Prepared. For Life. Welcome to the 2015 All-Star Popcorn Sale
NO More Selling in the DARK and in the COLD! New Timeline! The Playbook The Parent Guide Goal-Setting The Kickoff Your KIT Questions??? Our Agenda – Let’s Get Pumped Up!!
Prepared. For Life. The Playbook Key Points
2010 Consumer Spending Why Do We Sell Popcorn? To FUND…a Rewarding and FUN Scouting Program Year! Why Do We Sell Popcorn? Stop having to ask your parents for more money all the time Raise the most amount of money possible, in the least amount of time, with the least amount of effort Ask your Scouting families to do fewer fundraisers… so they can spend MORE time on Scouting Retain your registered youth and attract new youth into Scouting Improve the overall quality of program and health of your Unit Make sure that a HIGHER number of interested potential Scouts / parents join Scouting vs. walk out of sign-up night and never join Have the ability to send more Scouts to different camping opportunities Allow your Scouts to experience things they otherwise might never do!!
2010 Consumer Spending Dream BIG for Your Program! What will YOUR Unit do this year? Where will YOUR Unit go? (The Hawaiian Dream!!)
WHY SELL POPCORN??? TO HAVE MORE FUN AND EARN YOUR WAY!! PACK FUN! Summer Camp Events/Activities/Outings Blue & Gold Banquets Pinewood Derbies Rank Awards TROOP FUN! Summer Camp Camporees Events/Activities/Outings Merit Badges Courts of Honor Prepared. For Life.
Your Coaching Staff
Prepared. For Life. Types of Popcorn Sales
Ways to Sell Popcorn! Clipboard Sales Storefront Sales Red Wagon Sales Online selling Mom & Dad’s workplace Military donations – for those customers who do not want popcorn for themselves
2010 Consumer Spending Storefront Sales Take credit cards using the Square App - Trail’s End will help you set this up and send you readers – Check it out on their website! Always call ahead and get store manager approval and check back in with them the day before you go Select your sites early and try nonstandard sites Walgreens Retail Stores The Mall Sporting Goods Stores Teach your Scouts appropriate behavior for this method so that they can return next year Write a thank you to each store manager that allows you to sell at their store Divide the earnings fairly across all sales and between all scout (a fillable form is available online to help you do this)
2010 Consumer Spending Red Wagon Sales Pre-Order products for this method and the storefront method (online resources are available to help you determine your order as well as a copy of your unit invoice and scout sales from 2014 in your packet) Have a unit blitz day with product available Allow scouts to check out popcorn and sell door-to-door Load a wagon and go! People will buy more if there is instant gratification and no fear that a scout may not return later with their popcorn. Scouts need to total their sales and money each night and reconcile it. Be sure to keep accurate records and ask for popcorn back that is not being sold in a timely manner
2010 Consumer Spending Clipboard Sales Knock on every door on the street DON’T go to houses with FOR SALE Signs out front (they tend to have moved before delivery) Please respect “NO SOLICITING” Signs Write down the addresses that don’t answer so you can re-visit them Bring a parent or buddy (less people say no when parents are present) Best selling times are 6:30 – 8:30 PM Set your sales goal and plan to achieve it! Sell near the middle and end of the month (pay days) Be sure to have customers include their phone number to make delivery easier Give them a receipt so that they know when you will be delivering their popcorn Remember to total your sales and money each night and reconcile it. Keep your order forms for future years!
2010 Consumer Spending Online Sales Make sure every scout has an online account Promote online sales Remember that online sales CANNOT replace regular door to door sales Follow up with your customers Online sales are for out of town friends and family that want to support your scout
Prepared. For Life. Seller’s Academy and New Tools
NEW! - Seller’s Academy! NEW IN 2015!! The event will be held at Academy Sports, who is sponsoring the academy. Scouts will pre-register. We will teach them how to build a clipboard, some selling tips, and talk to parents. We will provide food and fun!!
Two Effective Tools Clipboard Tool Parent Tri-Fold Tool Help inform your Parents and Get them Excited about popcorn as well!
Expert Advice Let Luke Help You Out With Some Great Selling Tips!
