National Conditions of Teacher Training in the BaCuLit Partner Countries PD Dr. Karl Holle Stephanie Schmill Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany
2 Index I.Structure of Teacher Training II.Content of Teacher Training Regarding Reading Literacy III.Methods of Teacher Training
3 Who is responsible for the organisation of teacher training? mostly the state exceptions: Germany: 16 federal states Netherlands: teacher training institutions – but monitored by a state-owned inspectorate Hungary: also church & private institutions – when legalised Romania: also private institutions (e. g. private univerisities or foundations) Structure of Teacher Training (1)
4 How many years are pre-service teachers for secondary schools trained and which degree do they earn? PortugalNetherlandsNorway & Sweden BA: 3 years MA: 2 years 5 years BA: 4 years BA/MA: 4,5 years Structure of Teacher Training (2) HungaryRomaniaGermany BA: 3-4 years MA: 1-2 years 4 – 6 years BA: 3 years + 2 nd exam after 2 year period of teaching 1st phase: BA: 3, MA: 1-2 years + 2nd state exam after 2nd phase: 1 ½ -2 years 5,5 – 7 years
5 How is the theory-practice-ratio of pre-service teacher training structured? The theory-practice-ratio varies between countries. 3 forms of theory-practice-ratio: 1.Forms of integrated theoretical and practical teacher education (integrated model) 2.Forms of practical training following college/university studies (additive model) 3.Combination of integrative & additive model Structure of Teacher Training (3.1)
6 How is the theory-practice-ratio of pre-service teacher training structured? Integrative model, e. g. Primary school teacher training in Hungary: classroom observation for a week at schools in each semester and a 8-10-week teaching practice in the last semester Primary (grade 1-7) & lower secondary teacher training in Norway:, pre-service teachers participate in school classes 100 days during pre-service training, 2 or 3 weeks at a time Structure of Teacher Training (3.2) Teacher Training in the Netherlands: 1 day/week in schools during 1st college year & long-term internship in last college year Teacher Training in Portugal: prospective teachers observe classes (3rd MA-semester) and teach up to 20 hours (4th MA-semester)
7 How is the theory-practice-ratio of pre-service teacher training structured? Additive model, e. g. Prospective secondary school teachers in Hungary have to complete a semester of assessed, controlled practical training in school following college studies Prospective upper secondary school teachers in Norway complete their university studies first before they take a one year course in pedagogical theory and training Structure of Teacher Training (3.3)
8 How is the theory-practice-ratio of pre-service teacher training structured? Combination of integrative & additive model, e. g. In Romania: students are not only assigned to a certain number of training hours in schools (weekly or monthly schedule), but after leaving university, graduates must also do a year of internship in a school under the guidance of a mentor (launched in Sept. 2011) In Germany: students do a number of internships (each lasting some weeks) during college / university studies & complete a „practical training“ after graduating from college / university The amount of training hours varies. Structure of Teacher Training (3.4)
9 How is the theory-practice-ratio of pre-service teacher training structured? Both forms (integrative & additive model) are possible in Sweden: 1.a degree programme that mixes subject, didactic and praxis in schools (internship/traineeship) Internships are sandwiched across the teacher training programme at a university or college 2.subject study first, then a programme to “convert” the degree to a teacher qualification Internships are sandwiched into this programme pre-service teachers have to complete three internships: 1) one-week, 2) four weeks, and 3) fifteen weeks Structure of Teacher Training (3.5)
10 At which institutions are teachers trained? Structure of Teacher Training (4)
11 Who trains teachers? Structure of Teacher Training (5)
12 Is in-service teacher training mandatory? NO: Netherlands YES: Hungary: every seventh year; obligation to collect a certain amount of points (no system of gratification yet) Norway: 5 days each year; if the training is of a certain length, the teachers may get credits which may lead to pay rise Portugal: fifty hours every two years: 2/3 in the subject area and 1/3 in any other area of teachers’ choice; teachers get credit points which enable progression in their professional career Romania: 90 credits every 5 years of the professional career 90 professional credit points = hours of training (amount of hours can be completed during a single, long-term course or more courses with a shorter duration) YES & NO: Germany: different regulations in 16 federal states Sweden Structure of Teacher Training (6)
13 Index I.Structure of Teacher Training II.Content of Teacher Training Regarding Reading Literacy III.Methods of Teacher Training
