Check Check----- Call Care
Check The Scene What happened? How many victims? Who can help you? Is it Safe?
Check The Victim Tap tap tap…are you Ok? If They are Conscious (responsive, awake)… Ask for permission to give care… Adults: ask questions about pain in … 1.Head 2.Neck 3.Shoulders 4.Arms/hands 5.Deep breath 6.Hips 7.Leg/feet For children…start at the feet and work up…
Check the victim… Tap..tap..tap Are you Ok? If they do not respond.. they are unconcious Check ABC’s: airway, breathing, circulation Do NOT Move the victim! Unless Scene becomes unsafe You have to move them over to give care
Moving the victim Only if you are sure they have not hurt their neck or back! Roll them over to give care or put them in the rescue position Clothes drag Two person carry One person carry
Protecting the spine Keep the head, neck and back in as straight a line as you can