Responses to Charlie Baylee Wisley ABR Professor Cramar CI 616 July 10 th, 2015
Responses to part 1: Dear Charlie, You remind me of myself, only in a different order. When I was 15, I was still reading only modern easy young adult novels and the classics were all assigned readings. I also had good connections with my teachers but I feel like they didn’t know the real me. Instead of pondering about other lives, I felt like I could only learn from my own. Im glad you observe and try to learn from others. Im still trying to do that. I understand your frustration with your sister’s relationship issues.. I didn’t have this experience until college and not with my sister but with one of my best friends. She is allowing her boyfriend to hit her too. What Bill said about “We accept the love we think we deserve” is true but I wish that your sister and my best friend thought that they deserve the love that we think they do.
I think that Sam is very nice. She doesn’t get irritated or weirded out by the fact that you like her. Maybe she really does like you too? I hope so. I hope you understand that your sister doesn’t really hate you. She just doesn’t know how to feel right now.
When you said this, I could only hope that I could feel this way someday. You have had so many more experiences than me Charlie, someone who is 7 years older than you.
I love how passionate you are and I am proud of you for letting the air out of Dave’s tires. You handled your first party well. Weed brownie and all. I don’t know if Brad is a good guy but Patrick is a good friend so I hope you keep his secret for him. I still think Sam likes you. She takes good care of you too. Maybe she will realize it if you ever get the opportunity to take care of her. Now you say that “in that moment, WE were infinite.” I am glad to hear it can be a team activity. Love always, reader.
Response to Part 2: Dear Charlie, Patrick and Brad confuse me. Mostly Brad though. If I were gay, I would want someone to be open with me about it. Why can Brad do that for Patrick? I guess I have never been in his shoes. I think you can help them Charlie. I really do. Its okay that you love Sam. I think you would be better for her than Craig anyway. You have more to live for than Twinkies.
I think it was selfish of Sam to kiss you. She should have let you share your first kiss with someone who you could actually be with. Thanksgiving. November 23 rd I looked it up and it was really supposed to be the 28 th. Time travel? Go Charlie! Charlie, every family has problems. I don’t know all of yours but I know that being ashamed of yourself for them isn’t going to help you. P.S. - You can hold it against your sister that she stays in that relationship behind your parent’s backs. She will learn eventually. Many women struggle with this.
Aunt Helen’s death isn’t your fault. If she wouldn’t have been going to buy something for you, it would have been something for someone else. Sometimes death is inevitable. It’s okay to be depressed sometimes. At least you are feeling something. The doctor can help too. It is okay to go to the doctor. Love always, reader.
Respond to Part 3: Dear Charlie, Accidentally ingesting LSD. Never happened to me before. Im sorry it happened to you at such a bad time. Im glad you didn’t end up doing anything harmful to yourself on purpose. GOOD FOR YOU, CHARLIE! Seeing a psychologist takes a lot of guts. Bill is also a good adult for you to talk to because he knows so much about you. Im glad you are still reading the books he gives you. Charlie: You have to deal with so many things beyond your age range. You are a good brother, good son, good student, good friend.
It is okay that you don’t like Mary Elizabeth the way she likes you. Not everyone can be your Sam. It makes me laugh that you kissed Sam instead of Mary Elizabeth. I probably wouldn’t be laughing if I were Sam or Mary Elizabeth, but being me, it is funny. You are so honest! This is a great thing, even if it gets you into trouble sometimes. Love always, reader
Response to Part 4: Dear Charlie, Pot smoking is only a temporary solution to your problems, JSYK Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Instead of wishing you could be a good friend to Patrick and help him, really help him. Im sure he could use someone to talk to. To understand that what Brad’s dad did to him isn’t his fault. Its good that you don’t judge Patrick for kissing you. And its even better that you don’t judge yourself for not judging him.
I AM NOT HAPPY. I cant imagine what it was like for you to spend 2 months in a hospital. You finally got a real chance with Sam and then your past with Aunt Helen has to ruin it. I feel like I was holding my breath and then when I finally went to breath, there was no air. I cant even imagine how you feel having actually gone through it.
You have great friends. They visited you in the hospital when you were there for so long. A lot of people would be scared of how to approach those things. I am proud of you for forgiving your Aunt Helen for what she did to you.
I am mostly proud of you for not being afraid of next school year. Even though all of your friends are graduating and you are only going to be a sophomore. Keep trying to participate in real life Charlie, I know you can do it. Don’t forget to visit Sam at Penn State and tell your mom that you love her. Love always, reader.