Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Abstract: Using 8051 series Microcontrollers, a large number of communication based projects can be done. It involves variety of communication protocols like UART, RS232/Serial communication, I2C, CAN, Ethernet etc. Understanding these protocols gives practical exposure on how to interface various hardware devices/modules to the microcontroller. Programming concepts plays vital role in designing such projects. Knowledge on assembly language or C language is a pre-requisite for handling such projects. Student level projects covers a wide range of areas those are commonly used in domestic and industrial applications such as: GSM/GPS/Bluetooth/RFID/DTMF/Mobile/Ethernet/RF/XBEE/Network ing/Data Acquisition/Smart Card.
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students DTMF Based Projects: Cell Phone Based DTMF Controlled Garage Door Opening System Display of Dialed Telephone Numbers on Seven Segment Displays Automatic Dialing to any Telephone Using I2C Protocol on Detecting Burglary DTMF Based Load Control System Cell Phone Controlled Robotic Vehicle
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students GSM Based Projects: Tampered Energy Meter Information Conveyed to Concerned Authority by Wireless Communication Wireless Communication Railway Level Crossing Gate Control through SMS by the Station Master or the Driver GSM Based Monthly Energy Meter Billing via SMS Theft Intimation of the Vehicle Over SMS to Owner Who Can Stop the Engine Remotely Flash Flood Intimation Over GSM
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Integrated Energy Management System Based on GSM Protocol with Acknowledgement Feature GSM Based Energy Meter Reading with Load Control Railway Track Security System GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board RFID Based Device Control and Authentication system using PIC Microcontroller
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Theft Intimation of Vehicle Over SMS to Owner Who Can Stop the Engine Remotely GSM Based Energy Meter Reading With Load Control Using PIC Microcontroller
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students PC Based Projects: PC Based electrical Load Control SCADA for remote industrial plant Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer Automatic Surveillance Camera Panning System from PC RF Based Unique Office Communication System
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students PC Controlled Scrolling Message Display for Notice Board Wireless message Communication Between Two Computers Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer Using PIC Microcontroller
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students RF Based Projects: Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System in Hospitals for Patients Secret Code Enabled Secure Communication Using RF Technology RF Controlled Robotic Vehicle With Laser Beam Arrangement Pick N Place With Soft Catching Gripper Fire Fighting Robotic Vehicle War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Wireless Camera Wireless Power Transfer
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries RF based Unique Office Communication System Touch Screen Based Home Automation System RF Based Home Automation System Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries Using PIC Microcontroller
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students RFID Projects: RFID Security Access Control System RFID Based Attendance System RFID Based Passport Details Device Control and Authentication using RFID
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Bluetooth Based Projects: Remote AC Power Control by Android Application with LCD Display Android Based Remote Programmable Sequential War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Wireless Camera by Android Applications Remote Induction Motor Control by Android Application with 7 Segment Display Remote Operated Domestic Appliances Control by Android Application
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Remote Password Operated Load Control by Android Applications Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override Four Quadrant Operation of DC Motor Remotely Controlled by Android Applications Fire Fighting Robot Remotely Operated by Android Applications Pick N Place Robotic Arm and Movement Controlled by Android Wirelessly Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle Operated by Android Application
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Remote Alignment of 3D Dish Positioning by Android Application Password Based Remote Controlled Door Opening By Android Application Railway Level Crossing Gate Operation Remotely By Android Home Automation by Android Application Based Remote Control Remote Speed Control of DC Motor by Android Applications Android Application Controlled Remote Robot Operation Remotely Controlled Android Based Electronic Notice Board
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students XBEE Based Projects: Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers XBEE Based Remote Monitoring of 3 Parameters on Transformer / Generator Health XBEE Based Remote Monitoring of 3 Parameters on Transformer / Generator Health with Voice Announcement and Wireless PC Interface
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Communication Based Projects: Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers PC based Electrical Load Control Password based Remote Controlled Door Opening by Android Application
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers : This project has been developed to ensure communication between computers in any organization using wireless technique. This system can be used at offices to ensure feasible communication between employees using wireless technique. The 2.4GHz XBee module consisting of both the transmitter and the receiver module is interfaced to the serial port of the computer through a MAX 232 IC used as a level shifter IC. A timer is also used to provide signals to trigger a buzzer alarm in case of reception of message. Thus the person receiving a message can get a alarm tone about arrival of a new message.
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students PC based Electrical Load Control: This project has been designed to be used at places like theatres, auditoriums where a centralized control system can be used to control the switching of all the electrical appliances. The control can be given through a central computer which gives commands which are accordingly processed by a microcontroller to control the switching of the loads. The commands are given through the keyboard on the computer. The computer is interfaced to the microcontroller through a level shifter IC. The microcontroller on receiving the commands accordingly provides signals to the relay driver to drive the relay which in turn ensures the switching on or off of the lamp.
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Password based Remote Controlled Door Opening by Android Application: This project is designed to build a system wherein the door can be remotely opened or closed based on some password. The commands are sent from a smart phone with Graphical User Interface touch screen based application and accordingly processed to control the opening and closing of the door. The GUI app on the smart phone with touch screen panel is used to enter the password. This password is send through Bluetooth communication to the receiver part. At the receiver part, the Bluetooth device receives the information and feeds the data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller matches this data with the one available in the microcontroller. If the password matches, the microcontroller sends appropriate signals to the motor driver to provide rotation to the motor so as to open the door.
Communication Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students Conclusion: Here we mentioned different categories of communication based projects such as:communication based projects GSM/GPS/Bluetooth/RFID/DTMF/Mobile/Ethernet/RF/XBEE/Network ing/Data Acquisition/Smart Card.