ADAMSON UNIVERSITY GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Adamson University COMPETENCE CHARACTER CHARITY Faith in God Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul Faith in God Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul Creative & Critical Thinking Fluency & Articulateness Expertise & Life-long Learning Technology & Savviness Theory & Practice Leadership & Network Creative & Critical Thinking Fluency & Articulateness Expertise & Life-long Learning Technology & Savviness Theory & Practice Leadership & Network Adamsonian Identity & Integrity Commitment to Social Transformation Patriotism & Universal Outlook Care for the Environment Adamsonian Identity & Integrity Commitment to Social Transformation Patriotism & Universal Outlook Care for the Environment
PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) The graduates demonstrate competence through creativity, lifelong learning and leadership skills in their chosen career in engineering The graduates demonstrate character through social responsibility, integrity and care for the environment as practicing professionals in engineering The graduates demonstrate charity by contributing their expertise in engineering to the society as inspired by St. Vincent de Paul
STUDENT OUTCOMES (SO) a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems b. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints d. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams e. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning j. Knowledge of contemporary issues k. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice l. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments m. Ability to engage in community extension services as exemplified by St. Vincent de Paul
ACADEMIC POLICIES Student Academic Status and Classification Filter Courses Engineering Qualifying Exam (EQE) College Admission
COLLEGE ADMISSION StanineGrades (M, S, E)Remarks 6-up≥ 85%Accepted 4-5≥ 85%Accepted 4-580% ≤ M, S, E < 85%Conditional acceptance during 1 st year for monitoring of accepting department 3≥ 85Conditional acceptance during 1 st year for monitoring of accepting department For freshmen:
COLLEGE ADMISSION For transferees: 1.Endorsed for UEE if number of failures is not more than 9 units (filter courses) 2.Maximum year level of acceptance is 2 nd year 3.Minimum required grade for credit is 2.5 or equivalent 4.Minimum stanine of 5 to be accepted
STUDENT ACADEMIC STATUS AND CLASSIFICATION 1 st Semester 2 nd Semester Probation FailedPassed Probation Advised to shift CLEAR Failed Advised to shift WaiverCLEAR PassedCLEAR For freshmen admitted under conditional status:
STUDENT ACADEMIC STATUS AND CLASSIFICATION An Engineering student under probation should apply for re-consideration approved by the Chairperson and the Dean and is subject to the following restrictions: Should report to the guidance counselor. Can enroll maximum of 70% of the regular load during a term. Theology, P.E. and N.S.T.P. are excluded in the counting of the allowed maximum units.
STUDENT ACADEMIC STATUS AND CLASSIFICATION StatusConditionRemarks A. Based on Percentage Failure 1 st Probation≥ 30% < 50% Report to the Chairperson ≥ 50%Report to the Chairperson and the Dean with parent/guardian 2 nd Probation≥ 30%Report to the Chairperson and to the Dean with parent/guardian, “last chance” 3 rd Probation≥ 30%Advised to shift to non-engineering programs B. Based on Filter Courses Violation of filter coursesAdvised to shift to non-engineering program
FILTER COURSES Filter courses are courses identified in an engineering program as core courses. Each filter course may only be taken for a maximum of 3 times. Failure of at least 3 filter courses in 1 semester shall warrant a probationary status. Accumulated failure of 18 units of filter courses shall warrant a probationary status.
FILTER COURSES StatusRemarks 1 st Offenserequest for re-consideration allowed only to enroll a maximum of 70% of regular load of a semester plus Theology, P.E. and N.ST.P. report to the Chairperson and the Dean with parent/guardian 2 nd Offenseadvised to shift to non-engineering program
ENGINEERING QUALIFYING EXAM (EQE) EQE is a written examination given to incoming 3 rd year students to assess their performance and determine students who shall be allowed: to continue the program, to take remedial courses or to be advised to shift to other programs.
ENGINEERING QUALIFYING EXAM (EQE) AreaCourses Covered MathematicsCollege Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Advanced Engineering Algebra, Solid Mensuration, Analytic Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Discrete Mathematics* PhysicsPhysics 1 and 2 ChemistryGeneral Chemistry 1 AdditionalDrafting, English Communication
ENGINEERING QUALIFYING EXAM (EQE) Passing grade is 70%. Students whose score is below 70% to 50% will be given 1 year probationary status and will be required to take remedial/enhancement courses.