Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia (“MASTS”) Teachers Education (TE) at University of Niš
NIŠ - The largest city in southern Serbia -The third-largest city in the country (after Belgrade and Novi Sad) - 253,077 inhabitants
The University of Niš promoting excellence in teaching and research History Founded: June 15th, 1965 Since the establishment of the University: students (1323 foreign citizens) have graduated master's theses and 1275 doctoral dissertations have been defended. Nowadays students ( 71 foreign students) teaching staff - 13 faculties
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANISTICS Faculty of Economics Faculty of Law Teacher-Training Faculty (Vranje) Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Sport and Physical Education MEDICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Medicine ARTS Faculty of Fine Arts TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Electronic Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Technology (Leskovac) Faculty of Occupational Safety NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Faculty of Science and Mathematics ************************************ Faculties with TE Faculties without TE AbAb AbcParticipants in questinnaire
Teacher-Training Faculty in Vranje - Established in ~ 900 students - 58 full-time employees - 30 teachers -Studies for elementary school teachers and studies for nursery school teachers are organised in to levels: Bachelor (240 ECTS, 4 years) and Master (60 ECTS, 1 year).
The Faculty of Philosophy - Established in ~ 3000 students full-time employees - 9 departments Department of Philosophy Department of Psychology Department of Sociology Department of Education Department of History Department of Journalism Humanities Department of Serbian Language and Literature Department of English Language and Literature Department of Russian Language and Literature
- Founded in 1999 from the Faculty of Philosophy - Since its founding : 2070 students graduated at the Faculty, 155 students received their Master degree and 77 students received their Ph.D. degree teachers and 75 associates - Organization of studies: Bachelor (180 ECTS, 3 years) + Master (120, 2 years) -5 departments: The Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Department of Biology and Ecology Department of Chemistry Department of Geography Department of Mathematics and Informatics Department of Physics
DepartmentBachelor studiesMaster studiesTotal BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY 14 ECTS6 ECTS20 ECTS CHEMISTRY-60 ECTS GEOGRAPHY13 ECTS6 ECTS19 ECTS MATHEMATICS10 ECTS7.5 ECTS17.5 ECTS INFORMATICS18 ECTS14 ECTS32 ECTS PHYSICS * PHYSICS - INFORMATICS 17 ECTS * 23 ECTS 17 & 23 ECTS t Table 1. Psychology – Pedagogy- Methodics Education at Faculty of Science and Mathematics
SubjectStudy Programme StatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYBachelor in Biology Optional PSYCHOLOGYBachelor in Biology Optional METHODICS OF BIOLOGY Bachelor in Biology Optional METHODICS OF PRACTICAL COURSES AT SCHOOL Master in Biology Optional Table 2. Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics Education at Department of Biology and Ecology * T - theory P - practice OA - other activities IRW - independent research work
SubjectStudy ProgrammeStatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYMaster in ChemistryObligatory PSYCHOLOGYMaster in ChemistryObligatory METHODICS OF CHEMISTRY I Master in ChemistryObligatory METHODICS OF CHEMISTRY II Master in ChemistryObligatory METHODICS OF CHEMISTRY COURSES FOR TALENTED STUDENTS Master in ChemistryObligatory EXPERIMENTAL WORK IN CHEMISTRY I Master in ChemistryObligatory EXPERIMENTAL WORK IN CHEMISTRY II Master in ChemistryObligatory SCHOOL PRACTICE IMaster in ChemistryObligatory SCHOOL PRACTICE IMaster in ChemistryObligatory HISTORY OF CHEMISTRYMaster in ChemistryObligatory Table 2. Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics Education at Department of Chemistry MODULE: CHEMISTRY TEACHER (60 ECTS) * T – theory, P – practice, OA - other activities, IRW - independent research work
SubjectStudy Programme StatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYBachelor in Geography Optional PSYCHOLOGYMaster in Geography Optional METHODICS OF GEOGRAPHY Bachelor in Geography Optional Table 3. Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics Education at Department of Geography * T - theory P - practice OA - other activities IRW - independent research work
SubjectStudy Programme StatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYBachelor in Mathematics Optional PSYCHOLOGYBachelor in Mathematics Optional METHODICS OF MATHEMATICS Master in Mathematics Optional Table 4. Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics Education at Department of Mathematics and Informatics * T - theory P - practice OA - other activities IRW - independent research work
SubjectStudy Programme StatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYBachelor in Informatics Optional PSYCHOLOGYBachelor in Informatics Optional METHODICS OF INFORMATICS Bachelor in Informatics Optional METHODICS OF PROGRAMMING Master in Informatics Optional METHODICS OF ON LINE-LEARNING Master in Informatics Optional * T - theory P - practice OA - other activities IRW - independent research work Table 4. Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics Education at Department of Mathematics and Informatics
SubjectStudy ProgrammeStatusECTSNo. of hours (T + P+ OA + IRW)* PEDAGOGYMaster in PhysicsOptional PSYCHOLOGYMaster in PhysicsOptional METHODICS OF PHYSICS Master in PhysicsObligatory PEDAGOGYMaster in Physics- Informatics Optional PSYCHOLOGYMaster in Physics- Informatics Optional METHODICS OF PHYSICS Master in Physics- Informatics Optional METHODICS OF INFORMATICS Master in Physics- Informatics Optional Table 5. Psychology – Pedagogics- Didactics Education at Department of Physics * T - theory P - practice OA - other activities IRW - independent research work
Conclusions: 4 faculties (out of 13) with Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics education incorporated as optional subjects with insufficient ECTS in Bachelor or Master studies General lack of interest to participate in questionnaire 7 faculties out of 13 participate in questionnaire after prolonged deadlines and personal contacts Psychology – Pedagogy- Didactics education at Faculty of Science and Mathematics exists in optional subjects or independent modul (Department of Chemistry) at Bachelor and Master degree and varies from 17 to 60 ECTS (Department of Chemistry). Lack of professors in Psychology, Pedagogy and Didactics Problems with organization and realization of school practice