PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Revolutions in Russia Chase Rich Sarah Oh Andrew Lee
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 2 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Alexander III keeping Autocracy 1881: Alexander III succeeded his father. Rule similar to predecessors Strengthening autocracy, orthodoxy, and nationality. Autocracy: a government in which one person has the absolute power Czar: Russian ruler Alexander III used harsh measures Russian Orthodox church & Russian ONLY Pogroms: organized violence against Jews
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 3 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Nicholas II Resists Change Became czar in Remained stubborn to father’s ways Blinded him didn’t change with generation.
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 4 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Economic growth and it’s impact Russia lagged in industrial world 1900s : 4 th rank producer of steal Sergey Witte: czar’s most capable minister that launched Russia forward 1863 and 1900 factories almost doubled in Russia Trans-Siberian Railway: longest rail line
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 5 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Revolutionary movements Growth of Industries many problems Horrible working conditions, low wage, and child labor. Started to organize strikes. Big gap between the rich and the poor. Mensheviks : group that wanted broad base of popular support for revolution Bolsheviks: group that supported small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything (followed Marxism) Lenin: major leader of Bolsheviks, formerly Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 6 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Crises Late 1800s: Russia breaks agreement with Japan Japanese won Bloody Sunday: revolution in ,000 petition better working conditions, more personal freedom, electing national legislature Duma: Russia’s first parliament 1914: Nicholas II drag Russia into WWI Russia <Germans Shows czars weak Rasputin: self-described “holy man” that influenced czarina Alexandra Czarina Alexandra: Nicholas II’s wife
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 7 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY March Revolution 1917: women textile workers revolution 200,000 people “Down with the autocracy” Provisional government: temporary government Duma established after Nicholas II was brought down Soviets: local councils workers, peasants, soldiers Had influence on provisional government
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 8 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Bolsheviks Revolution Lenin and Bolsheviks seized opportunity for power Took out the czar Bolsheviks follow Marxism Lenin immediately made changes Red army: led by Leon Trotsky Triumphed
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 9 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Lenin tries to restore order 1921: capitalism NEP (new economic policy) Encourage foreign investment Organize russia into several self governing republics under one central Bolsheviks rename as communist party USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Slowly recovered
AUTOLIV-0000/INITIALS/DATE/FILENAME - 10 PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY Why does it matter? Nicholas II : leaders must change Bolsheviks: seize moment Lenin & Bolsheviks: beginning of modern communism Russia: bad ruler = bad country Revolutions & civil wars: harmful