Unique Features of E- Commerce The eight unique features of e- commerce technology Ubiquity Global reach Universal standards Richness Interactivity Information density Personalization / customization Social Technology
Ubiquity Commerce is available just about everywhere, at all times It liberates the market from being restricted to a physical space (e.g. m-commerce) Marketspace (instead of marketplace) Reduces limitations of temporal (time) and geographical locations (place) Reduces transaction costs Examples of transaction costs are telephone calls, filling up forms, filing, searching for information, recording relevant information of transactions Reduces cognitive energy (mental effort) to transact because it’s common for human to want immediate results with the least amount of effort.
Global reach Permits commercial transactions to cross cultural and national boundaries far more convenient and cost effectively than in the past Increases the potential market size Reach A measure of the number of users or potential customers an e-business can obtain Television and newspapers can reach a specific region, and at best one whole country
Universal standards Strength of e-commerce technologies is that it employ universal standards Easily and readily adopted by most countries in the world Not true with telephones, radio and television Television signals e.g. VHF, for example, are different between some countries
Richness Richness refers to the complexity and content of a message Traditional markets Provide personal, face-to-face services using aural and visual cues Challenge of e-commerce is to find ways to overcome lack of richness when communicating with customers The Web, multimedia technology and interactive nature of web sites have improved the richness of communication in business transactions What it lacks in richness is compensated with reach
Interactivity Technology allows for two-way communication between seller and consumer Television, radio and newspaper do not offer interactivity like the Web
Information density Reduce cost of Information collection, storage, processing and communications Increases the currency, accuracy and timeliness of information Prices and costs become more transparent Price transparency refers to the ability of customers to find out the variety of prices in the market The more sellers know about customers, the better able for them to implement price discrimination Price discrimination takes place when a seller sells products or services at different prices to different buyers (depending on the buyers’ willingness to pay) Cost transparency refers to the ability of customers to find out the cost sellers pay for products
Personalization Target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interests, and past purchases e.g. myyahoo.com
Customization Design and produce the delivered products or services based on the buyer’s preferences or prior behaviour e.g. Dell
Social Technology User content generation and social networking e.g. facebook, myspace, youtube, etc. Sites allow user to create and share content in the form of text, videos, photos, musics, etc.