Pacific Command ODC Bangladesh CSCP LTC Luke R. Donohue Security Cooperation Division – J45
Country Security End State (CSES) (U) Bangladesh is a stable and self-sufficient country which continues to mature into a reliable partner in Counter Terrorism, UN Peace Keeping Operations, Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief, maritime security and contributes to regional security and stability. (U) TCP Country Objective 1: BG builds capacity to counter violent extremist organizations. (GEF ; MRR 1,7) (U) TCP Country Objective 2: BG pursues an active security relationship with the U.S. (GEF ; MRR 1,7) (U) TCP Country Objective 3: BG increases regional maritime security capabilities. (GEF ; MRR 1, 6, 7) (U) TCP Country Objective 4: BG actively participates and provides leadership in security forums. (GEF ; MRR 7) (U) TCP Country Objective 5: BG improves its border security preventing the illicit flow of people and material. (GEF ; MRR 1, 3, 7) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
Mission Resource Request (MRR) 1.Peace, stability, and security of Bangladesh enhanced 2.Promote Gender Equality & Opportunities for Youth 3.Citizen Confidence in Governance Institutions increased 4.Food Security Improved 5.Health Status Improved 6.Responsiveness to Climate Change Improved 7.Regional Cooperation and Integration improved 8.US Exports to Bangladesh Expanded 9.Support Platform made more efficient and effective UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
Host Nation Strategic Outlook 2013 (253k) 2030 (280k) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ArmyArmy Air Force ‘Forces Goal 2030’ – Air frame modernization Adv Jet Trainers, C-130Hs, Modern Helicopters (Atk & Trans) $1 billion (RUS) Increasing BAF role in UNPKO/TD. NavyNavy ‘Forces Goal 2030’ – Modernization & Reorganization, Increase PKO to 15,000 UNPKO is their Core Competency Territorial Defense remain a focal point $4 billion in new arms purchases (RUS/PRC). ‘Forces Goal 2030’ – Fleet modernization: Surface ships, Maritime Patrol Aircraft / Helicopters, and Submarine Blue water capability: Protection of their EEZ UNPKO/HADR/TD Coast Guard Professionalization & Growth: BCG Academy (7000 by 2020) Maritime Awareness: CCMC, OPVs, Cutters, High-Spd boats Border Guard Modern Equipment and Training. Patrolling capability: Vehicles, UAVs, Communications BA200KBA200K BN 24K BN 24K BAF 27K BAF 27K BCG 3K BCG 3K BGB 4K BGB 4K BA225KBA225K BN 24K BN 24K BAF 27K BAF 27K BCG 7K BCG 7K BGB 4K BGB 4K
ODC Dhaka Security Cooperation Concept Vision: Chief - ODC Dhaka facilitates the development of Bangladesh’s security capacity, promotes US-BG security relationship, and contributes to U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives. Priorities: 1.Continues building Bangladesh CT capabilities, interoperability between MOD & MOHA, modernization through US-BG engagements and security assistance programs (1206,FMF). 2.Assist GPOI-efforts in transforming BIPSOT to a pre-deployment PKO national training center. 3.Increase maritime and land border security through capacity building (equipment, infrastructure, training) for both Bangladesh Coast Guard and Border Guards Bangladesh. 4.Foster Civil-Military Relations and Defense Reform programs to further solidify relationship. Challenges: HN strategic vision and force goals are limited by domestic politics and an unwillingness of mid/senior defense officers to implement major changes due to the uncertainty of the post-election leadership. Service prestige prioritizes HN capability requirements and limits the growth and competitiveness for U.S. FMS. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
SOF Equipment – 1 st PCB, SWADS & BCG mobility CT Training – Follow on & support (1206/MTT/JCET) Counter Terrorism EDA C-130H (x4) Rotary Wing (LOR-EDA, Training) BIPSOT Transformation to a Pre-Deployment Tng Ctr UN PKO Evolving HA projects – CCMC(x30) & BDMC(x12) Helicopter Pads, High-Speed Patrol Boats Capacity Building – Tempest Express & DREE HADR BN Modernization (EDA-CGC, Trng- ASW, MPA/Helo) Integrating Border & Coastal Centers(AIS & VHF) BA “Modern Infantry” program (NVD, PPE, Comms) Territorial Defense Joint and Services Professionalization NCO Development/DIRI/HLV/CTFP/CMO BCG Academy Defense Reform PACOM Priorities UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
