STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I listen to songs, watch TV shows or see movies in English. 100% I ask for clarification if I don't understand it the first time around.70% I practice sounds in English that are very different from sounds in my first language to become comfortable with them. 90% I try to remember unfamiliar sounds I hear.100% I pay special attention to specific aspects of the language; for example, the way the speaker pronounces certain sounds. 90% I try to predict what the other person is going to say based on what has been said so far. 80% I try to understand what I hear without translating it word by word. 100% I ask the person to repeat what they said if it wasn't clear to me.90%
STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I practice saying new expressions to myself.90% I always seek for opportunities to speak in English100% I plan out what I want to say.90% I encourage the other person to correct me when I talk70% I make up new words or guess if I don't know the right ones to use.90% I move my hands and body so the person will understand me.90% I imitate the way the native speakers talk.80% I ask help from friends if I do not know some words or sentences.80%
STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I skim over a reading to get the main idea.90% I use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning 80% I read as much as possible in English 90% I read a story or dialogue several times until I understand it. 90% I make predictions as to what will happen next. 90% I guess the approximate meaning by using clues from the context of the reading material. 90% I find reading material that is at or near my level. 90% I make ongoing summaries of the reading either in my mind or in the margins of the text. 100%
STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I take class notes in the target language as much as I can. 80% I plan out in advance how to write academic papers, monitor how my writing and check to see how well my writing reflects what I want to say. 70% I use the spell checker on the computer. 100% I ask someone to correct my writing.80% I revise my writing once or twice to improve the language and content.100% I use reference materials such as a glossary, a dictionary, or a thesaurus to help find or verify words in English. 100% I practice writing the alphabet and/or new words in English.70% I try writing different kinds of texts in English (e.g; personal, notes, message, letters and course papers). 90%
STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I write summaries or outlines of the structures that I learn. 80% I review the structures mentally or out loud to understand it. 100% When the structures are similar to my first language, I translate them to learn them. 70% I write down the structures that I would like to learn. 90% I memorize example sentences in order to remember some grammar points. 70% I ask help from friends to correct my sentence structures. 80% I learn grammar best by doing intensive and repetitive exercise. 90% I learn grammar best by listening to my teacher's explanation on the grammar material 90%
STRATEGIESPERCENTAGES I pay attention to the structure of the new word.100% I break the word into parts that I can identify. 70% I group words according to parts of speech (e.g., nouns, verbs) 70% I associate the sound of the new word with the sound of a word that is familiar to me. 80% I list new words with other words that are related to it. 70% I practice new action verbs by acting them out. 80% I try using new words in a variety of ways. 100% I go over new words often when I first learn them to help me remember them. 100%
1. Provide opportunities for the students to explore the various language learning strategies practices by successful language learners. 2. Expose different strategies to the students for their life-long learning. 3. Create awareness on the importance of effective language strategies used for their overall achievement in learning the language.
In conclusion, this research indicates that the good language learners would employ variety of language learning strategies in improving their skills in learning a language. Each individual is unique and they would use different kind of strategies to learn reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary. By having the chances to explore and experience the different strategies of language learning, they are able to decide of their own preferences in learning a language to improve their knowledge, thus maximizing their understanding to be excellent language users.
Anna Uhl Chamot, Issues in Language Learning Strategy Research and Teaching. Available online at Carol Griffiths, Strategies of Successful Language Learners. Available online at Claudia Prescott and Jane Orton, Good Learners of Chinese – Profiles of students in secondary school. Available online at learners-of-Chinese.pdf learners-of-Chinese.pdf Characteristics of a good language learner. Available online at aracteristics_of_good_learners.pdf econdlanguage/essayGLLSThompson.pdf aracteristics_of_good_learners.pdf econdlanguage/essayGLLSThompson.pdf Jirapa Abhakor, The Implications Of Learner Strategies For Second Or Foreign Language Teaching. Available online at Kamarul Shukri Mat The & Mohamed Amin Embi, Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa. Publisher Universiti Malaya
Language learning strategies of students in Content-Based Instruction. Available online at Mohamed Amin Embi & Mohd Zaki Mohamed Amin, Strategies for Successful English Language Learning. Publisher Karisma Publications Sdn. Bhd. Rebecca Oxford, University of Alabama. Language Learning Strategies: An Update. Available online at Shirley Sharmini Rajamoney, A Study On The Use Of Language Learning Strategies After Strategy Training Among Form Four Esl Students : A Case Study. Available online at AGE__LEARNING__STRATEGIES__AFTER__STRATEGY__TRAINING__AMONG __FORM__FOUR__ESL__STUDENTS.pdf AGE__LEARNING__STRATEGIES__AFTER__STRATEGY__TRAINING__AMONG __FORM__FOUR__ESL__STUDENTS.pdf