Slide 1 Making First Responder Interoperability a Priority A Strategic Risk Management Issue NPSTC Board Meeting February 11 th, 2009
Slide 2 Agenda Introductions The Interoperability Dilemma Brief History of CITIG Ongoing Work, Issues, Research and recognition Canada/US Interop Forum Canadian Interoperability Communications Plan (CCIP) Q & A
Slide 3 CITIG Successes Over 350 individuals CITIG members 15 projects supported with CPRC funding, through the CITIG partnership Eight regional CITIG Forums from coast to coast, a Vendor Outreach Forum and two National Workshops Greater awareness that interoperability must be addressed collaboratively by all public safety and security agencies!
Slide 4 CITIG Recognition First organization to become an international member NPSTC National award for public safety from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association International IACP Award for “superior achievement and innovation in the field of communication and information technology.”
Slide 5 Canada – US Partnerships NPSTC attends and speaks at various CITIG meetings Working with DHS (OEC, OIC, S&T) & NIJ, assisted with NECP Attending Emergency Response Council (ERC) and other related meetings Federal, State and Local officials in CITIG Regional & National Forums
Slide 6 Canada/US Interoperability Forum May th in Niagra Falls, NY Co-Planned by US/Canada By invitation only Government and Public Safety officials Designed to link NECP and CCIP Explore Current State, Future State, Barriers to Change and to develop Road Maps
Slide 7 Canada – UK Partnerships Long standing history of partnerships with Home Office and S&T Community At APCO Canada learned that National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) doing great work on PS Interoperability D/Chief Supt. Hallowes to speak at Second National CITIG Forum Canada/US/UK teams met in Toronto and are now “Borrowing with Pride.”
Slide 8 Canada – Australia Partnerships? Inspector Peter Ferguson, Victoria Police, invited to speak at First National Voice Interoperability Workshop, March 2008 Met Sgt. John Marinis, Victoria Police, at IACP in San Diego, November 2008 CITIG conducting research and meeting various PS Groups, agencies and research community to gather information and develop new partnerships
Slide 9 Joint Resolution Passed THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED … that the Government of Canada (GOC) recognize the Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group …, and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED … (that) the GOC, through Public Safety Canada, to fully support the Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group within the federal government in developing a national strategy, and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED … that the GOC commit financial, policy, and other human resources in Public Safety Canada … to provide vision & leadership as required to accomplish voice communications interoperability amongst public safety agencies across Canada. ***Signed Dec. 8 th, 2008***
Slide 10 The Canadian Communications Interoperability Plan (CCIP)
Slide 11 Moving Forward – A National Plan?
Slide 12
Slide 13 Vision We can communicate anywhere, anytime, with anyone, as authorized Interoperability is a way of life and part of our culture
Slide 14 CITIG and the CCIP CITIG Conference held in Ottawa March 2008 to develop a road map for developing a communications interoperability plan PS Canada/CPRC sponsored CCIP Workshop held in Ottawa October 2008 Draft CCIP Ver 1.2 issued November 2008 CITIG/CCIP Conference held in December 2008 CCIP Ver 2.0 now available with upgrades stemming from participant inputs CCIP Workshop held in Victoria in February 2009 to validate and review CCIP Ver 2.0
Slide 15 CCIP Goals Goal 1: To establish a sustainable national governance structure that is empowered, resourced, representative and is accountable for their actions. Goal 2: To create universal understanding at all levels and to gain support on the issue from public, first responders, operational decision makers, and policy makers. Goal 3: To implement a multi-disciplinary interoperable system nationally and to identify and harmonize interoperability standards and requirements.
Slide 16 CCIP Goals (Continued) Goal 4: Jointly developed SOPs that are effective, adaptive and scalable. Goal 5: Regular comprehensive region-wide training and exercises focused on voice interoperability. Goal 6: Daily use of interoperability tools, procedures and technology to make it second nature when the need arises.
Slide 17 Action Plans Six Action Plans to date to Support Goals and Vision Action Plan 1 – Awareness Campaign Action Plan 2 – Governance Action Plan 3 – Interoperability Development Centre/Centre of Excellence Action Plan 4 – National Voice Communications Assessments and Evaluations Action Plan 5 – Standards and Requirements Action Plan 6 – National Plain Talk Initiative
Slide 18 Action Plans (Continued) Case for supporting plans was communicated at the CITIG Conference in December Federal Plan Provincial/Territorial Plans Other supporting plans and templates Preliminary work has begun and/or is pending on several of the supporting plans
Slide 19 CITIG Next Steps Working on a strategic plan for CITIG, first quarter 2009 Interoperability will be included in CPRC’s call for proposals It will remain a competitive process Information available soon at &
Slide 20 Discussion Questions?
Slide 21 Inspector Lance Valcour Ottawa Police Service On secondment to: Canadian Police Research Centre Program Manager Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group