Curriculum Inventory Administrators’ Group March 9, 2016 Terri Cameron, MA, Director, Curriculum Programs
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March CI in Context: Academic Levels in US and Canadian Medical Schools April CI in Context: Use of Resources in US and Canadian Medical Schools Updated CI Standardized Vocabulary Featured Report Monthly Report Requests Update on ASSET and MedAPS CI Data Analysis CI to DCI Task Force CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings Medical School Highlight: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Nancy Hueppchen, MD, MSc, Assoc. Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 13, 1 pm ET Agenda
CI in Context: February Use of Resources by US and Canadian Medical Schools Kristi Ferguson, PhD, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
CI in Context: March Interprofessional Education (IPE) in US Medical School Kathryn N. Huggett, PhD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Curriculum Inventory Standardized Vocabulary Update New: Exam – Institutionally Developed, Laboratory Practical Remove
Featured CI Report: Minimum Number of Weeks of Instruction Required for the MD Degree
Reports Requested in February: Treating non-patients (friends and family) Correctional Health Inter-Professional Disclosure Breast Exam Mammogram Pelvic Exam Ethics Communication and Ethics Report Issues: Student Research Requests Seem to begin with a survey – will be thinking about other ways to support them Non-documented items Objectives/Description
Update on ASSET and MedAPS Based on the feedback schools using ASSET have been providing the past three accreditation cycles, we have come to the realization that the vendor we were working with is not going to be able to meet schools’ needs, so we will be discontinuing ASSET. All MedAPS branding will be converted to Curriculum Inventory, and the MedAPS Advisory Board is now the CI Advisory Board. We are going to be working with school leaders to evaluate other options for providing schools with data that will assist them in their accreditation preparation.
CI Data Analysis Issue 1: copying one course over to all other courses Issue 2: keywords that just have letters or punctuation Issue 3: synonyms Issue 4: no titles for competency objects
CI to DCI Task Force Charge: Review the types of data in the Curriculum Inventory Analyze how well that CI data and the way it is formatted responds to the requirements of the DCI Develop best practices to assist schools as they upload to the CI in preparation for completing a DCI
CI to DCI Task Force Members Meghan Burke Asik, Weill Cornell Medicine; Jennifer Christner, Baylor College of Medicine; Greg Hawkins, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville; Alan Lesse, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo; Josev Lopez, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine; Cindy Lybrand, East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine; Susan Masters, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine; Beth Nelson, University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; Michael Schwartz, Yale School of Medicine; Santiago Toro-Posada, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine.
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings AACOM (April, Washington, DC) Curriculum Mapping Nuts and Bolts Leslie Wimsatt, PhD Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine; Scott Helf, DO, MSIT, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences Maria Danzie, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges Update on the AAMC Curriculum Inventory Osteopathic School Pilot Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings CCME (April, Montreal) Workshop: Mapping and Documenting Curricula for the Curriculum Inventory, An International Benchmarking Tool GEA Regional Meetings: CGEA (April, Ann Arbor) Perspectives on Curriculum Mapping – Local and National Impacts and Outcomes Stefanie Ellison, MD, and Katharine Agnew, BA, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine Robert Noiva, Ph.D., and Robin Rivest M.Ed, MBA, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges MedAPS Update Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings NEGEA (April, Newport) Using Data Visualization to Engage Faculty and Improve Curricula Christopher M Vaughan, Boston University School of Medicine Brian Reid, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine Susan Albright, Tufts University School of Medicine Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges MedAPS Update Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings SGEA (April, Austin) Perspectives on Curriculum Mapping – Local and National Impacts and Outcomes Jose Lopez, MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso - Paul L. Foster School of Medicine Susan LeDoux, PhD, University of South Alabama College of Medicine Alvaro Perez, MD, San Juan Bautista School of Medicine Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges MedAPS Update Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings WGEA (April, Tucson) Perspectives on Curriculum Mapping – Local and National Impacts and Outcomes Brady Janes, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno Christine Crispen, and Pamela Schaff, MD, Keck School of Medicine of USC Walter Fitz-William, MPP, Association of American Medical Colleges MedAPS Update Walter Fitz-William, MPP, Association of American Medical Colleges MedBiquitous Conference (May, Baltimore) Creating Meaningful Benchmarking Reports Using Data from a Flexible Data Standard Medical School Use of Curriculum Inventory Reports Workshop: Technical Challenges in Uploading to the Curriculum Inventory
