Created by Alexis Ford Research done by Rebecca Tanner Ford 1
Topics Of Discussion Cloud Based File Sharing Mobile and Tablet Devices Security Issues with File Sharing Ford 2
Cloud-Based File Sharing Advantages of File Sharing What is it: A program that allows people access and the ability to share the same forms and documents from anywhere Sharing: you have the ability to share many documents with coworkers very easily. Collaboration: allows you to edit and collaborate a single document in a group. Accessibility: the servers can be accessed from any computer, mobile device, or tablet. Recovery: eliminates the possibility of losing storage devices such as flash drives. Security: data is kept in a secure location that cannot be accessed by unauthorized users. Ford 3
Mobile and Tablet Devices Technology is constantly evolving and incorporating mobile devices and tablets into the work place can be beneficial especially since most people are started to work remotely. Advantages The ability to access their , documents, forms, and insurance product updates whenever they want, wherever they are. The opportunity to show clients different related information to educate them on different policies. Help clients set up automatic payments. Can increase productivity in and out of the office Ford 6
The cost for using mobile devices in a business can be very expensive depending on the type of device you pick, but that can be changed if businesses use the BYOD option. Ford 8
BYOD BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device Having employees bring their own devices to work would cut down the cost of having to purchase devices for all employees. It would also cut the cost and time of having to train each employee on how to use said device. Ford 9
Security Issues with File Sharing Businesses use file sharing to upload data, documents, and other important forms. The potential problem then becomes making sure people like hackers don’t get ahold of it. Not only that, but making sure they don’t put their computers at risks with potential viruses, worms, or Spyware. Ford 10
These risks can be avoided by: Only share with those you know and trust, as well as making sure anyone using your computer or device does the same. Install an anti-virus program such as Norton Internet Security and keep it current. Install, enable, and understand a firewall. Ford 11
When file sharing online, businesses needs to adopt strict rules for employees to use when uploading company information. Employees should only open and share work related items Training can and should be implicated to educate employees what is and isn’t acceptable to share Ford 12
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