ALL MINE! Imperialism
I Want, I Want!
Imperialism Extension of a nation’s power of other lands. Considered new as direct control was wanted. Used to be happy with a trading post
The Little Man
Why? Economic motives Rivalries Social Darwinism Racism “Survival of the Fittest”
Not His Idea
Great Britain Found Singapore in 1819 Major stop on route to China British further went into Asia and took Burma Took to control possessions in India
British in India
France Had missionaries in Vietnam 1857: forced Vietnamese to accept French protection. Protectorate Occupied Saigon 1884: Hanoi
Parlez-vous Francais?
Thailand Was called Siam France and England went against one another King Mongkut and King Chulalongkorn prevented occupation
Mongkut, Really!
United States 1898: U.S. Navy defeats Spanish at Manila Bay George Dewey was commander William McKinley turns Philippines to American colony
The President
Colonial Regimes Goal to exploit natural resources Indirect Rule: local rulers allowed to keep authority and status Sometimes not possible
How Powerful A Ruler!
Regimes 2 Direct rule: The motherland directed the colony directly via colonial government Many western countries wanted to bring representative governments forward
Representative? Fun!
Colonial Economies Colonial policy stressed export Plantation agriculture Wage laborers on foreign owned plantations Wages at poverty level
Not Quite
Economies 2 Modern economic system began Railroads and highways were built Entrepreneurial class in rural areas
I’m The Only One
Colonial Resistance Ruling class resisted first Burma: king fought occupation himself Vietnam: Can Vuong (Save the King) fought against French for the king
Resistance 2 Peasant revolts took place later Often driven off land Saya San led revolt against regime after takeover was completed
Don’t Mess
Resistance 3 Early resistance failed Then used western educated people Tried to defend economic ideas first. Then nationalism
African Empires Prior to 1880, Europe let Africa alone : Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal then wanted colonies
West Africa Raw materials were important Timber, peanuts, hides, and palm oil. Europeans had profited from slave trade in the early 1800s
Not that Peanuts
West Africa 2 Decline in slave trade led to decline in interest 1874: Great Britain annexed coastal areas into a British colony on the Gold Coast
Silver and Gold
North Africa Egyptians sought independence with the decline of the Ottoman Empire 1805: Muhammad Ali seized power to establish Egypt as independent
Not that One
North Africa 2 Ali modernized the army, set up a public school system, and helped create industry. Industry included sugar, textiles, munitions and ship building
Straight from the Factory
Nile River Economic importance grows Steamship development Decided to build a canal 1854: Ferdinand de Lesseps to build Suez Canal
Trouble in the Suez
Suez Issues Called “lifeline to India” 1875: Britain bought Egypt’s share Egyptian revolt 1881 Became British protectorate 1914
The Canal
Central Africa David Livingstone went to Africa in year old medical missionary Spent 30 years in Central Africa Was in uncharted regions
The Doc
Central 2 Map of Africa were re-drawn with Livingstone’s notes He disappeared for a time Henry Stanley, New York Herald, went to look for him.
The Finder
Central 3 Found Livingstone on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika “Dr. Livingstone, I presume” Stanley stayed to continued Livingstone’s work
The Lake
Central 4 Stanley disliked Africa Explored the Congo River in the 1870s Encouraged British to send settlers to the area
Congo River
Central 5 Britain refused Gave to King Leopold II of Belgium 1876: Hired Stanley to set up Belgian colonies in Congo
A Gift
East Africa Britain and Germany became rivals Otto von Bismarck resisted colonization but relented after listening to the people
East 2 If the British got East Africa, England would own mostly all the Eastern part of Africa Berlin Conference 1884 and 1885 No Africans present
South Africa 1865: Total white population was 200,000 Boers or Afrikaners: descendants of original Dutch settlers They held Cape Town once
South 2 During the Napoleonic Wars, the British seized the land from the Dutch British began to encourage colonization
Boer Republics Boers left after they were disgusted with British rule “Great Trek” One of every five Boers joined the trek Orange and Vaal River settled
I’ll Walk
Boer 2 They made two republics Orange Free State Transvaal State (South Africa Republic) Believe white superiority ordained by God
Boer 3 Non-europeans had no place in society Indigenous people were placed on reservations Frequently battled the Zulu Shaka carved out Zulu empire
Bring Notebook Tomorrow
No School Monday
Review Tuesday
LMC Weds and Thurs
Exam Friday!
Have A Nice Day!