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings IAMSE (June, Leiden) What is Curriculum Mapping and What Does It Do for My School? Colleen Grochowski, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine Giulia Bonaminio, PhD, University of Kansas School of Medicine Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges What Does It Take to Document a Curriculum and What Can I Do with the Data? Scott Helf, DO, MSIT, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences Terence Ma, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Matthew Simpson, Queen’s University Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical Colleges Using the Curriculum Inventory for International Medical Education Benchmarking Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical College
CI at 2016 Medical Education Meetings GIR (June, Toronto) Technical Challenges in Uploading to the Curriculum Inventory Terri Cameron, MA, Association of American Medical College A Curriculum Inventory: Our Solution to Accessing Curricular Data Amy Hoyt, MeD, and Neil Clipstone, PhD, Loyola, Stritch School of Medicine
CI Upload Portal opens August 1; closes September 30. Staging open now, but not yet converted to Conversion originally planned for April; will try to move to March. Goals: US medical schools: 100 percent participation (148) Canadian medical schools: 50 percent participation (9) Osteopathic School Pilot: 30 percent participation (10)
Curriculum Review— 5 Years of Genes to Society
Genes to Society Curriculum Launched 2010
Summary GTS Curriculum Competency-Based Integrated Curriculum Thoughtful Transitions Scientific Inquiry and Critical Reasoning Innovative Content and Pedagogy Innovative Technology 25
Role of Curriculum Inventory - Advantages for GTS Curriculum Monitor Content in highly integrated curriculum Map of Objectives to Competencies Tag events to Horizontal Strands, Keywords, Pedagogy, and Assessments Chronological Search of topics and HS to review adequacy of coverage and if developmentally appropriate Determine Gaps and review appropriate integration
OASIS Course—Complete Schedule** 27 Course Event Instructor* Location* Assessment Method* Educational Method* Time **Downloadable *Searchable
OASIS Event Mapping 28 Event Learning Objectives School of Medicine Objectives ACGME Competencies Key Words* Horizonta l Strands* *Searchable EPAs?
Curriculum Review Process Review 5 Yr Outcomes Data Identify Opportunities and Form Working Groups Fall Retreat Prioritize and Identify Enhancements Vetting, Adopt, Implement Spring Retreat Next BHAG
Goals for Our GTS Curriculum Review Review our SOM Competencies & Objectives With focus on learner & program outcomes— Identify opportunities to improve curriculum and its delivery Review our assessment & evaluation tools Set priorities and next steps to enhance the GTS curriculum Launch development of a learner-centered, competency-based learning & assessment pathway 30
Fall Retreat Agenda How did we get here? Where are we now? Where are we going? Breakfast History of Curriculum Reform EPAs, Competencies, and Milestones in UME/GME Content, Integration, and Pedagogy in GTS Curriculum Current Assessment & Evaluation in GTS Curriculum Priorities/Opportunities for Improvement (Discussion) Working Groups Charge Stretch Break and Choose Your Lunch Box Lunchtime Learning Learning & Assessment Portfolios Working Groups – Session I Refreshment Break (Grab ’n’ Go) Working Groups – Session II Working Group Reports and Next Steps/Action Plans 31
Opportunities for Improvement EPAs & Competencies Professionalism Competency Horizontal Strands TIME Sessions Basic Sciences Curriculum 32 Use of Pedagogy A&E: Preclinical A&E: Clinical A&E: Curriculum
Opportunities for Improvement Working GroupOpportunity EPAs and Competencies Scientific Inquiry EPA Community Engagement EPA Professionalism Competency 4 year Developmental Objectives Gaps in Curriculum Primary Care / Advance Ambulatory Experience Chronic Disease and Disability IPE TIME Sessions Uniform expectations Assessments Student engagement Horizontal Strands Tagging and assessment Clear longitudinal objectives Communication to Faculty and Students
Opportunities for Improvement Working GroupOpportunity Basic Science Genetics/genomics enhancements Pedagogy Small group and virtual microscopy— comparability of experience, best practices, faculty development Attendance expectations Preclinical Assessments Narrative feedback Review mapping of assessments to objectives Clinical Assessments Study psychometric of current tool New clinical performance assessment tool with focus on competencies and EPAs— mobile delivery Program Assessments Robust central monitoring of clerkships
Curriculum Review—The Sequel What Have We Accomplished? How Are We Progressing? GOALS: Review the progress of the 10 Genes to Society Curriculum Review working groups Complete plans curricular enhancements from remaining working group projects What is our next BHAG?
BHAGs for the Genes to Society Curriculum Learning & Assessment Portfolio –Online, dashboards, one stop shopping –Competency and EPA-based UME to GME Portfolio Hand-off New online testing system with robust tagging to mirror curriculum inventory
Continuous Improvement and Evolution of the Genes to Society Curriculum
Wednesday, April 13, 1 pm ET (Second Wednesday of each month, 1 pm ET) Registration Links posted in Training and Resources section of Please send agenda items to Next meeting: