Objective: Students will examine place and regions to identify how each place is unique Essential Question: What makes a place feel like home? Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary and discuss in small groups, and create a written report WHY IS EACH POINT ON EARTH UNIQUE
Two concepts explain why every point on earth is unique Place and Region The difference is a matter of scale Place is a point Region is an area BUILDING ON OUR 5 THEMES
Most people have “their place” Strong Sense of Place A feeling for the feature that contribute to a particular spot. Describing the features of a place or regions an essential building block for Geographers to explain similarities, differences, and changes across the earth. Review Pull out Maps PLACE HOMEWORK REVIEW
The position that something occupies on Earth’s surface Four ways to identify location LOCATION
Toponym the name given to a place of Earth Named after famous people, religion, ancient history, hope, disasters Names can also change from political upheaval (WWII and Communism) Can you think of an example? PLACE NAMES
The physical character of a place Characteristics: climate, water, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation Essential for selection settlements (Hill vs River X) Sites can change New your Manhattan is twice as large today as it was in HOW? SITE
Location of a place relative to other places Important bc finding unfamiliar place and understanding its importance Compare unfamiliar place with a similar location Directions/landmarks Importance: many cites have become famous/ rich because of location. Singapore is a Center for trade near Strait of Malacca SITUATION
Described by the meridians and parallels Meridians arc north and south Parallels circles around (equator) Longitude are meridians (long equal in size) divided east and west at Prime Meridian – 0 longitude passes through Royal Observatory at Greenwich- helps with time Human Made 15 degrees = 1 hour Greenwich Mean Time GMT the master reference for time at all points on Prime M Latitude are parallels equator 0 North Pole 90N, South Pole 90S. Part science part human behavior based off of sunlight exposure. Equator gets 12 hr sun a day. Longitude ACT of 1714: John Harrison prize winner MATHEMATICAL LOCATION
Cultural landscape- combination of cultural features such as language, religion, economic, and agriculture, physical features and climate Add to the senses of belonging So Cal, FOCO, Lodo A region gains uniqueness from possessing not a single human or environmental characteristic but a combination Geographers seek relationships (cotton growing ex) REGIONS- UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS
Can you identify a known region? ELBOW BUDDY DISCUSSION
Any area larger than a point and smaller than the whole earth Formal – an area in which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics: States Wyoming, growing wheat belt, Democrat states Functional –An area organized around a node or focal point, Think newspaper or radio station Vernacular- An area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity, Think American South, cotton production, low grad rates, confederacy cultural, climate TYPES OF REGIONS
A body of customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits that together constitute a group of people's distinct tradition Origin of word culture To care about (ideas, beliefs, values, and customs) To take care of (earning $, obtaining food, clothing, and shelter) More developed Countries MDC vs Less developed Countries LDC CULTURE
You are going to create a 1 page report on the city of Greeley You will identify: Name Site Situation Mathematical location Region: formal, functional, and vernacular GEOGRAPHY GREELEY REPORT
Greeley Maps Current Event Article Classroom Map WORK TO BE TURNED IN