14 Are there national standards or curricula for teaching and learning reading literacy? Some countries have national curricula regarding reading literacy (e. g. Sweden, Portugal and Romania) Germany: there are curricula regarding literacy but no uniform national curriculum since the curricula are issued by each of the Ministries of Education of the federal states Reading literacy is a competency to be developed only within elementary mother tongue education (grades 1 – 4/6). No national standards or curricula regarding literacy across the curriculum (except for Norway) Content of Teacher Training Regarding Literacy (1)
15 Which teachers are trianed in teaching reading literacy? Content of Teacher Training Regarding Literacy (2)
16 What do pre-service teachers learn about reading literacy and teaching reading? pre-service teachers learn more or less about a)theory of literacy acquisition and b)theory and methodology of teaching reading Romania: emphasis lies on teaching methods and techniques Norway: a + b learned by teachers of grades 1 – 5; teachers of grades 1 – 10 also learn about reading and literacy embedded in content teaching Sweden: pre-service teachers learn about the importance of reading for the various school disciplines Learning about reading literacy is not only focused on text comprehension but also on motivation and engagement but only elementary school teachers learn about basic reading skills like decoding and fluency (e. g. in Portugal). Content of Teacher Training Regarding Literacy (4)
17 What do in-service teachers learn about reading literacy and teaching reading? Diverse aspects of reading literacy like decoding, reading fluency, engagement and motivation, reading strategies for narrative and expository texts, critical reading etc. emphasis is often put on some of these aspects: In-service teacher training for elementary schools: emphasis on reading fluency and decoding, together with the assessment of these skills In-service teacher training for secondary schools: emphasis on reading strategies and critical reading In-service teacher training for elementary & secondary schools: Reading engagement, motivation and collaboration with libraries Focus of in-service teacher training on reading across the curriculum: only in Norway and the federal German states of Berlin and Brandenburg Content of Teacher Training Regarding Literacy (5)
18 What does in-service teacher training regarding ‚Reading Across the Curriculum‘ emphasise? Hungary and Romania: no in-service teacher training regarding reading across the curriculum Norway: teaching methods and assessment, based on theory Portugal: teaching strategies for using reading to learn and on assessment of reading to learn German federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg: basic knowledge on reading theory, teaching methods, as well as assessment Sweden: in-service teacher training focuses a lot on reading theory and teaching methods regarding reading expository texts Netherlands: depending on the institution offering the training Content of Teacher Training Regarding Literacy (6)
19 Index I.Structure of Teacher Training II.Content of Teacher Training Regarding Reading Literacy III.Methods of Teacher Training
20 How are pre-service teachers trained? Pre-service teachers are trained in 2 locations: 1.Training in colleges / universities: (large-class) lectures, (small group) seminars and courses and tutorials Portugal: students have to design an action-research project for the internship in their second year of studies Sweden: also group exercises, field work, case-studies, problem-based learning exercise and laboratories 2.Training in schools (e. g. during internships or weekly school visits): lesson observation and teaching Methods of Teacher Training (1)
21 How are in-service teachers trained? Mostly workshops of different length: Germany: workshops between one and two days Norway: workshops between one and five days – sometimes including practice Hungary: one-day workshops, weekend workshops, multi-day workshops by completing credits a specialized qualification can be obtained; programme length: 2-4 semesters Netherlands: afternoon workshops (sometimes only 2 hours), whole day workshops or individual courses Portugal: workshops and small courss, not exceeding 25 hours each; sometimes in-service teachers also take part in conferences and seminars that give them credits Romania: one-day workshops, weekend workshops and multi-day workshops; training that accompanies classroom is more specific and is mainly organized at school level, for teachers who teach the same subject or level Sweden: one-day workshops, weekend workshops, multi-day workshops and training that accompanies classroom; in addition, in-service training can also include full-time study for which teachers retain 80% of their salary Methods of Teacher Training (2)
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