East Asia Conference Korea Japan China, Hong Kong, Taiwan the Philippines Vietnam Myanmar
East Asia Conference Members : 8 Entities Japan - A Committee Korea - A Committee Myanmar - No Animator Taiwan - 1 Animator (partime) HongKong/Main Land China - 1 Animator (partime) Philippines SPB - A Committee Philippines SAC - No report Vietnam - Evangelization
The activities of each entities
Japan Province Peace : Revision of Peace Constitution Article 9 Peace Movement & Inter-religious Dialogue : ‘Peace network of Christian’ & ‘Peace network of Religious People’ Ecological Movement: ‘Once of Earth Environment’ & ‘Water of Life’ published Engagement with homless people Implementation of JPIC program in Formation Annual JPIC Meeting with Korea committee
Animation is done using the documents of the church and the Order. In the 1980’s JPIC was strong but it became weak in the 1990’s. While some guardians understand JPIC, others do not; however, the Minister Provincial is supportive. Christians are allergic to JPIC. JPIC activities are done in collaboration with other groups. There is an exchange of actities with the Korean province and inter-relogious dialogue with buddhism and Shintoism
Korea-Japan Annual Meeting
Korea Province JPIC Program in Initial & ongoing Formation working the collection of ecological meterials (Library, Media etc,,,) Ecological spirituality academy The JPIC activity with OFS (Formation, montly ‘Peace Prayer’) Annual JPIC Meeting with Japan committee EAC Migrant Project Colleboration with Franciscan Family
JPIC is done on the initial and ongoing formation; the collaboration with the SFO and inter-religious groups; the education of the people on JPIC values and work for the migrant workers. Points were also shared regarding the North Koreans and the unfication of Korea. The work of animation among the friars was not an easy job
Myanmar Foundation The political situation is hard and difficult. The friars were involved in the victims of typoon in they help the poor, build schools, offer job, teach English and Computer courses in the spirit of dialogue and minority
Taiwan Working with AMRSMW-JPIC (Association of the Major Religious Superiors Men and Women) Abolishing the death penalty 18%of high interest deposit for civil servants Foreign workers International Peace Prayer day 21 Sep. Human trafficking (Selling babies &Young girls)
The Kuang petrochemical Investment, the promotion of life against death penalty, just wages, migrant workers, religious discrimination, human trafficking and tension with mainland china. There is a growing aware of ecological issue among the people. JPIC collaborates with other religious congragations; there is the need for lay formation on the social Teaching of the Church. Political issues so infulence the Church that it has tended to just do spiritual activities. Most of the friars are still indifferent with political issues but the provoincial is supportive.
HongKong One country, Two system (Hard political condition) Ecology, life-style, environmental justice Active non-violence, conflict resolution Work with refugees, migrants Preparation of guidelines for ethical use of resources Promotion of JPIC courses
Activites on JPIC center on inter- religious activies, ecology like animal blessing and via crucis ecological points of reflection; retreat and workshops; workers and ethnic minority. they have translated CONTACT and Instrument of Peace(Manual of JPIC). The bishop is strong on JPIC. The JPIC animator has many other jobs. There is a need to restructure the priorities of the JPIC.
Philippines SPB Campaing for the environment(Logging & mining) Regarding the animation of the OFM fraernities themselves Letter on the environment addressed to the President and the Filipino people. Oct 4 Mobile fraternity focused on the ecology & indigneous peoples’ apostolate
Positively there is a new president to really serve the people but the political dynasty is still in control of economy and politics. There is a JPIC animator in each friary and a JPIC executive committee. Strong in preaching JPIC but still weak in empowering the poor through organizing especially with Basic Ecclesial communities. there is a plan for a seminar on JPIC for all the animators and leaders of our ministries.
Vietnam Province Justice, very hot & senstive issue in VN Corruption & Human right(freedom) To help ethnic people On Integrity of Creation: ‘3R’(Repair, Reuse, Recycle) Movement promoting & responding to ‘Earth Hour’
The main activity of the JPIC coordinator is to serve the lepers. Friars are also involved in caring for the poor and HIV patients. The political situation is difficult and there is not enough space for political activities and free speech
1. Migrant Project To recommit EAC to the international fraternity for migrant Ministy in S. Korea by sending Filipino & Vietnam Friars (HongKong 14 Sep. 2010)
2. Asia-Oceania Franciscan JPIC Course EAC Meeting 45 page Decided that EAC would established a Franciscan Ecology Course at OLAS in the Philippines This proposition was accepted by SAAO The course will be offered for 2 weeks.
2. Asia-Oceania Franciscan JPIC Course Topics The situation of Asia-Oceania Biblical Foundation and Social Doctrines of the Church Franciscan perspective Internalization ( Exposure Experience) Skill (methodology of JPIC)
EAC JPIC Thank a lot