Cuba By: Valentina Bertrand and Mikaela Oshiro
Overview Thesis Grabber Geography Government Economy Development/Culture Society Conclusion Finisher Quiz
Thesis Cuba’s harsh and all powerful government has caused the country to have some serious issues, such as poverty and development, and slow improvements in the right direction.
Government By:Mikaela Oshiro
Early Cuba In Spanish possession for around 400 years In 1898 Cuba became a possession of the U.S. as a result of the Spanish American war Finally gained its independence on May 20, 1902
Fulgencio Batista Army sergeant Behind the scenes Elected president in 1940 Voted out of office in 1944 but re-elected in 1952 When Castro’s movement began to rise he fled from the island (1959)
The Castros After Batista Also did behind the scenes work Stepped down from the government 2011 Passed to Raul Castro
Cuba and the United States Influence from the Soviet Union -deterioration of the relationship between them -severe tensions -Embargo and Missile Crisis
Conclusion In conclusion, Cuba has a strong dictatorship where the government has total power. This has led to tensions with other countries and their own people.
Bibliography e=about-cuba-2http:// e=about-cuba-2
Economy By: Valentina Bertrand
Agricultural and Pastoral Production Agricultural Sugar ( Hait’s production declined and Cuba’s became on top) Nickel Tobacco Fish Citrus Coffee Medical Products Pastoral Cattle Most production is owned and run by the government. Public:78% Private:22%
Cuba did trade a lot during every period of time, although, during the Cold War they especially treaded with the Soviet Union. Although, since then there has been an embargo restricting trade between Cuba and the United States. More exports than imports.
Industrialization : Cuban industrializati on was bad. 1958: Workers were mad and overworked. They felt harassed and scared : Things picked up in a good, steady way.
GDP and Per Capita Per Capita is $10,000
Conclusion The economy of Cuba is great with what they are exporting as well as their GDP, but heir per capita is very low.
Bibliography ory/Cuba-history.htmhttp:// ory/Cuba-history.htm
Culture By: Valentina Bertrand
Religion Mainly Catholic before 1959, although a minority of the population attended church. Columbian- Revolution Era Protestants were also present during this time.
Religion During the Revolution Revolution began to erupt in Cuba in Due to the conflict between the church and the government there were confrontations with the church. Some people left the island, others still attended church, since services were never banned Freedom of Religion in Cuba After the revolution, there has been a revival of the Christian religion (Catholics and Protestants).
Santería: Beliefs Slaves kidnapped from Yoruba were brought to Cuba to work in sugar fields. Although they were taken, they adapted to the Cuban culture by going to Catholic Church to please there owners. The did hide some of their religion behind the Catholic Saints, their belief came to be known as Santería.
Technology Before 1989: Technology was very conventional (electrical power that results into pollution) Present: Alternative technology (produced by harnessing the natural elements of the world).
Technology Spent money in agricultural technology And recovery of nickel and cobalt. Ernesto Blanco: invented the surgical apparatus and other devices to help the physically challenged.
Santería: Beliefs It cannot be written Practiced orally Spoken in Yoruba language Yoruba
Art and Architecture Art Cultural blend: African, European and North American Modernism Shows the beauty of the island Architecture Arches Quality Wide windows Balconies Courtyards
La Música Before the 1900’s: –Serious music 20 th Century –Classical –Artsy –Musical theater –Jazz 21 st century –Tropical music –Modern
Conclusion Culturally, Cuba came together in the middle of Revolutions and in the power of the Spanish.
Bibliography htmhttp:// htm id=48:cubas-technological-change-from-conventional-to- alternative-agriculture&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=50 id=48:cubas-technological-change-from-conventional-to- alternative-agriculture&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=
Society By: Mikaela Oshiro
Ethnic Groups The primary language of Cuba is Spanish
Problems with Poverty Struggled with poverty -Not enough goods to support population (little trade) -Gap between rich and poor (highest salaries 4x lowest salaries) -Value of dollar
Bibliography icas/Cuba.htmlhttp:// icas/Cuba.html of_Cuba of_Cuba cuba.htmlhttp:// cuba.html
Conclusion Cuba has been going in a steady direction ever since the revolution, and they will continue in that manner if they can resolve their major problems such as government and poverty.
Finisher A revolutionary hero in Cuba Famous for his writings and political activity Grand contribution to Cuba’s independence from Spain After death Versos Sencillos…. Guantanamera v=zuqFFpt3g_shttp:// v=zuqFFpt3g_s
Quiz 1. Production in Cuba is owned and run by who? 2.What is the name of the leader that succeeded Fidel Castro? Their relationship? 3.Originally Cuba was a possession of ____________. 4.What is the title of Jose Marti’s book? (made into a song) 5.Who invented the surgical apparatus? 6.What is Cuba’s main ethnic group?
Answers 1.The government 2.Raul Castro. His brother 3.Spain 4.Versos Sencillos 5.Ernesto Blanco 6.Mulattos