МОСКОВСКИЙ УРБАНИСТИЧЕСКИЙ ФОРУМ MOSCOW URBAN FORUM The Age of Megacities: Exploring Global, National and Local Priorities 30 JUNE - 3 JULY 2016
MOSCOW URBAN FORUM The Moscow Urban Forum is an annual international conference on urban development, architecture, economics, and strategic urban planning. The Forum has been held annually since 2011 under the aegis of the Moscow Government and with the personal participation of Sergey Sobyanin, the Mayor of Moscow. The Forum has established itself as a recognised international platform for discussions, finding solutions and networking among experts, city managers and representatives of the business community. Opportunities and challenges relevant for modern megalopolises are openly discussed at the Forum, and perspectives of their development are not only seen in the context of economics and effective management, but also from the viewpoint of city residents.
30 June Global agenda and agenda of Russian cities Participation of mayors of the biggest megacities and cities of Russia City partner presentation* Plenary sessions Panel discussions Mayors Think Tank NEW! Leading international intellectuals as curators of sessions NEW! 1 July Moscow agenda Plenary sessionsExpert seminarsDebates NEW!Workshops 2-3 July Urban Festival Lectures Urban Talks Workshops Exhibitions Cultural events Young planners programme workshop (ISOCARP) NEW! MOSCOW URBAN FORUM IN 2016 *to be confirmed
Opening Plenary Session. Competitive Cities: Local Responses to Global Challenges Curator: World Bank Global AgendaRegional Agenda Session №1 The City and the Post-City: Limits of the Development of Megacities Curator: HSE Graduate School of Urbanism Session №2 Rankings of Megacities: the Objectivity of Assessment and Comparison Curator: Monocle* Session №3 Megacity Brand Management Technologies Curator: Guardian Cities* Session №4 Implementation of Large-Scale Urban Projects: Strategies and Models Curator: ISOCARP Special session Tools for integration of the migrants into urban society Curator: UCL & New Earth Session №9 Management of the Spatial and Economic Development of Cities Curator: Skolkovo Session №10 Prospects for the Development of Land and Town Planning Law in Russian Cities Curator: HSE Graduate School of Urbanism Session №5 Megacities in the Face of Global Disasters: Natural and Man-Made Factors Curator: ICLEI* Session №6 Mechanisms for Integration of Migrants into the Urban Community Curator: LSE Cities* & Novaya Zemlya Session №7 Historical Urban Landscapes: the Role of Heritage in the Development of Megacities Curator: UNESCO & KB Strelka Session №8 Data-driven urban management: opportunities and limitations Curator: Habidatum Inc. Session №11 Methods of Transforming Industrial Cities Curator: Federal Centre for Project Finance Session №12 Rented Housing in Russia as a Factor in Increasing the Mobility of Residents Curator: IUE Plenary Session. Federalism and Local Self-Government as a Tool for the Development of Russian Cities Curator: Higher School of Economics Programme committee PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME OF DAY 1 OF THE MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2016 (JUNE 30) *to be confirmed
The festival was first held in 2013 and has become a full-fledged event of the Forum. This is the Forum's open program, which is available to a wide audience. In 2016, the event is expected to draw 30,000 people The Progamm embraces 4 days: 30 th of June – 1 st of July – pm Events Experts’ lectures Exhibitions Film representations 2-3 rd of July – am-8.00 pm Events Entertainment programms, master-classes Urban Talks for professionals Urban Talks for students (HEIs: RANEPA, HSE, MARSH, MARHI, STRELKA Institute and others) Opened pavillion – venue for city volunteers Public lectures of international experts Concert programm Project presentation by the students from School of planners ISOCARP 30 th of June – 3 rd of July Special events in Moscow parks Gastronomic festival on the Manege Square FESTIVAL 2016
EXPOSITION 2016 Moscow Government exposition Forum partners exposition The exposition of the Research Results
During the Forum 2016 there will be presented results of four researches: 1.According to actual for Moscow topic – «Modern architectural politics as the driver for Moscow development» (curator: KB STRELKA); 2.According to canvass of actual global trends and practices of the metropolises development – «Urban development and planning: global trends and current practices» (curator: ISOCARP – The International Society of City and Regional Planners); 3.According to current problematics of global development – «Spatial and economical urban development management» (curator: Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO); 4.According to estimates of impact of city-planning projects on the development of the capital’s polycentric structure – Moscow: polycentric course (curator: HSU HSE). Also there will be presented: Analytical review «Migration and ethno-cultural politics of the international capitals» (curator: New Earth via UCL Migration Unit).; Analytical review «The city of facilities – from Moscow to San-Paolo» (curator: PWC). RESEARCH 2016