Bless them all … OBHG
1916 CEPCP David McGill WW I Andy Benson’s Grandfather
David McGill Andy Benson’s Grandfather WW I 1917 CEPCP
1918 … in Nice David McGill Andy Benson’s Grandfather WW I CEPCP
1919 in Bonn-a-Rhum, Germany David McGill Andy Benson’s Grandfather WW CEPCP
“Jack” John Louis Benson Andy Benson’s Grandfather … fought in WWI and WW II CEPCP
John Bernard Benson, Andy Benson’s Father 1943 RCAF CEPCP
1944, July 19; #12 Platoon C Coy. #20 CI(B)TC-CA in Brantford John Bernard Benson,Andy Benson’s Father CEPCP
Catherine Gabbana Sudbury
Catherine Gabbana
Catherine Gabbana Sudbury
Catherine Gabbana Sudbury
Close friend of Catherine Gabbana Sudbury Medal of Bravery Afghanistan First on scene for soldier wounded by an IED Dismantled a second IED Evacuated the soldier to safety … The soldier survived Master Seaman Patrick Moulden
Catherine Gabbana Sudbury
Doug Ash, Christine Ash’s Husband RPPEO
Doug Ash, Christine Ash’s Husband RPPEO
Keith Nettleton Michelle Welsford’s Maternal Grandfather Hamilton
1939 Michelle Welsford’s paternal Grandfather, Grandmother and Dad Hamilton
Brad Lynn Jeanny Verdon’s Cousin RPPEO
Brad Lynn Jeanny Verdon’s cousin Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal RPPEO
Brad Lynn Jeanny Verdon’s Cousin
RPPEO Brad Lynn Jeanny Verdon’s Cousin
Leo Brodeur, 1949 Korea Jeanny Verdon’s uncle RPPEO
Leo Brodeur 1949 Korea, Jeanny Verdon’s UncleRPPEO
Clarence Paul Jeanny Verdon’s Great, Great Uncle RPPEO
Napoleon, Paul & Josephine Jeanny Verdon’s Great Grandfather RPPEO
Emmet Paul … Jeanny Verdon’s Uncle RPPEO
Leo Brodeur … 1951 Korea Jeanny Verdon’ s Uncle RPPEO
Master Corporal (MCpl) Dustin Holmes, … close friend of Gabrielle Lockhart RPPEO Panjwai, Afghanistan
RPPEOMaster Corporal (MCpl) Dustin Holmes, … close friend of Gabrielle Lockhart
Joe McCart Air Force WW II Liz Pattison’ Uncle Thunder Bay
Liz Pattison’s Dad Navy WWII on HMS Skeena Thunder Bay
Liz Pattison’s Dad Navy WWII on HMS Skeena Thunder Bay
Colonel Paterson Sean Hackett’s Great Grandfather RPPEO
Jack Hackett RCAF RPPEO Sean Hackett’s Grandfather
David Hackett RCAF RPPEO Sean Hackett KIA … age 19
Jack & David Hackett In Edinburgh RPPEO Sean Hackett
Corpoal Thomas Pilkington Marty Pilkington’s uncle “He did not make it home and is resting in France with so many other heroes.” Sudbury
Bruce Edward Sinclair MWO (1948 – 2001) Julie Sinclair’s Father In Law RPPEO
Panagiotis Mitakeas 1907 – 2008 WW II Greek Military MOHLTC Mary Vahaviolos’ Grandfather
Private Robert George Burgess … Rob Burgess’ Grandfather “… he fibbed about his age and actively fought in WWI” “He fought at Vimy Ridge.” Sunnybrook
WW I RPPEO Sidney Anderson Penny Price’s Grandfather
Gerry Stubinski RCAF Leonard Stubinski RCAF Roseanne Hawkins’ Uncles RPPEO
Major Gerry Stubinski RCAF WW II RPPEO Roseanne Hawkins’ uncle
Ken Slater WWII Roseanne Hawkins’ father RPPEO
Tom Stubinski Canadian Navy Roseanne Hawkins’ Uncle RPPEO
Ken Colborne (Susan Duncan’s Brother ) RPPEO
Leonard Williams Susan Duncan’s Uncle RPPEO
Sudbury Dedication of the Private Andrew Miller Ambulance Station Nov. 15, 2012
A medic in Afghanistan Killed near Kandahar by IED Andrew, 21, was from Sudbury, on his first tour in Afghanistan. Andrew Miller, Private / Medic Sudbury
Captain Paul Bradford greets young patients at Canadian clinic in Bosnia Windsor A Bison armoured ambulance is in background (1996)
Paul Bradford MD Flight Surgeon Cold Lake (2003) Windsor
LCol Paul Bradford MD Remembrance Day 2012 Windsor
Paul Bradford MD, 1999 Marching with 3000 other solders in 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Windsor
Paul Bradford MD, 2004 Training with the Windsor Regiment Windsor
Gordon Benjamin, Megan Wall’s Grandfather WW II ambulance “driver” … RPPEO
Thomas Wall, Megan Wall’s Father RPPEO
Susan Duncan receiving exemplary service medal with her mom and dad (Keith Colborne, retired RCEME Staff Sergeant) RPPEO
Keith Colborne retired RCEME Staff Sgt. there as part of the Revisit program for Korean war vets. in front of memorial to Canadian soldiers in Korea. Susan Duncan’s Dad RPPEO
Octave Cossette Canadian Pontifical Zouave & Rear Admiral Oscar Cossette RPPEO Justin Maloney’s Great Grandfather & Grandfather
Octave Cossette Canadian Pontifical Zouave & Rear Admiral Oscar Cossette RPPEO Justin Maloney’s Great Grandfather & Grandfather
Rear Admiral Oscar Cossette Justin Maloney’s Grandfather RPPEO
Rear Admiral Oscar Cossette Justin Maloney’s Grandfather RPPEO
Patrick J. Maloney MD Peter Cossette RCN … Justin Maloney’s Dad & Uncle RPPEO
Lt Col Patrick J. Maloney MD Justin Maloney’s Dad RPPEO
Lt Col Patrick J. Maloney MD Justin Maloney’s Dad RPPEO A simulated casualty receives treatment in the operating theatre of No.5 Casualty Clearing Station, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (R.C.A.M.C.), Lingfield, England, June Dr. Maloney is the anaesthetist
Canadian Heroes
Bless them all … OBHG
Bless them all, bless them all, The long and the short and the tall, Bless all the sergeants and W.O. ones, Bless all the corporals and their blinking sons, For we are saying goodbye to them all, As back to our billets we crawl, There will be no promotions this side of the ocean, Au Revoir dear old buddies, Au Revoir