FAST-PULSED LIGHT TO AUDIO CONVERTING DEVICE Justin R. Bergonio PHYS 475 / Prof. Gary Varner 17 December 2013
Motivation The human eye can: Discern pulses of light as short as 0.02s Pulse frequency: 50Hz The human ear can detect: Sound f: 20Hz to 20kHz Goal: Convert fast light pulses into sound Convert “invisble” light into sound form 2 Courtesy: Courtesy:
The Plan 3 Detect signal Differentiate signal Amplify signal Create controlled signal (vary f) Transmit signal Output signal to speaker
Circuit: Square Wave Generator Astable operation Output jumps back and forth 555 internal: 3 x 5k Ω resistors 2 comparators RS Flip Flop Frequency: f range: 14 – 140 Hz (100k Ω pot) 960 – 1440 Hz (1k Ω pot) 4 R1R1 R2R2 C1C1
Circuit: Light Listener IR Phototransistor Sensitive: 850nm Also detects visible 741 Op Amp V cc = 5 – 15V Differentiator config. 386 Audio Op Amp Fixed gain: 20dB Drives 8 Ω speaker 8 Ω Speaker f range: 300 – 8000Hz 5 Forrest M Mims III, Enegineer’s Mini Notebook: Vol. II
Tests 6
Tests: Varying Frequencies Out Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out 25Hz
Tests: Varying Frequencies Out Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out 70Hz
Tests: Other Sources 9 Op Amp Out Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Florescent LightsIR Remote Control
Random Applications Tone generator Annoy the crap out of your siblings/parents/anyo ne Become the life of the party 10 Courtesy: monsterworking.comCourtesy: Courtesy:
Conclusion “WE’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN.” - The Carpenters Goals met: Made audible fast light pulses Made audible “invisible” light The future: Continue electronics (as a hobby) Adventures: Learn to short wave radio Build a “radio telescope” & listen to Jupiter Other interesting things 11
12 Thank you and don’t get eaten by a T-Rex.
References Mims, Forrest M. Engineer ʹ s Mini Notebook: Science and Communication Circuits & Projects. Vol. 2. Niles: Master, Print. Scherz, Paul, and Simon Monk. Practical Electronics for Inventors. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Print. Trillesto. "Flashing L.E.D. Using 555 Timer." Autodesk Inc., n.d. Web. 17 Dec
Tests: Random Stuff 14 Op Amp Out Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Florescent Lights Circuit OFFCircuit ON
Tests: Random Stuff 15 Op Amp Out Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Audio Op Amp Out Florescent Lights f ZOOM INf ZOOM OUT