Week Beginning Monday 22 nd February 2016 Week 2
Correct uniform must be worn. If you do not have correct uniform you need a note from home, which is signed by parents, from tutor and DAP/DDAP. No excuses The first Tuesday back school finishes at 1.15pm. Important Information For This Week………
Please send to miss Owen by Friday Task this week in Thursdays Form time Well done to the form that send me their collated results for the from challenge the points are building up! As a class you get 12 points for being first with the correct answer and the 10 for every correct answer! You can score other points for attempting a question.
You have been washed up alone on a desert island after your ship sank. The island is very small and has no water and only a few trees. You have seen some birds but no other animals. There is a small lifeboat containing some useful things two miles from your island. It is also sinking. You have enough time and energy left to swim to it and remove five items (only) and bring them to your island. With your partner(s) decide which five you want to take and give reasons for your choices. 20 metres of rope 20 litres of fresh water a radio 20 tins of food a box of matches a torch a gun a knife a first aid kit a bottle of whisky signal flares warm clothes a mobile phone a small dog a book about the fish in this area 6 bars of chocolate
Challenge points Points Form Challenge 1 word wheel Challenge 2 equation Challenge 3 Anagrams 7BA ( addition words points too) 7GT000 7HD000 7DE OI000 7SM120 7DY00 15 ( additional word points ) 7KZ10 7SI000 7FE0011 7LB000 7PR010 This is total number of points after all of the challenges
Achievement points BA are catching but DE are still in the lead.
Attendance Last week you had… % attendance Excellent keep it up, our aim is 96% we have exceeded this!
Punctuality Important information If you are between 5-10 minutes late for any lesson or throughout the week you will receive a LOFT detention for double the time you have missed. If you are more than a total of 10 minutes late you will have a call home and go on tutor report.
Form attendance Formoverall 7BA GT HD DE98 7OI100 7SM DY KZ SI FE LB PR96.33 Total A fantastic week for attendance! Almost all form's over 96%! All will receive an achievement point!