
Romans Jews salvation Last Supper resurrection heaven sin Holy Communion baptism Christians St. John the Baptist Judas miracles Mary Jerusalem Joseph Eucharist Holy Trinity Messiah Son of God
Monotheistic Religions: Islam
Muhammad was born here. Muhammad received a message from Allah here. Muhammad prayed at the Ka’bah here.
Muhammad went here to pray with the prophets and meet with Allah.
After the polytheistic people in Mecca threatened to kill Muhammad, he went here to escape persecution.
Where in the world is Muhammad? Muhammad returned to this city and destroyed 360 statues.
Where in the world is Muhammad? From Mecca, the religion of Islam spread throughout this piece of land with water on three sides.
From the Arabian Peninsula, Islam spread all the way to which European country…? Hint: Use your notes on page 32!
Which Pillar of Islam?
Theodor Herzl Islam Judaism Jews Muslims Israelis Palestinians Arab countries settlements refugees Zionism Holocaust United Nations United States Hamas Intifada Jerusalem West Bank Gaza Strip Arab-Israeli War of 1948 Six-Day War of 1967 Muhammad Abraham
Ways to study for part 2… 1) Go to Mr. Booms’ website to see the study guide answer key. Use blue pen to correct your guide (#16-48) 2) Re-read what you wrote in blue pen until it sinks in 3) Use a separate sheet of paper to cover up the answer to question #16. Read the question #16. Answer the question without looking. Check to see if you were correct. Repeat with the rest of the study guide. 4) Attend the study session before school tomorrow from 7:00-7:40 5) Make flashcards for vocabulary words 6) Study Quiz #5 (Judaism), Quiz #6 (Christianity), Quiz #7 (Islam) 7) Re-read notes in monotheistic religions packet and Israeli- Palestinian Conflict packet 8) Look at PowerPoints on Mr. Booms’ website 9) Review with a friend 10) Call or Mr. Booms with questions