Aviation asset (EDA C-130H, M-171 Helicopters Armored Vehicles for Mali PKO (Counter-IED) BIPSOT Level 1 Staging (1 30 Days prep) UN PKO Infantry Modernization (NVGs, PPE, Unit Communications) Small Unit Leadership Reform C4ISR & Cyber Security Capability Force 2030 National Disaster Response Center Integrated Crisis Communications between Defense Services and Civilian Ministries HADR BN Aviation Wing (Ship-board Helicopter Ops & Maritime Patrol Aircraft) BCG AIS integration with BN Ops Cntr for common awareness of Bay of Bengal Maritime Domain Awareness Joint Operations with Bang Arm 1 st PCB and Bang Navy SWADS. Integrating Defense Services ability to function with Civilian Ministries. Counter Terrorism Bangladesh Priorities UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief DOTMLPF FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 BCG - Coastal Crisis Management Centers (x30 – HA) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Tempest Express & Pacific Resilience – DREE Doctrine & Organization Training, Leadership & Education Materiel (Logistics) Personnel & Facilities FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 APRI SAARC HA/DR SMEE ENCAP x 1 annually Update SOD (CSES #1-2 / MRR #3,6) - Cooperative Afloat Readiness and Training – CTF73 Update SOD Cooperative Afloat Readiness and Training – CTF73 Pacific Partnership Pacific Angel (Obsv) EDA USCG/OPV MDA – AIS/MSSIS PME Regional Conf, Symp, WkShps SPP Marines SOCPAC Joint LEGEND (Orange font = Drill down) Army Navy Other HN Air Force COPE SOUTH CCMC engagement BGB - Border Disaster Management Centers (x12 – HA) EDA C130H BCG- High-speed Boats (Metal Shark, & Defender) (FMF, 1206 ) BGB- Commo & Mobility (FMF) Integrated BCG-CCMC, BGB-BDMC & USAID/USACE- MPCS National Disaster Management Center APRI SAARC Tempest Express & Pacific Resilience – DREE
DOD Integration Plan (FY11-17) 30 Integrated CCMC provides West to East HA/DR C2 nodes for GoB – (Included – C4ISR/Helo Pad) Links local populations in cyclone prone areas directly to first responders. Provides DOD visibility, access, and influence by building GoB HA/DR capacity AND BCG Capacity - patrol/ambulance boats/C4ISR/Helo Pads. Allows USG/BCG HA/DR opportunities to train in these cyclone prone areas, and engage the local population. Enhances government legitimacy thus mitigating VEO threat in affected areas. Coordinated with USAID/HN/Multi-national COD The CSCP Catalyst (CT/TD/HA-DR)
DONORS PACOM – ODHACA/FMF/1206 FY08-13 and Beyond – Crisis Response USAID to USACE $40.5M Transfer – MPCS/Schools (CVEO) International Development Bank Asia Development Bank Islamic Development Bank OUTCOMES Fills a critical gap in command and control for the community of disaster first responders Links the Cyclone Preparedness Program and MoHA/MOD communications infrastructure with other donor efforts Whole of Government Integration Plan
GoB MPCS Infrastructure Linked by a Robust HF/VHF Infrastructure – CPP GoB MOD/MOHA First Responder Interoperability Enhanced Through AIS/HF/VHF (CT/HADR/TD) MOD/MOHA Linked to MPCS Infrastructure Equals Effective Crisis Response – C4ISR/Helo Pads Increased GoB Presence = Lowered Threat to the People *BY FY15 – All CCMC, 100 USAID/USACE MPCS, and multi-national donors will be linked to GoB DM Center HADR Crisis Response Network
Equipping Resource Integration 2M ODHACA /FMF/1206
CCMC Network Coverage HF/VHF range 30KM around each site/coastal coverage and linked to BCG Ops Center and national DM center AIS (FY11-12 HA & 1206) provides full coverage of GoB coastline out to 40NM and inland up to Dhaka CCMC Supporting Role in Maritime Security
Fully Integrated Crisis Response Network = MDA CCMC Network Coverage (cont.) 30 Integrated CCMC - HF/VHF/AIS Effective C4ISR that achieves full integration using sustainable systems Gives GoB leadership a COP for Crisis Response and effective Maritime Domain Awareness
2020Time on track, sustainwork in progress, support reqnot supported, budgeted, constrained Counter Terrorism UNPKO HADR Territorial Defense Defense Reform Joint MOD/MOHA SOF Interoperability 1PCB & SWADS Full Operational Capability BIPSOT Lvl 2 Capability Increased UNPKO contribution PACOM - Bangladesh Gap Analysis Boarder / Coastal Crisis Management Centers CISMOA, GISMOA, ACSA Joint MOD/MOHA SOF Interoperability BG Regional Participation (PASSEX, STX) Reception and Integration of 1206 Eq. BG National Disaster Management Center
Questions / Discussion UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO