The role of evidence: Public health evidence and spatial planning decision-making Will Anderson - Freelance Public Health Researcher and Writer Andre Pinto – Public Health Manager (Healthy Places)
Health Fitness, cardiovascular health and obesity Mental health Safety Respiratory health Accidents and falls Wellbeing and community participation Built Environment Density and mix of land use Housing quality, supply and affordability Street layout and connectivity Active and public transport Open space, play space, green space and community space Access to public services, employment and other services Access to fresh food Air quality and noise Mitigation of extreme weather events and changing climate
CD meeting
National Planning Policy Framework Promoting Healthy Communities - The planning system can play an important role in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Source: DCLG (2012) National Planning Practice Guidance - Health Local planning authorities should ensure that health and wellbeing, and health infrastructure are considered in local and neighbourhood plans and in planning decision making. Source: DCLG (2014) Planning and Public Health - a common agenda
Different perspectives Public health Focus on population health needs Joint Strategic Needs Assessment informing Health and Wellbeing Strategy Actions and interventions informed by international evidence Spatial planning Focus on demography, population trends, housing supply, spatial characteristics Local Development Framework Planning decisions informed by proposal-specific evidence submissions, which must be a ‘material consideration’ London First 12 Nov 2014
The sharp end: planning decisions Broad-based evidence from the academic literature about the long- term health outcomes of spatial design interventions does not translate easily into a calculation of the specific benefits and cost savings in an area where a development is proposed. Such evidence can be difficult to use to counter the location-specific and carefully-costed arguments put forward by developers. London First 12 Nov 2014
Scope for partnership Planners need to: Work with their colleagues in public health to ensure that local planning policy takes full account of the scope for planning to promote the health of the local population; Provide data on the implementation of planning policy (AMR). Public Health professionals need to: Provide evidence of local needs that planners can use (e.g. spatial JSNA); Work with planners to generate evidence of health and wellbeing needs to inform specific development proposals. Planners and Public Health professionals need to: Develop a local evidence base of the impact of planning decisions on local health and wellbeing; Support the evaluation of the impact of planning decisions on health and wellbeing outcomes.
When/where to engage? JSNA and Health and Wellbeing Board Plan making stage Pre-application stage Evaluation of planning decisions Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
London First 12 Nov 2014 Designate space for community garden in masterplan for estate redevelopment Provide resources for development of community garden Community group established to manage garden Garden created Local residents informed of how they can be involved Extensive participation from across estate Fresh food produced and shared Residents enjoy social interaction and physical exercise Increase in community surveillance of estate Improved mental wellbeing Improved physical health: reductions in obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension Greater social cohesion Reduced crime and fear of crime Risks Lack of leadership Conflict within group Local politics block progress Space is vandalised Opposition from residents Residents remain sceptical/afraid to participate Lack of maintenance Key members leave Lack of resources Poor weather conditions Intermediate outcomes are too weak to affect high level outcomes Unintended outcomes reduce positive impacts Other events on the estate negatively affect outcomes Good cross section of estate residents among participants Reduced isolation Reduction in inequalities on estate Logic model: health and wellbeing outcomes from designating space for a community garden in estate masterplan Interventioninitial outcomesintermediate outcomes high level outcomes
Environment shaped by health
Thank you Will Anderson – Andre Pinto – For queries regarding the Healthy Places programme: