CU Expo – the concept An international conference led by Canadians that showcases world wide community-university partnerships A conference that creates opportunities for innovative and successful collaborations which strengthen our communities A conference that explores ways to transform knowledge into action to foster and strengthen local communities – its about engagement and positive change
History of CU Expo The CU Expo movement began in Canada as a response to individuals involved in community-university partnerships needing a forum to share experiences, strategies and ideas CU Expo is organized jointly by communities, universities and colleges, government, and non-profit organizations
Previous Expos 2011 – Bringing Global Perspective to Local Action (Waterloo, On) 2008 – Connecting for Change (Victoria) 2005 – Leaders in Urban Change (Winnipeg) 2003 – Partnerships, Policy and Progress (Saskatoon)
CU Expo 2013 Partners Grenfell Campus, Memorial University (host) City of Corner Brook (host) Provincial Rural Secretariat (support) Centre for Community based Research Community Campus Partnerships for Health Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning Harris Centre Community-Based Research Canada
Our Theme: Engaging Shared Worlds Engaging Transformation - How can engagement between universities and communities lead to positive transformation and change Engaging Knowledge - How can universities engage community in academic teaching, research and other forms of scholarship? Engaging Voices - How do we broaden participation in transformation and knowledge creation?
Subject Themes Aboriginal Rights Affordable Housing Community Development Child Development Culture Diversity & Migration Education Entrepreneurship & Innovation Environmental Sustainability Food Security Income Security Health Gender Equality Rural Sustainability Other….
Our Focus is Engagement Engaging sessions – Round table discussions, speed networking, panel discussions, storytelling and more Engaging events – site sessions, service learning activity, group activities and lots of formal and informal networking time
CU Expo – your involvement A conference to showcase your engagement work and ideas A conference to build or further your engagement with provincial partners A conference to establish your engagement opportunities with national and international partners
Types of Program Sessions Skill building/learning workshops Roundtable discussion Panel discussions Lightning rounds (3 slides, 3 minutes) Speed networking (‘speed dating’ model) Storytelling Oral presentations Poster sessions Site visits Other creative formats
Ways to Participate Attend the conference Submit a proposal Volunteer to help Spread the word!
Call for proposals now open! Deadline Nov. 15 Online submission only What’s encouraged: – Proposals co-led by community & academic partners – Participatory – Group submissions Grants/subsidies may be available
For More Information Conference web site: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter