UNICEF Cholera Toolkit v. 1.0 December 2012
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit To provide one source of information for prevention and control of cholera outbreaks, preparedness, response and recovery – including integration with regular/ development programmes Purpose UNICEF at all levels and across all divisions and sections (integrated/inter-sectoral approach - breaking the silo), and its partners and counterparts (government, NGOs, UN, CSO) working in cholera prevention, preparedness and response. Audience Collection and analysis of existing guidelines, tools and resources for cholera. and definition of an institutional position on ‘controversial’ issues. Consultative process with main global partners and UNICEF sections and divisions. Version 1.0… is a living document. Your comments are welcomed! Process
Reduced deaths and suffering related to cholera RESPONSE (Minimising deaths, limiting scale of outbreak) PREPAREDNESS (Being ready so when cholera happens responses are more effective) PREVENTION (Preventing cholera from occurring) DEVELOPMENT ( routine) programming focus EMERGENCY programming focus UNICEF Cholera Toolkit Multi-stage approach to cholera: Preparedness, Prevention, Response
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit Main document Introduction Cholera – basics Understanding the situation and monitoring Cholera PREVENTION Coordination, responsibilities and I.M. Cholera PREPAREDNESS Communicating for Cholera Prep. & Resp. Case management and infection control Community focused intervention UNICEF procedures Annexes Additional resources Templates Checklist List of indicators Spreadsheets Literature review Complete materials Training packages Examples Guidelines ROADMAPS
Cholera – basics Understanding the situation and monitoring Cholera Prevention Coordination, responsibilities and I.M. Cholera PREPAREDNESS Communicating for Cholera Prep. & Resp. Case management and infection control Community focused intervention UNICEF procedures UNICEF Cholera Toolkit Main document
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit Annexes Guidance notes/ additional information: Checklists: Templates: Examples: Vibrio cholera / ecology data Common misunderstandings Laboratory and environmental testing Epidemiologic indicators Oral cholera vaccines Cholera treatment Interventions at community level Cholera preparedness and response plans Communication for cholera Rapid assessment, alert system and register, line listing, daily reporting, communication and IEC plans, CTC/CTU evaluation Planning sheet, cholera guidelines, preparedness and response plans (suggested logical framework), Key cholera related messages, etc.
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit v. 1.0 Coming soon!!!! It’s a living document Use it and give us your feedback