המינהלת הישראלית למו"פ האירופי The Israel-Europe R&D Directorate
ISrael Europe R&D ISERD המנהלת הישראלית לתוכנית המסגרת של האיחוד האירופי וועדת ההיגוי: משרדי: כלכלה, המדע,הטכנולוגיה וחלל, החוץ והאוצר והמועצה להשכלה גבוהה – הוועדה לתכנון ולתקצוב (ות"ת) יו"ר וועדת ההיגוי –אבי חסון, המדען ראשי משרד הכלכלה משימת ISERD: חיזוק השתלבותה של ישראל באזור המחקר האירופי (ERA), ויצירת תשתית תמיכה ומערך פעילות למיצוי מרבי של תוכניות המו"פ האירופאיות
Support Programs Along the R&D Chain MAGNET Basic Research Nofar International Program Tnufa Magnet PBC (Vatat) & ISF Ministry of Science, Technology & Space Other Ministries OCS Ministry of Economy EU FP Blue sky Research Support Policy Research Incubators Competitive R&D Bilateral EUREKA
EUREKA members and affiliates EUREKA has 41 full members; two countries with transitional status and South Korea, Canada and South Africa as associate countries Portugal Romania Russian Federation San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Transitional status: Albania Bosnia-Herzegovina Associate country: South Korea Canada South Africa Denmark Estonia European Union Finland France FYR Macedonia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Montenegro The Netherlands Norway Poland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic EUREKA members and affiliates
EUREKA Activities Clusters Individual Projects Eurostars High-technology market-oriented R&D projects A European research and development program targeting small and medium enterprises Longer term strategically significant industrial initiatives Information TechnologyCommunicationsWaterEnergyManufacturing Umbrellas Thematic networks focused on a specific technology area or business sector
Progression of FP budgets over time 72 Horizon 2020
3251 השתתפויות 503 הצלחות 178 זכיות 262 זכיות 63 זכיות תעשייה אוניברסיטאות אחרים הצלחות עפ"י סקטורים: 2277 הגשות פרויקטים 363 הצלחות פרויקטים 15,5% שיעור הצלחה תעשייה:98M€ 301,9M€מענקי מחקר שקיבלו גופים ישראליים אוניברסיטאות: M€ 12,8 M€אחרים: 1686 M€ עלות הכוללת של פרויקטים בהשתתפות ישראלית 757 M€ עלות הכוללת של פרויקטים בהשתתפות התעשייה הישראלית תוצאות הקולות הקוראים בתוכנית המסגרת ) תשלום לתקציב האירופאי 194M€ ) *Switzerland – only for programmes under the Excellence Pillar + "Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation" programme
מטרות תוכנית המסגרת : פוליטיות, כלכליות וחברתיות הגדלת כושר התחרותיות של המשק האירופי, יצירת מקומות עבודה ושיפור איכות החיים. פתרון בעיות חשובות לאירופה. העדפת פרויקטים גדולים. פרסום תוכנית עבודה וקולות קוראים לפרויקטים במחקר ופיתוח. הקמת קונסורציומים להגשת הצעות מחקר.
התועלת לישראלים בהצטרפות לתוכנית נגישות לשוק האירופי- שווקים חדשים. “התקרבות לאירופה”- הבנת אירופה. מודיעין עסקי - היכרות עם לקוחות, ספקים ומתחרים. חשיפה ושותפות לטכנולוגיות חדישות, מעורבות בקביעת סטנדרטים. מינוף המאפשר מימוש פרויקטים גדולים עתירי חזון וממון. מענקים כספיים ללא ויתור על זכויות יוצרים.
