Sex, Marriage and Divorce
Sex!Generally Aim is to create new life as an expression of love between two people. Therefore many see it as an exclusive part of marriage. ‘‘Be fruitful and increase in number’’ Genesis 1:28 In present society, some see it as part of a committed relationship. Casual sex (or FORNICATION) is wrong. Catholic Church Sex is a way of a couple showing commitment and exclusivity in marriage. There should be a chance of new life each time a person has sex. Sex between homosexuals is a sin, as there is no chance of life being made (and there is reference in the Bible to it being wrong) "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22 Church of England Marriage is where sex should happen, but can accept that is maybe part of cohabitation as this is often a step towards marriage.
ContraceptionGeneral Two types: Artificial – condom, the mini pill, vasectomy etc. Natural – Rhythm method (sex timed for when woman is least fertile), withdrawal method. Catholic Church Artificial contraception is sinful as it stops the possibility of conception ‘‘Be fruitful and increase in number’’ Genesis 1:28 Natural methods are fine Abstinence is better! Condoms can be seen as the lesser of two evils, if one member of a married couple has HIV/AIDS. Church of England Contraception is responsible as it ensures that children are planned for and therefore wanted.
Marriage A ceremony: 1.Welcome and talk from the minister. (Gist- gift from God, grow together, sex and children.) Teaching – promise is made before God and the people gathered there. This is a lifelong and binding commitment. Check there is no lawful reason why they should not be wed. Teaching (apart from it being against the law) there should only be one monogamous relationship for life. 2.Vows – ‘from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part; according to God’s holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.’ (Anglican Book of Common Prayer 2000). Teaching – set of promises. Encourages them to sick to their vows no matter what happens, reassurance that their partner is committed to them and guidance on how to relate to their spouse. 3.Exchange the rings Teaching – outward sign of their commitment to each other. 4.Prayers asking for God’s blessing on the marriage. Teaching – encouraged to rely on God and ask for support in their marriage. That God is with them from the beginning of their marriage and that God will strengthen their relationship.
Divorce NB: A lifelong commitment is made with marriage Catholic Church Marriage is indissoluble as vows are made to God as well as their partner (SACREMENT). Breaking vows is therefore a sin. ‘What God has joined together, let man not separate’ Matthew 10:9 If divorced they are encouraged not to take part in the Eucharist and a new relationship or remarriage is ADULTRY. (Against the 10 Commandments). Support is given to people who have been through divorce, as it is recognised as a painful experience. Separation is acceptable, but people need to work on regaining their marriage. Annulment is acceptable. This is where the marriage is dissolved as it has never been. A reason for an annulment is if a person has been forced into marriage. Annulment allows a person to remarry without consequences. Church of England Believe a couple should aim to keep their marriage together. If divorce, the couple should be looked after. If a person wishes to remarry in a church it is up to the vicar. It will depend upon the reasons for divorce etc. ‘Marriage after a divorce is an exceptional act; that it must be approached with great honesty;’ Marriage –Church of England