Prepared. For Life. Timeline for the 2015 Sale
Key Dates Red Wagon/Storefront Popcorn Orders Due – Sept. 3 Seller’s Academy – Sept. 12 Distribution Day for Red Wagon/Storefront – Sept. 18 Popcorn Sale Starts– September 19 Inter-Unit Swap Day, Office hours only: 12-2pm and 6pm-8pm - October 6 2nd District Training’s (Webinar on Closing the Sale) – October 8 **
Key Dates con’t. “No Foul” Returns / Swap Day, (Full Case Only) Office Hours Only: 12-2pm and 6pm-8pm – October 21 Popcorn Sale Ends – October 26 Return/Swap Reports Due, Limited Returns in Office – October 30 Units Place Final Take Order Online - November 3 Distribution Day for Clipboard Sales – November 20 Deliver Popcorn to Your Customers – November 21 Checks Cashed – December
Prepared. For Life. Unit Commission Program
Exciting Incentive Prize Program – 26%
Exciting Incentive Cash Option Program + Bonus Prizes Bonus Gift Cards Cash option commission 29% Top 50 World Series League MVP Prizes
Additional Commission Possibility NEW IN 2015!! Units can earn up to 12% bonus commission on the sales amount increased over the unit’s 2014 Sale. That’s 38% for Prize Option or 41% for Cash Option when your unit qualifies. Let’s talk about how to earn this!!
Prepared. For Life. Kernel Incentive Program Unit Kernel Checklist
2010 Consumer Spending Your Own Incentive Program!! Quivira Council Wants to Reward Your Hard Work this Year! We know how hard you work to make the popcorn sale successful for your scouts. You deserve a chance to win some great prizes as well! Complete 8/10 of the following items on the checklist provided and turn in to the Council Kernels by 10/30/15 to win prizes and additional commission!!
2010 Consumer Spending The TEN steps to higher commissions! Training - Attend one of the training meetings that is put on by the council. Assistance - Bring a co-kernel or parent assistant with you to the Council Training. Unit Goal - Set a unit goal for popcorn sales in your unit and some prizes to help motivate! Sales Plan - Create a Popcorn Sales Plan for your unit based on your unit budget. Kickoff - Have a kickoff party! Make it fun! (Forms due September 19th to District & Council Kernels via for the previous 3 items) Sellers – Have a least 90% of your scouts sell. Communication - Copy Council & District kernels on at least 3 communication pieces that you use during your sale. Timely - Turn in all of your product orders, allocations, and prize orders on time to the council. Returns - No more than 3% of total pre-ordered popcorn returned during final return day. Increase – Grow your sale over what your unit sold in 2014.
2010 Consumer Spending Additional Commission + Prizes Units can earn up to 12% bonus commission on the sales amount increased over the unit’s 2014 Sale. That’s 38% for Prize Option or 41% for Cash Option when your unit qualifies. Prizes!!! GRAND PRIZE!!!! All expenses paid one night stay for TWO at the Ambassador Hotel, Wichita with a meal included at the Siena Tuscan Steakhouse Restaurant ($300 value) Second Prize! Visa Gift Card ($150 value) Third Prize! Movie Night with the family (family of four) ($100 value) Fourth – Tenth Prize! $30 Gift Card!!
Prepared. For Life. Do the Scouts Earn Anything?
Wal-Mart, Amazon or BSA Scout Shop Bonus Gift Cards Sell between $400-$749 for a bonus $10 gift card (only one can be earned at this level) Sell over $1500 for a bonus $50 gift card (each $1,500 sold earns an additional $50 card) Sell between $750-$1,499 for a bonus $25 gift card (only one can be earned at this level)
Top 50 World Series League The Council Top 50 Sellers will receive: A special World Series patch An embossed certificate Your name displayed on Council website and Facebook pages. An additional $50 Walmart or Amazon Gift Card.
MVP Prizes NEW in 2015!! - This is the Council’s highest award for the Highest Seller in each District. One Salesman from each District with the highest overall sales in 2015 will receive THEIR CHOICE of one of the following: Tickets for TWO: To a KANSAS CITY ROYALS BASEBALL game and Free Parking OR Tickets for TWO: To WORLDS OF FUN and Free Parking
$2500 Scholarship Program Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (face-to-face, on-line, or a combination) in any calendar year receive 6% of their total sales invested in their own college scholarship account. That is $0.06 of every dollar they sell! Once Scouts are enrolled, 6% of their sales each year will be added to their account. Scouts only have to hit the $2,500 minimum one time. Online sales count!
