Northern Sea Route (NSR) and Development of the Arctic Coastal Areas Russian International Affairs Council Moscow, 2016 Prof. Vladimir PAVLENKO Director, Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCIARctic), Arkhangelsk, the Russian Federation Vice-President, International Arctic Science Committee
Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences About the Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCIARctic of the RAS), established in April, 2016 Objective of foundation: to establish, directly on the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), a foothold research institution specialized in integrated scientific support of balanced social-economic development and improvement of life quality of population in the regions of the AZRF Location: ARKHANGELSK + 2 divisions in the Primorskiy municipal district (Arkhangelsk region) and in Naryan-Mar (Nenets Autonomous district) FCIARctic is formed by merging of the following institutions: - Arkhangelsk Scientific Center of the RAS Ural branch; - Institute of Ecological Problems of the RAS Ural branch; - Institute of Physiology of Natural Adaptations of the RAS Ural branch; - Arkhangelsk Institute for Agricultural Research of the RAS; - Naryan-Mar Agro-Experimental Station. Number of employees: 400, including 260 researchers Founders: FASO of Russia (legal and property issues) & RAS (research issues)
FCIARctic: main research areas – Development of the Northern Sea Route and coastal territories in the Russian Arctic; – Energy production in the Arctic: efficiency and reliability; – Resource-saving and balanced socio-economic development of the AZRF regions; – Ecological impacts of human activities, preservation of environment; – Biodiversity under economic impacts and climate changes; – Climate change impacts on the Arctic ecological, industrial and infrastructural and life-sustaining; – Bio-resources as economic potential: preservation, development, exploitation and management; – Genetic resources of the AZRF; – Environmental protection and security; – Effective agriculture for development of coastal areas in the AZRF; – Bio-medical and social-medical issues of the AZRF population; – Life-sustaining activity of the AZRF resident population (including indigenous), traditional knowledge and culture; – Social and political development, ethno-social and cultural processes, international cooperation in the Arctic.
Development of the NSR as integrated task within the Russian Arctic policy National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation – 2015 Integrated development of the united Russian Arctic Transport System formed by the Northern Sea Route and gravitating toward it meridional river, roads and railway communications and airport network, AND index residential zones in the AZRF Implementing of Coastal and Marine Spatial Development (CMSD) models in the Russian Arctic Strategy of Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation until 2020 Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2030 Russian Marine Activity Development Strategy till 2030 Energy Strategy of the Russian federation until 2035
FCIARctic’ projects on Integrated Arctic Coastal and Marine Spatial Development in 2013–2018 Enhancement of Mechanisms of Realization of the National Social-Economic Policy of the Northern Areas of Russia, 2013– 2015; Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks for Management of Development of the AZRF, 2013–2015; Development of the Northern Sea Route Infrastructure, 2013– 2015; Sociological survey «Human and Economic Potential of Coastal Areas in European Part of the Russian Arctic Zone (case of Arkhangelsk Region)», 2015; Scientific and Methodological Frameworks of the System of Integrated Management of Coastal Areas in the AZRF for Balanced Social-Economic Development, 2015–2017 (ongoing); Development and Assessment of the Expert-Analytical System for Strategic Decision-Making in the AZRF Transport System Development, 2015–2017 (ongoing); Life-Sustaining Activity of the Resident Population in the Arctic Coastal Areas under Contemporary Conditions of Industrial Development in the Region, 2016–2018, (ongoing), in partnership with the Scientific Center for the Arctic Research (Salekhard, Yamal)
Project of CMSD research in the «International Arctic Scientific Village» (Arkhangelsk region, Russia) under development «INTERNATIONAL ARCTIC SCIENTIFIC VILLAGE» for CSMD research LOCATION: Mezen district of Arkhangelsk region, «gravitation area» of the Northern Sea Route AREAS OF RESEARCH: climate change impacts on infrastructure and life-sustaining activities of population; geology, eco-systems and ecological safety of coastal areas; economy and infrastructures in the NSR «zones of attraction»; coastal and marine spatial development in the Russian Arctic. PARTICIPANTS: Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Polar research institutes of Korea, Japan and China; ISIRA (IASC) partner institutions.
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