24.2M€ 2.585M€ 6.162M€ 13,094M€ 2.389M€ M€ M€ 7.256M€ 5.688M€ M€ 2.956M€ 1.258M€ 1.612M€ 3.707M€ 589M€ 2.842M€ M€ M€ 444.9M€ 2.383M€ 1.855M€ Israel not attend
HORIZON 2020 – Types of Actions
Comparison between Eurostars SME Instrument FTI
Bio-based economy EnergyEnvironmentICT Production and processes Transport EATIPBiofuelsWssTPARTEMISECTPACARE ETPGAHEU PV TPFTPAENEASESTEPALICE FABRE TPTP OCEAN Waterborne EPoSSEuMaTERRAC Food for LifeRHC ETP4HPCFTCERTRAC Forest-basedSmartGrids euRobotics [AISBL]MANUFUTURE©-EUWaterborne PlantsSNETP NEMNanomedicineClean Sky TP OrganicsTPWind NESSISMRSESAR BBIZEP Networld 2020SusChemSHIFT²RAIL AALFCHPhotonics 21 Photovoltaics IMISPARCECTP EDCTP ESTEP European Technology Platforms (ETPs)
Nanofutures- European initiative for sustainable development by Nanotechnologies Nanofutures Industrial Safety- industrial installations and production systems from various industry sectors: manufacturing, chemical including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, buildings, transport systems and related structural components Industrial Safety PROSUMER.net- highly innovative consumer products and technologies PROSUMER.net Cross-cutting ETP Initiatives
Who can participate? Any undertaking, university or research centre or other legal entity, whether established in a: - Member State (MS) - Associated country (AC), or - third country Joint Research Centre (JRC) - is deemed to be established in another MS or AC International organisations and participants from third countries can participate only if in addition to the minima
Conditions for participation Minimum condition, general rule, at least 3 independent participants from 3 different MS or Ac Additional conditions can be established by the SP or WP (number or type of participant, place of establishment)
The Evaluation Criteria Three main criteria: –S&T Quality (relevant to the topic of the call) Concept, objective, work-plan –Implementation Individual participants and consortium as a whole Allocation of resources –Impact Contribution to expected impacts listed in work programme Plans for dissemination/exploitation
Become an expert evaluator The benefits of being an evaluator are as follows: –You spend about one week in Brussels learning the process and doing the work. –You meet all the Commission staff. –You meet all the other evaluators from across Europe. –You learn what the current thinking and state of the art is. –You become part of the community. –Frequently it facilitates your own future participation in the program. If you have an industrial background or if you are a female candidate - you should mention it in your application, since it might give you an advantage.
The role of experts Experts agree to terms and conditions of an “appointment letter” –In particular, clear rules on confidentiality, and conflicts of interest Typically, an individual will review 6-8 proposals “remotely”…. …then spend a couple of days in Brussels Some will participate in “hearings” with the consortia Travel and subsistence reimbursed –Plus €450 honorarium per day Names published after the evaluations
It’s hard work!...but it’s also an excellent chance to: –Meet new faces, network and discuss new ideas Many new project partnerships, have been spawned during evaluations! –Understand what makes a good proposal Calls for “candidates” published 14 December –Call for applications from individuals… –…and from institutions –Applications via Participant PortalParticipant Portal GJKD2LY12f10c8rVknhzWF30KnLvB8d18ZwpV473HddWwD! The role of experts
Reimbursement of eligible costs Most funding schemes, particularly at beginning of H2020 will use reimbursement of eligible costs Eligible actual (average personnel costs may be used if do not differ significantly from actual) incurred during duration of project in accordance with the beneficiary usual accounting and management principles recorded in the accounts of beneficiary used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project In Horizon VAT-eligible
Indirect Cost Participants may charge eligible direct and indirect costs Reimbursement of indirect costs: 25% for all organisations
Participants are technically responsible to carry out the project jointly and severally towards the Community and have to carry out the work of a defaulting participant All beneficiaires contribute to the Fund to insure against losses of a defaulting participant The contribution shall not exceed 5% of the EC financial contribution due to each participant Financial interests generated by the Fund will serve to cover financial risk In principle this amount will be reimbursed at the end of the action Guarantee Fund
Payment modalities One pre-financing for the whole duration of the action Interim payments based on financial statements (EC contribution= amounts justified & accepted * funding rate – 5% kept in the guarantee fund) Retention (10%) Final payment
Consortium - Legal aspects The Grant Agreement is the legal agreement between the European Commission and the Consortium. It states the start- and end-date of the project the amount of the grant and all legal provisions. The Consortium Agreement is a document that partners finalize amongst themselves, which allows them to define in detail the administrative and management provisions necessary to carry out their project.