Prepared. For Life. Other Helpful Information
District Pick-Up and Distribution Inter-Unit Swap Return Policy Additional Popcorn During the Sale Blitz Day Ideas Training Ideas for your Older Scouts using the Scout Law Tips for Distributing Popcorn to Scouts Handling/Storage Tips Military Donations Prepared. For Life.
Online Resources
2010 Consumer Spending Tools and Materials Online Visit for all popcorn sale information, resources, and tools, including: The materials included in your folder tonight + other key documents Fillable Forms for you to use as tools to assist during the sale Credit Card Square information Videos for use in training Powerpoints with Screen shots to assist in using the Trail’s End system Parent and Scout information including: Sales Form Printable Receipts Prize Form Training Videos Key Dates/Timeline
Prepared. For Life. Parent Tri-Fold Review & Testimony
Prepared. For Life. Goal Setting
2010 Consumer Spending Importance of Setting Goals Only 44% of parents say their Scout set a sales goal. Scouts who set goals averaged $626 in sales. Scouts with no goal averaged $304 in sales.
3 $ $150 $200 If I work at least two booths at a storefront, I should get about $ each time I work for at least 1.5 hours. By talking to my family & friends AND with my parents talking to their friends at work I should sell at least $150. But I have to ask in order to get the sale! By walking in my neighborhood & knocking on doors, I should be able to earn about $85 each hour. BUT I need a parent or buddy with me, because even as an older scout, it’s unsafe for me to sell by myself. $600 in just a few hours!!! This is only the start! Imagine what happens when I keep selling? I could pay for my own Summer Camp! Scout’s Plan to $600 and BEYOND!
Break Down Your Sales Goals! How Many Items Do You Need To Sell Each Day? You Can Do It! Sales GoalSales Per WeekSales Per Day Average # Items Per Day $300$75$101 $600$150$211.5 $900$225$322 $1200$300$433 $1600$400$574 $2000$500$725 $2800$700$1006 Example: Fall Trails End Popcorn Sale Using 4 Weeks of Sales
Prepared. For Life. Unit Kickoff
2010 Consumer Spending The Kickoff is Crucial The kickoff is the single most important factor for you to have a successful sale! Have a 30-minute fun-filled Popcorn Kickoff: PLAN it out in advance Make it FUN and FESTIVE! Show parents what’s in it for them Have giveaways and prizes Prepare your Scouts Have role plays and practice the sales script Help your Scouts gain the confidence to sell!
2010 Consumer Spending Teaching Scouts How to Sell Want to improve confidence for your sellers? Teach your Scouts to use the following script as outlined on their clipboards: Hi, my name is _____. I am with Pack/Troop ___. I’m selling popcorn to help pay for my Scouting Adventures. My goal is ____________. Will you help support me? More effective than asking, “Want to buy some popcorn?”
2010 Consumer Spending Communicate to Parents Use the parent Trifold to give them the basic sale information at the KICKOFF. Follow up DURING THE SALE by , Facebook, or during weekly meetings to remind families of: Key sale dates The unit goal Incentive reminders towards individual goals Scout rewards available Tips for selling with their scout, staying organized during the sale, and tips for delivery (these are included at the end of the scout powerpoint) No one put their Son into Scouting to sell something. But funding for a good program has to come from somewhere. Show your parents not only how to support Scouting, but also how they can have the program for FREE with a little time investment!
Prepared. For Life. Tips for Success in 2015
2010 Consumer Spending Other Tips & Strategies for a more Successful Sale “Organize” your selling area Get Scouts out in neighborhoods the first week Have “Unit Incentives” for your Scouts Simple, easy items Pie in the Face Three big-ticket items shown to boys entire time Visit Den Meetings during the sale Have a “celebration” event in January! Hold a fun event for those who met goals
Hold a Celebration for Great Selling Effort Throw Some Pies!!!!
Prepared. For Life. Where to go From Here
Prepared. For Life. Questions?