Product Focus: Using the Light Hatch to reduce time, costs and risk
What is it? The LIGHT HATCH is a unique method of mounting luminaires on to infrastructure, providing easy and quick access for lamp replacement and maintenance. LIGHT HATCH SYSTEM
A typical scenario A common method of mounting floodlights on to gantries and walkways is with poles or brackets fixed to hand rails or some part of the superstructure. This can incur a ‘high risk procedure’ to the contractor when it comes to access for lamp maintenance and cleaning. ● Floodlights are heavy to manoeuvre; even on swing poles ● Mostly re-lamped from the front, so they usually require re-aiming ● Exposed to accidental damage ● Very hot during operation, creating a risk to other personnel
Floodlights installed using the LIGHT HATCH are hidden away from vulnerable and exposed positions; reducing the risk of injury to workers and accidental damage to the fitting or associated wiring. They often provide improved illumination as they are not ‘shadowed’ by steelwork etc.
Access is easily attained in two easy steps. 1.Remove the locking screw from the red handle 2. Use the handle to raise the lid of the hatch
The floodlight is now easily accessed without the need for ladders & other safety equipment. Risk of injury to the contractor is greatly reduced. Time and money is saved by the end user.
Pole mounted floodlight – time taken to re-lamp and clean the fixture ● Complete ‘risk management’ docs and isolate the power ● Set up and secure access ladder (requires 2 personnel with safety glasses) ● Secure contractor with a safety harness to an approved anchor point ● Climb to the floodlight, clean away excess dirt and open glass cover ● Remove the old lamp and replace with a new lamp ● Close and check seal of the glass cover ● Test the installation and remove access equipment, harness etc. ● TIME TAKEN, approximately 1 hour using two personnel Risks: Falling from ladder Falling debris from cleaning Dropping tools Dropping lamp LIGHT HATCH –Total Cost of Ownership
Hatch mounted floodlight – time taken to re-lamp and clean the fixture ● Complete ‘risk management’ docs and isolate the power ● Remove the locking screw and open the hatch ● Open the glass cover to the fixture ● Remove the old lamp and replace with a new lamp ● Close and check the seal of the glass cover ● Test the installation ● TIME TAKEN, approximately 0.25 hour using one person Risks: stepping in to the open hatch LIGHT HATCH –Total Cost of Ownership
A. Pole mounted floodlight – using two staff for 1 hour is 2 x $84 = $ hire or part cost of equipment = $30.00 Total = $ B. Hatch mounted floodlight – using one staff for 0.25 hour is = $21.00 Difference in re-lamping Costs A – B = $ Cost of hatch approx $ Cost of pole approx. $ = $900 Pay back period is $900 / $177 = 5 12,000 hours Greatly reduced risk to employees = PRICELESS LIGHT HATCH –Total Cost of Ownership