IPR – Intellectual Property Rights Ownership: each participant owns the foreground it generated Joint Ownership: when foreground is generated jointly and it is impossible to determine the respective share of the work – the joint owners must reach an agreement Access Rights Under certain conditions, a participant in a project must grant the other participants access rights to its foreground or background if this is needed for implementation of use However, participants may define the background needed in any manner, and may exclude specific background (not necessarily prior to signature of EC grant agreement) Unless agreed by the owner, access rights do not include right to sub-license
How to Proceed - Flow Chart Read Carefully WP/WPs Identify subjects of your expertise/interest in the WP/WPs Check for “best fit” topic/s Is it in the open call? Act Immediately !!!!
How to Proceed- Join the Club Identify the European leading groups in the field Try to Join Forces Highlight your capabilities and your potential contribution to the consortium (“affirmative score”). Prepare a short profile emphasizing your skills and partners sought.
How to Proceed- Identify Leaders Colleagues and Business relations CORDIS partners service FP7 and Horizon 2020 Projects (CORDIS, ISERD) Fit for Health Project: Idealist Project: ETNA Transport partner search- : ETNA Transport partner search- Participant Portal- Partnership Requests for open H2020 calls Participant Portal- Partnership Requests for open H2020 calls ISERD’s Assistance
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Helping SMEs find partners and make the most of business opportunities in the EU A support hub for your business needs Facilitating Research, Technological and Commercial partnerships Brokerage & Networking opportunities Exposure to the European market Database with ~13,000 companies What do I need to do? Create a profile in the database Search database for companies you are interested in EEN Israel Consortium is led by ISERD-Matimop in partnership with Manufacturers Association of Israel and The Israeli Export Institute
קרן תמיכה לחברות קטנות ובינוניות להגשת הצעות לתכנית המסגרת השביעית מטרה: עזרה ועידוד חברות ישראליות לגשת לקולות הקוראים של תכנית המסגרת בפרויקטים בהם נדרש שיתוף פעולה עם שותפי מחקר. אמצעים: מימון חיפוש שותפים באירופה ובניית קשרים עמם: נסיעות לאירופה, הזמנת שותפים פוטנציאליים לישראל, מימון ייעוץ חיצוני. הקרן תעניק סיוע בגובה של עד 30,000 ₪ על הוכחת הוצאות רלוונטיות של לפחות 40,000 ₪ (בהתאם לגובה הסכום המצוין בבקשה). במידה ויוגשו קבלות על הוצאות בסך הנמוך מ- 40,000 ₪ אך עולה על 20,000 ₪, גובה המימון יהיה 75% מסכום הקבלות. חברה שהוצאותיה נמוכות מ- 20,000 ₪ לא תהיה זכאית לקבל סיוע מקרן התמיכה. תשלום המימון ייעשה לאחר שיו"ר ועדת הקרן ייווכח שההגשה הוגדרה כזכאית (Eligible) על ידי הנציבות ותמורת קבלות עבור הוצאות העומדות בתנאי הקרן. מידע נוסף באתר ISERD, תחת כפתור "קרן סיוע":
“Red Team” שירות לבדיקה מקדמית של הצעות בטרם הגשתן לנציבות
מנהלי התוכניות ב - ISERD Health; Food Agriculture and Biotechnology; Environment; Energy : Ms. Ayala Karniol, Information Communication Technology; Security : Dr. Aviv Zeevi, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Processes; Transport (Incl. Aeronautics); Space; Research Infrastructures : Dr. Nili Mandelblit, Marie Curie Fellowships; Socio-economic sciences and humanities; Science in Society: Ms. Smadar Hirsh, Bilateral Programs: Eastern & Southern Europe, Spain, NCP EUREKA "קרן סיוע":Mr. Uzi Bar Sade, Bilateral Programs: Northern & Western Europe, Italy, NCP Eurostars,EEN: Mr. Ran Arad,
Thank you for your attention