Rape and sexual assault Please remember our ground rules Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
What do these stats tell us? What questions do you have?
What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is an act of physical, psychological and emotional violation, in the form of a sexual act, which is inflicted on someone without consent. It can involve forcing or manipulating someone to witness or participate in any sexual acts. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
What is rape? The Sexual Offences Act 2003 (the Act) came into force on the 1st May The Act extends the definition of rape to include the penetration by a penis of the vagina, anus or mouth of another person. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
What is consent? The word 'consent' in the context of the offence of rape is now defined in the Sexual Offences Act A person consents if she or he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice. The essence of this definition is the agreement by choice. The law does not require the victim to have physically resisted in order to prove a lack of consent. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
Watch the film W:\Staff Shared Work\Curriculum\PSE\PSE curriculum\Year 11\Yr 11 SRE - SPR 2\Consent from 39mins until jury go out. You will see a court scene with real jury etc, the only actors are the ones in the witness box. You will watch most of the trial, take notes as next lesson you will be the jury! Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
Half way plenary Write one thing you have learnt and one question you have from todays lesson. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
Re-cap definitions Over to you, you are now the jury. You need to decide if he is guilty or not guilty of rape. In your groups decide who is foreman ( the person who represents the jurors), you need to control discussions and seek everyone’s opinion. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
What’s your verdict The foreman needs to return the verdict of the group. For the defendant to be found guilty he must have a verdict of 10:2 or more, if it is less than this he will be found not guilty. Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
Consent case studies
If you do decide to report to the police, or if you want a forensic medical examination at the SARC, time is an important consideration If you want forensic evidence to be collected, you should try and go to the SARC straight away if you can, or at least within 72 hours of the rape or assault. Also try, if possible, to take these steps: Do not wash Do not brush your teeth Do not have a cigarette Do not eat or drink Do not change your clothes If you do change your clothes, do not wash them and put them in a clean plastic bag Try not go to the toilet Do not clear up anything from the area of the incident Don't worry if you have already done some of these things. It's possible that there is still forensic evidence to collect.
Your feelings Everyone responds differently to a traumatic event. Whatever you feel is a completely valid response to what has happened. You might be experiencing some of the emotions listed below. You might feel none of these things at all. Whatever you do or don't feel now or in the future, talking to a Rape Crisis Centre can help.talking to a Rape Crisis Centre can help If you have been attacked recently you might be in shock. This can mean that you feel numb or unemotional. You might be in total disbelief, be crying, shaking, laughing or physically being sick. You might feel to blame and responsible for what has happened. You might be having nightmares or experiencing difficulties sleeping. You might be 'reliving' the events (having flashbacks). This can be triggered by a sound, situation or smell and can be very frightening You might have lost confidence, trust in yourself and/or in others. You might be feeling worthless or be hating yourself. You might be finding it difficult to cope with day-to-day life. You might be feeling angry, irritable and be short-tempered with those close to you. You might feel dirty and ashamed about what has happened. You might be depressed, upset and tearful a lot of the time. You might feel suicidal. You might be afraid of people, of places, of being on your own. You might be experiencing relationship or sexual difficulties. You are not to blame and you are not alone.
Sources of support Create a poster or leaflet with advice for a victim of rape Create a poster about consent Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
Advice time What advice would you give to a friend who tells you they have been a victim of rape? Think both emotionally and practically. What things would you say? What questions would you ask? What support could you offer?
Consent So was the jury correct? Yr 11 PSHE Outcomes: 1.To understand terminology of sexual assault, rape and consent 2.To explore myths around rape Consent
If someone says no they mean no! NO No NONO NO No NoNo
If someone does not say yes they mean no too!!