■ Research Presentation: “Methodological Issues in Triangulation” is a chapter from the book Oral Narrative Research with Black Women, written by Kim Marie Vaz, which explores methodological strategies that have been found useful in exploring the experience of African American Women. ■ Research Objective: Investigate weight control behavior in African American women in a middle income bracket by exploring women’s value of attractiveness, their claim on self-image and the women’s judgment of self-concept.
■ Approaches/Methodology: Qualitative and quantitative data collection through the triangulation method. Many questionnaires were distributed and statistics were ran from results. ■ Research Process: 1. Create research question 2. Explore self-presentation theory through a. Expected value of the image b. Self-efficacy c. Expected sanctions based on the dependent variable of diet control, weight management and exercise. 3. Conduct a correlational study with 45 middle-class African American women. Data collection took 7 months. 4. Analyze findings
■ Data Sources: sources referenced - References to journals and books - Data sources focus on African American women’s health, research approaches (triangulation, qualitative and quantitative), and weight in African American women - Direct interviews/surveys ■ Authenticity of Data Sources: - Most of the data source were published about 1-4 years prior to this publication, making all of the information relevant. - The interviews/surveys allowed the researcher to interpret her findings
■ Important Quotes: – “In addition, African American women in the lower socioeconomic groups tend to be the most frequently studied” (119). – “No matter how desirable or attractive an image is, a woman may not claim it. The expected value of the claim is a function of several components: the attractiveness of the image, judgments of efficacy….” (122). [continues.....] – “Self-presentation theorists suggest that people seek to associate themselves with desirable images and to avoid undesirable images” (121). – “ …triangulation methodology was used to identify the role of attractiveness of various images, self-efficacy to diet and exercise, the self-concept, stress, and sanctions in weight control behavior” (139).
■ Personal Opinion: This is a great resource for people interested in reading an example of research done exploring the triangulation method. The researcher does a wonderful job coordinating her qualitative and quantitative findings. It is also a great reference material for information on middle class African American women and their health. ■ Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research?: -Strength: The research is done well and the statistics help to support the conclusion that there is a statist difference. - Weakness: As with most research, I do wonder what other factors could have contributed to the difference self-efficacy results as well as general health and well-being of the women.
■ Ethical Consideration: Great care was taken to ensure there were no ethical dilemmas. An interview guide was developed and tested prior to implementing the study. True interest is shown in the results and I did not see any ethical misjudgments. ■ Research Conclusion: – r =.27, p<.10 I.E. There was a statically significant difference … – “In this sample of African American women, self-concept approached significance… perhaps indicating that women with higher levels of physical self-concept are more likely to participate in weight control behavior” (135).
■ Define the Triangulation Method: The triangulation method uses several data sources, investigators, tests competing hypothesis or combine collection methods. ■ Key Characteristics of the Triangulation Method: Most commonly with the triangulation method, qualitative and quantitative data are used. The different research methods provide insight into complementary aspects. This method is meant to test for validity within the research and combine findings. ■ How does this article show that race, class and gender impact African research?: In the beginning of the chapter, the researcher points of the misconception of African American women’s income. Additionally, the research focuses on body image of black women. This shows that race, class and gender are sometimes misconstrued and African research can help to fix that misconception.
Questions for Reflection… ■1. How would this study have changed if the researcher had not used a triangulation method? ■2. In what other research situations would a triangulation method be the most effective? ■3. How can researchers and individuals make and effort to have an accurate representative population for African American women and income groups? See page 120.