Besök oss på Klara södra kyrkogata Stockholm Human rights law in the UN system – a civil society perspective Ylva L. Hartmann, human rights specialist / Indevelop, 20 november 2013
Expectations and presentation
What comes to your mind when I say ”human rights”?
UN established in 1945 Article 1(3) UN Charter: -respect for human rights – key to maintain international peace and security
Human rights are not a modern invention ”All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. ” - UN declaration on human rights 1948 …but, it is a declaration not a convention or treaty
Which are our human rights? Life Freedom from slavery Freedom from torture Equality before the law Fair trial Freedom of thought Freedom of religion Freedom of opinion Freedom of speech Freedom of assembly Freedom of association Right to vote Move freely within a state Leave any country Return to one’s country Seek and enjoy protection from persecution Non-discrimination Nationality Start a family Own property Work Social security Rest, leisure, and vaccation Housing Health Education Participate in the cultural life
United Nations core conventions ICCPR – International covenant on civil and political rights ICESCR – International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights CERD – Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination CAT – Convention against Torture CEDAW – Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CRC – Convention on the rights of the child CMW – migrant workers CED – enforced disappearances CPD – persons with disabilities
Ratifications of the UN treaties
Who has the responsibility to respect, promote and protect human rights? 1)The State 2)The UN and other international organisations 3)Civil society and NGO:s – you and me 4)Another option
Absolute rights, (jus cogens) ex: Non-discrimination Right to life Prohibition against torture Prohibition of slavery and forced labour No punishment without law (nulla poena sine lege) Fair trial Human rights are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible Non-absolute (relative) rights, ex: Freedom of expression Freedom of assembly and association Right to liberty Right to work Right to education Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
UN bodies
Treaty bodies - monitoring of state compliance with the conventions Recieve and consider periodic reports >concluding observations/recommendations – Sweden 2008 Develop general comments – ex. CEDAW, nr 29: Economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution
Consider individual communications (CCPR, CERD, CAT, CEDAW, CRPD, CED and CESCR) Inter-state complaints (CAT, CMW, CED, ICESCR, CRC (ad hoc conciliation: CERD and CCPR) Inquiries (CAT, CEDAW, CRPD, CERD, ICESCR)
UN treaty bodies schedule
UN Human Rights Council Subsidiary organ of General Assembly 47 member states elected by majority of the General Assembly Eligible for two consecutive terms only Gross violators can be removed by two thirds majority vote of General Assembly
The Council’s members
Angola 2013 Argentina 2015 Austria 2014 Benin 2014 Botswana 2014 Brazil 2015 Burkina Faso 2014 Chile 2014 Congo 2014 Costa Rica 2014 Côte d'Ivoire 2015 Czech Republic 2014 Ecuador 2013 Estonia 2015 Ethiopia 2015 Gabon 2015 Germany 2015 Guatemala 2013 India 2014 Indonesia 2014 Ireland 2015 Italy 2014 Japan 2015 Kazakhstan 2015 Kenya 2015 Kuwait 2014 Libya * 2013 Malaysia 2013 Maldives 2013 Mauritania 2013 Montenegro 2015 Pakistan 2015 Peru 2014 Philippines 2014 Poland 2013 Qatar 2013 Republic of Korea 2015 Republic of Moldova 2013 Romania 2014 Sierra Leone 2015 Spain 2013 Switzerland 2013 Thailand 2013 Uganda 2013 United Arab Emirates 2015 United States of America 2015 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2015
The Council’s tools A complaint system A system of expert advice – the Advisory Committee A system of special procedures Universal periodic review (UPR)
UN special rapporteurs «Eyes and ears» of the Human Rights Council Thematic, 36 issues, see list on: ges/Themes.aspx ges/Themes.aspx Country specific: Belarus, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Eritrea, North Korea, Haiti, Iran, Mali, Myanmar, Palestinian Territories, Somalia, Sudan and Syria
Universal Periodic Review A mechanism created to monitor the human rights situation in all UN countries NGO can participate by ‘stakeholders’ submission
Universal Periodic Review ctd. The basis of the review: UN Charter; UN Universal declaration on human rights Human rights treaties ratified by the country in question
NGO-participation UN Human Rights Council session Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists -
What, according to you, are the strenghts and weaknesses of the UN system for protection of human rights?
Thank you for your time and attention! Ylva L. Hartmann /