1 Stronger Communities 23 rd June 2015 Liz Meade, Stronger Communities Delivery Manager (Harrogate and District)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Stronger Communities 23 rd June 2015 Liz Meade, Stronger Communities Delivery Manager (Harrogate and District)

Strong and vibrant communities in all parts of North Yorkshire, using their knowledge, skills and drive to work with the county council and others to develop a range of local services that maximise the wellbeing of local people of all ages through: Increased participation and engagement Creating local opportunities Shaping local solutions 2 Stronger Communities Vision


4 Key part of NYCC 2020 Programme Support the creation of local solutions for services at a time of significant financial challenge for the authority Provide strong focus for public health Purpose

Our Priorities 5

Community libraries Proposal for Community libraries in market towns and larger villages where the county council is no longer providing a library service itself Assisted digital access to county council and other services, including public access computers and one to one support High customer satisfaction in existing community run libraries 6

Services for young people and children Supporting universal (open access) youth provision in market towns and larger villages Working with partners such as North Yorkshire Youth and others Opportunities for other community led developments linked to or within children’s centres Opportunities for wider community use of buildings 7

Community transport Support for Community Transport solutions in areas where the contracted public transport network is significantly reduced Establishing additional schemes and supporting existing schemes to accommodate increased demands Piloting new ways of working, including loaning cars to communities and car clubs 8

Services for older people, vulnerable adults and carers Purpose to keep people living well independently for longer A wide range of universal (open access), community owned, volunteer provided, services addressing local needs, combating loneliness and isolation Supported by time-credits and similar initiatives to encourage and support volunteering 9

NYCC Approach Building on what already exists and works Valuing the contributions we can each make Work with existing networks and infrastructure such as CVS’s, RAY, Community Networks, Associations and Forums, Parish, District Councils and other Public services. Encouraging groups to work together 10

11 Karen Atkinson Sarah Robinson Tom Jenkinson Adele Wilson Gillian Wall Marion Tweed- Rycroft Liz Meade NYCC Approach

One based in each of the district areas Getting to know and understand community perceptions and aspirations Stimulating and supporting community engagement Actively seeking out opportunities Supporting increased co-ordination of services / activities / organisations Community Directory Capacity Building – including funding Being an ‘honest broker’ between county council services and communities Providing access to county council support and funding Delivery Manager Role 12

13 Community Buildings Digital access to information Open access youth clubs Stay and Plays Activity Clubs Intergenerational activities Social leisure activities Community café/lunches IT Workshops/adult education. Transport solutions for those attending activities.

Supported Projects Bilton & Woodfield Community Library Community Information Hub – Nidd + Chain Lane Community Centre – ‘Try it’ Men’s Sheds in Malton Farmers Breakfasts – Ryedale Carers Digital Outreach Luncheon Club Good Neighbours Scheme - RAY Community Car Pateley Bridge 14

Contact Liz Meade Stronger Communities Delivery Manager Harrogate and District Jesmond House 29 Victoria avenue Harrogate HG1 5QE Tel: