Introductions ISWG Year-End House-keeping Ice-Breaker Group Work: 1h 30 mins Plenary AGENDA
Make a team with…… ……those who are in the same sector as you! LINKAGES GAME
Make a team with…… ……those who have the same favorite hobby as you! LINKAGES GAME
Make a team with…… ……those who have the same number of siblings as you! LINKAGES GAME
Make a team with…… ……those who same favorite colour as you! LINKAGES GAME
Presentations: 5-10 mins each. Max 5 presentations Discussion on : 1) Why did example of linkages succeed? 2) What were the obstacles/challenges? 3) What are the lessons learnt Plenary: Presentation by Groups of 1) 2) & 3) Discussion and Conclusions GROUP WORK INSTRUCTIONS
INTER SECTORAL LINKAGES ISWG RE-TREAT Education /CP/WASH/Health and Nutrition Sector.
CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION Joint quarterly meeting agreed in Work plan Joint Task force of CP and Edu sector to address violence against children In Zaatari, we also explore the common issues to work in collaboration like out of school children and child labour Makani Centres: IFE, CP, PSS and youth programming CP sector members also participated in INEE training
CP AND EDUCATION- WAY FORWARD: Improving referrals between CP and Edu Equaliencey Certification for IFE graduates Standardization of IFE curricula and Makani centres Referral Mechanism/ mapping of education and CP related specialized service in HC Effective data basis for referral cases with protection concerns
EDUCATION AND WASH Joint Task Force 2014 WinS Task Force meetings WASH sector took lead to Hire expert company to develop standards for WinS Cooperation in hygiene promotion and hand wash events Standards will be ready before April 2016.
EDUCATION AND WASH- WAY FORWARD Orientation of Education members about WASH in Schools standards. Health and Hygiene promotion training for Education Services provider. Regular Guidance for WiS for IFE and NFE centers. Joint observation of Global Hand WASHING DAY.
FUTURE COLLABORATION Health and Nutrition Health Promotive schools or school health program. Kitchen gardening in Girls secondary schools particularly in Zaatari.
ISWG: Inter-Sector Linkages Retreat 2 nd December 2015 Health Sector
Outline Introduction Sector Achievements Potential linkages Challenges
Introduction Health Sector –broad sector with multiple linkages with many sectors including protection, education, WASH, basic needs and food security. Health sector coordination structure –multi layered including general health sector (HSWG), subsectors (RH, MHPSS and Nutrition) and task forces (CHTF and NCD)
Sector Achievements Health and Food Security 1.Families with malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) are currently being prioritized for any food assistance and distribution in the camps 2.Considering cuts to food voucher assistance further coordination with the food sector to explore the possibility of the provision of regular food parcels/assistance for malnourished PLW
Sector Achievements Health and Protection 1. Integration of SGBV in Health Sector Work Plan Clinical management (training and materials) 3. Referral pathway established in the camp (legal, psychosocial, housing etc.) 4. SGBV-related considerations are included in proposals 5. Health interventions in cases of early marriage e.g. family planning services to delay pregnancy
Sector Achievements Health, Nutrition and WASH SCJ member of hygiene promotion and social mobilization group in both camps WASH partners present in health sector meetings in the camps and part of the implementation on social mobilization and hygiene awareness Nutrition and food safety part of hygiene and community mobilization curriculum adopted by WASH partners Information sharing, consultation and coordination on cross cutting issues
Priority areas for the next 3 months SGBV and Health Continue joint assessment by health and SGBV to evaluate availability and quality of SGBV-related health services in the urban setting and take measures to address gaps Revise referral pathway for health management of SGBV cases based on the above Work with the MoH to develop a national protocol on clinical management of sexual violence –In line with standards in health care provision of SGBV survivors –Respects Jordan’s legal requirements
Priority areas for the next 3 months Cholera Preparedness & Response Leadership & Coordination with MoH for inter- sectoral interventions – monthly meetings Developing inter-sectoral action plan National Program of Training: central, governorate and clinic levels, hygiene promotion & safe water; Risk Communication for Cholera preparedness (TV spots, health promotion messages);
Potential linkages 1.Health, Education: –School health program (screening, immunization, school feeding) –Students with special needs (sensory, physical, intellectual and mental impairments) 2. Non-Communicable Diseases Nutrition and health (dietary advice) Government (legal and policy environment e.g. tobacco control) and health
Challenges Multiple linkages within multiple contexts Government counterparts not always responsive –e.g. response to SGBV action plan Sometimes difficult to agree on common goals between sectors Shrinking of funding and competition between organizations/sectors for funding
Thank You Questions?
LINK HERE FOR THE YOUTH TASK FORCE PRESENTATION: presentation/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
PRESENTATION BACKGROUND WASH and Shelter interventions have a blurred line particularly in Host Communities where the scope of work coincide and can even overlap. The following actions were taken by both sectors with the intention of harmonising approaches and encouraging integration of their activities.
The Shelter WG requested a presentation from the WASH WG on WASH guidelines in HC (urban context) A subgroup/TF was called for decision making in Azraq camp with regards to provision of Shelters including WASH facilities In camps the design of WASH systems (water supply, waste water, etc) is closely coordinated with shelter/site planning ACTUAL LINKAGES WASH-SHELTER.
ACTION PLAN Assigned focal points for WASH/Shelter WGs ICLA presentation on legal procedures and advice on HC/urban context WASH/Shelter interventions WASH/Shelter technical guidelines Task Force for HC. WASH WG to finalise HC WASH Minimum standards and share them with Shelter WG Establish partnerships between WASH and Shelter members to write proposals together and answer calls for interventions at HC level
POTENTIAL INTER-SECTOR LINKAGES WASH-SHELTER Develop solid referral system working both ways (WASH-Shelter) when there is no tandem intervention Ensure follow up on any referrals Shelter members to include in their proposal some of the following interventions : Household Water Treatment & Safe storage (distribution and appropriate training) Consider toilet retrofits Low flow shower heads and taps or tap aerators Early detection and repair of leaks in fittings, pipes, tanks etc. Reuse of greywater
Defining WASH/Shelter activities within a HH Number of beneficiaries (as many families seem to be equipped in particular in WASH) Repairs of septic tanks (technically difficult and expensive) O&M and women involvement Identification of ar eas of intervention Behaviour changeCHALLENGES
RECOMMENDATIONS Follow up on action plan Carry out joint needs assessments Define role responsibilities at camp level Focus on behaviour change campaigns
6/6/ Shukran