When I look into your eyes I see heaven When I kiss your lips I taste heaven When I hold your hand I feel heaven When I'm in your arms I'm in heaven Truly you are my heaven
This is poem is referring to a true love in someone’s life some one that is Very dear to them. It also say that when the person is the presence of this Very dear person she feels that’s she in paradise. I think that when you fall in love the One you love is seen by the world just as another person but to you they are the world
The first sentence When I look into your eyes I see heaven, is a metaphor. I think it sets the Mood saying this poem will be a love poem. I like this poem because it’s very true and very Cute and sweet. 1. Why is this whole poem in a form Of metaphors 2. Why is the poem called heaven 3. If you could rename the poem what Would it be 4. What are you impressions about this Poem 5. Why is the poem referring this person As heaven.