Unconditional Mom In-Hye Song So-Ri Kim
Before presentation… What is Unconditional? - Unconditional is the person doing or giving it does not require anything to be done by other people in exchange. So, Unconditional Love means just giving out without expecting any compensation. Like our parents love.
The film told the story about a tomboy daughter and her mother. The daughter name is Park ae-ja. She was once a promising student. Her dream was to become a novelist and a few years later she moved to Seoul to fulfill those dreams. But, she is now 29 years old and has not Achieved any of the success she has hoped for. Ae-ja‘s mother has always been tough on her. So, They are biting and barking at each other as always. Then one day, Ae-ja receives a call from her mother that she may only have a few months to live. After years of estrangement, she returns and begins to learn new things about her mother, rebuilding a shattered relationship. - before it is too late. - The plot of this movie. nhn?code=51407&mid=11253#tab
Contents 1. Background information 2. Summary 3. Vocabulary 4. Grammar 5. Opinion 6. Reference
Background information - Tomboy (p.70 11st row) A tomboy is she likes playing rough or noisy games, or doing things that were traditionally considered to be things that boys enjoy. I am a Girl!! Me too!
Background information - Keds (p.72 9th row) Keds is an American brand of canvas shoe with rubber soles, introduced in 1916 by U.S. Rubber. Keds were first mass-marketed as canvas top " sneakers “ in They became known as sneakers because the rubber soles allowed sneaking around silently.
Vocabulary manipulative [Adj] [mənípjulèitiv] (p.70 3rd row) - Manipulative is skillful in influencing or controlling others t o your own advantage. ex) No, I was a manipulative, lying, acid-tongued monster, who realized early on that I could make things go my way with just a few minor adjustments. giggly [Adj] [gígli] (p.70 11st row) - Giggly is Someone who is giggly keeps laughing in a childlike way, because they are amused, nervous, or drunk. ex) A giggly, pug-nose tomboy who liked to play sports and who thrived on competition. Sabotage [VERB] [sǽbət ὰːʒ ] (p.71 4th row ) - Sabotage is destroy property or hinder normal operations. ex) I also managed to sabotage, time and time again, the most precious relationship in my life.
hurtful [Adj] [hə́ ː rtfəl] (p.71 9th row) - Hurtful is harmful to living things. ex) Hurtful comments that cut and stung the people I cared most about. simultaneously [Adj] [sàiməltéiniəsli] (p.71 27th row) - Simultaneously is at the same instant. ex) Finding any way to draw attention to myself while simultaneously trying to be invisible. gutless [Adj] [gΛtlis] (p.72 7th row) - Gutless is lacking courage or vitality. ex) Gutless attempt to jump from a vehicle moving at 80 miles per hour, one thing stood out more than my Keds with no shoe laces. Vocabulary
penetrate [VERB] [pénətrèit] (p.72 25th row) - Penetrate is pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance. ex) A kind of smile penetrated her tears as the lines in her tested face told me all that I needed to know. suffocate [VERB] [sΛfəkèit] (p.73 5th row) - Suffocate is deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing. ex) Come out from under the protective covers, from behind the rigid walls and the suffocating personas, and take a breath of life. Vocabulary
Grammar Despite all the lies I had told her, she still loved me. Despite is preposition. It means lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike. Preposition is located in front of a noun. ‘In spite of’ can be substituted for despite. But, Despite is different from Although, because Although is conjunction. noun preposition +
Opinion Everyone has a childhood memory of their own mother, if they like it or not. Children aren’t aware of the parents’ love in their whole life. They can understand them only after they are in the same position. Parents trust and wait for their children till the end of the world. We must realize quickly that They always think ahead to us than themselves and that is the parental affection. Now! When You arrive home, You go to your mother and tell her how much you love her before it’s too late.
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