DME Network Operations The Netops page was built ‘ad hoc’ from open source software for our system administrators to monitor our applications clusters. Still a ‘work in progress’ it has evolved along with DME over the last 33 months into its present state. Access to the page requires CEO approval. ‘Nagios’ screen provides individual server health monitoring. ‘HE’ section provides basic bandwidth utilization from our co- location in Hurrican Electric Mtn View. We redirect downloads for game updates that come from outside the region here to save money on international bandwidth. ‘Hosts’ provides a front and back end look at important subsystems within our game clusters. ‘Cacti’ is reserved for Network Operations people only. Access to this section requires CEO and SVP NetOps approval. ‘6506’ is a raw data look at all ports on the ‘Squid Cache Manager’ provides statistics for our proxy’s The top level page ‘Public Network’ displays bandwidth utilzation for key systems allowing a real time ‘at a glance’ look at current utilization ‘Private Network’ is under revision so limited information is available.
DME Network Operations ‘Nagios’ screen provides individual server health monitoring.
DME Network Operations ‘HE’ section provides basic bandwidth utilization from our co-location in Hurrican Electric Mtn View. We redirect downloads for game updates that come from outside the region here to save money on international bandwidth
DME Network Operations ‘Hosts’ provides a front and back end look at important subsystems within our game clusters.
DME Network Operations ‘Squid Cache Manager’ provides statistics for our proxy’s. Menu driven management of our ToonTown proxy services.
DME Network Operations ‘DL-01, DL-02, DL-03, DL-04 and show real time connections to our individual download servers including what files are being accessed.
DME Network Operations ‘CCU’ displays concurrent user information for Gunbound and Rakion. Note Webzen has a proptrietary CCU program which is not shown on the Netops Page..
DME Network Operations Awstats. Statistics are logged for all our game launchers, the web sites, and the download sites. There is a separate section for these under ‘Hurrican Electric’. This presentation will show our ftp stats. Below is the 1996 summary.
DME Network Operations Awstats submenu’s allow the user to ‘drill down’ for specific information such as ISP, Country and individual user. Page View stats are also kept.