OCR GCSE Modern World History
Why were the Liberal Reforms introduced? Changing Attitudes In the 1800’s, it was the belief that people were poor because they were lazy, or because they wasted their money. This belief began to change in the early 1900’s, when people began to think that it wasn’t always the person’s fault that they were poor. Social Reformers Charles Booth carried out research into poverty in London and published a 17- volume book from Seebohm Rowntree (Fruit Pastilles)- studied poverty in York and published A Study of Town Life in Had friends in high places, letting him influence politics. The Boer War Britain went to war in South Africa in It transpired that 50% of volunteer soldiers were unfit for service. Reforms were needed otherwise the army would be weak. Politics The Liberals and the Conservatives were the main parties in Britain. But there were the upcoming Labour party who worked for the working classes. Labour promised reforms, so the Liberals had to as well.
Reforms for Children Free School Meals, 1906 This allowed (but didn’t enforce) local authorities to provide school meals. This meant that children would eat at least one decent meal per day. However, because it didn’t force authorities, only around half actually introduced this. School Medical Inspections, 1907 Every local education authority had to set up a school medical service. Provided regular medical checks, but not treatment. Children’s Charter Act, 1908 Introduced to combat parents killing their children to cash in on insurance. Parents were prosecutable for neglect. Borstals were also set up to house young offenders away from adult prisons. School Clinics An advancement of the School Medical Inspections, this was extended to provide treatment in schools as well.
Reforms for the Old Old Age Pensions Act, 1908 David Lloyd George, in his first budget as Chancellor, introduced this. A person over 70 with no other income received 5 shillings per week. Married couples would receive 7 shillings 5 pence (7s5d) a week. Anyone who had an income in excess of £31 per year was ineligible. Pensions could be refused to those who hadn’t worked to the ‘best of their ability’ throughout their life. The pension was non-contributory i.e. the pension holder didn’t have to contribute anything to it. People would cry ‘God Save Lloyd George’ when collecting their pensions.
Reforms for the Unemployed Labour Exchanges, 1909 Volunteer-run Labour Exchanges had been run for some time. Unemployed people could sign a register where they’d find out about any other available work.
Reforms for Workers The National Insurance Act, 1911 Split into two parts Part 1: Health Insurance All men and women in lower-paid manual jobs earning under £160 per year had to join. They had to pay 4d per week Employer added 3d and government added 2d (“9d for 4d”) In return, the worker received up to 26 weeks off at 10 shillings a week. There was also free medical care for the insured. Part 2: Unemployment Act In trades such as building, shipbuilding and engineering, underemployment was common. To cover this, the Act required an extra (on top of part 1) 2½d. The employer would pay 2½d and the govt. would pay 1¾d. This gave 7 shillings for periods of unemployment up to 15 weeks. It deliberately wasn’t much, because the govt. didn’t want workers to sit back on their benefits.
Ways to Remember (how many letters in the word) Free School Meals, 1906 School Medical Inspections, 1907 Children’s Charter Act, 1908 School Clinics, 1912 Old Age Pensions Act, 1908 Labour Exchanges, 1909 National Insurance Act part 1&2, 1911
Arguments For The Vote would improve life for all women Australia & NZ (owned by GB) had votes for women Many women were already involved in politics at some level anyway Women paid the same rates and taxes as men, so should be able to vote on how the taxes are spent Britain was not a democracy if 50% of men could vote.
Arguments Against Men & Women had different responsibilities or ‘spheres’. Men were suited to politics, women to the home, cooking/cleaning etc. Most women weren’t interested in voting Women were irrational and wouldn’t vote wisely Giving the vote to women would mean giving the vote to all men, some of whom weren’t worthy of it. Women didn’t fight in wars, so shouldn’t be able to vote for govt. that might have to declare war.
The Suffragists Different unions formed to make the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) Headed by Mrs. Millicent Fawcett Believed in peaceful protest, such as marches, petitions etc. They should demonstrate legally to get a democratic, legal right.
The Suffragettes Originally a splinter group of the Suffragists. Became the Women’s Social & Political Union (WSPU) Begun by Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters. Believed peaceful methods were getting nowhere Were more violent- window breaking/ firebombing etc.
The War Both the NUWSS and the WSPU halted their campaigns for women’s suffrage when the war began They helped with the war effort They worked in munitions, on farmland, as chauffeurs, even as medics on the front.
Getting the Vote By the end of the war, women had proven themselves as worthy candidates for the vote. They got the vote because of the work they’d been doing during the war. In the December General Election, women over 30 voted for the first time.
Ways to Remember: WSPU= Women Smack Police Up Suffragettes were violent.
Recruitment In August 1914, when war broke out, half a million people joined the army. The general belief was that the war would be over by Christmas Because of the high casualty rate, they needed more, and there were fewer and fewer volunteers. On January 25 th 1916, single men were conscripted. On May 16 th 1916, this was extended to all men Conscientious Objectors had to appear before tribunals to explain why they refused to fight. Some ‘conchies’ were sentenced to death, others to imprisonment.
Defence of the Realm Act- DORA Passed at the outbreak of war (Aug 1914) Gave govt. the powers to take over industry important to the war effort Gave powers to take over privately owned farmland Gave powers to censor newspapers and letters home from the front.
Food & Rationing DORA also allowed the govt. to take over food supplies. Shortages began when U-Boats sunk 1 in 4 British Merchant ships. At one point, Britain had less than six weeks of wheat supply left. Voluntary rationing schemes were introduced in 1916, but these failed. Compulsory rationing introduced in 1918, rationed sugar, meat, butter, jam, margarine Gained public support as it was equal. Bread was never rationed.
Civilian Casualties In comparison to military casualties, civilian casualties were very light 1500 civilians were killed by enemy actions In Dec 1914, Zeppelin airships shelled North East England 57 raids by Zeppelin ships 27 by Gotha bombers.
Propaganda DORA allowed the govt. to control newspapers and other media during the war. Pacifist newspaper The Tribunal was shut down Post-war, twelve newspaper owners received knighthoods for their services Leading authors (Kipling, Conan Doyle) signed a Declaration of Authors in support of the war. They’d produce materials for no fee. Children were targeted through books, games and toys.