STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONALISATION IN B&H HIGHER EDUCATION / STINT FMON’s competencies, organization, role in the project, expectations from the project Zlatan Buljko Ghent, 25 January 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Ministry of Education and Science
Competencies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of education: responsibility for ensuring the right to education Legal competencies of FMON (The Law on Federal Ministries and other authorities of the Federal Administration, 2011): performs administrative, professional and other tasks stipulated by law referring to coordination of planning and activities in the areas of: preschool, elementary school, secondary school and higher education ; pedagogical standards, standards in the area of premises, equipment and teaching aids in preschool, elementary, secondary and higher education; validation and equivalence of foreign school certificates and diplomas;
professional education and training of the teaching staff; textbooks for elementary and secondary education; implementation of the Bologna Process; scientific and research activity on improvement of educational work; school and university students standard;
development of scientific and research activities; coordination of scientific research and research and development activities; development of scientific and research organizations; fostering fundamental applied research; development of investment technologies and staff in scientific research activity; coordinating the exercise of the rights of youth in education and science and other tasks stipulated by law.
Current organization: Sector for Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Education Sector for Higher Education Sector for Science and Technology Sector for Textbook Policy, Analytics and Reporting in Education and Science Inspection Service for Financial Affairs, Service for Legal and General Affairs
FMON: participates in the implementation of student and academic exchange programs, performs activities in establishing a sustainable higher education financing system, monitors and coordinates the implementation of the international conventions, agreements and other documents in the field of higher education, performs tasks and duties relating to higher education, teaching and scientific processes, interdisciplinary education, LL and distance learning; initiates the adoption, supporting and monitoring the implementation of standards and norms in higher education; coordinates the inter-university cooperation in order to reform the higher education system; operates on improving the quality of studies, initiates and supports the establishment and strengthening of links between HEIs in country and abroad.
More specifically, through co-financing FMON supports HEIs for : the internationalization of higher education and implementation projects for QA in HEIs through international participation, cooperation and networking in order to systematically meet the requirements for inclusion of country’s higher education in the EHEA; LLL projects encompassing networking and cooperation with scientific institutions, ministries, chambers of commerce, agencies, professional associations...; national and international projects sensitizing the entire society for the knowledge society by improving flexibility and strengthening the education system, including better links between HEIs and the business world as well as projects having a regional and European dimension with direct application in the economy.
Internationalization of higher education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina In cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as being competent in the field of international cmeetings in which the cooperation, there will also be a number of bilateral and multilateral onditions of cooperation in the field of education will be determined, and arranged the ways of expanding cooperation in the region and, above all, the modalities of mutual recognition of qualifications and opening of universities in the region for the mobility of students and professors. The work on legislation that will allow greater mobility and, ultimately, lead to the creation of a network of Balkan universities, and establish links with the European Union through connecting the EHEA, the ERA and similar networks is necessary.
To accept the unique regional norms and standards in higher education, while maintaining the specificity of local, cultural and social matrix, making mobility acceptable to all universities in the region. The constant struggle to raise the qualitative level of studies, both in teaching and scientific processes, and in terms of structuring the conditions for studying and equalizing the level of student standard, is a necessary element of harmonization of the criteria of studies and the level of acquired knowledge and skills in order to achieve transparency of certificates and to remove obstacles at the level of education, and achieve greater mobility of teachers and students in the framework of broader integration.
Most of the projects in which BiH is participating in has a certain degree of support for the internationalization of BiH, or HEIs in BiH. Promoting cooperation and monitoring the success of these projects is one of the tasks and strategic objectives of the Ministry. In addition to the measures that would be aimed at supporting the internationalization through projects, the Ministry will endeavor to internationalize also its capacities, and thus in the direction of close cooperation with other ministries in neighboring countries, Europe and the world. Already in 2014, the Ministry made clear criteria to support the internationalization in the form of co- financing and subsidizing internationalization, in line with the available budget.
Program: Co-financing projects of internationalization of higher education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the implementation of QA projects In 2014 and 2015, FMON co-financed in total 20 projects of HEIs in FBiH:
The role of the Ministry: to support the process of internationalization, overview of the current situation, to support the development of strategies for internationalization of universities, indicators, accreditation criteria, and to provide long-term support after project completion, all in line with Mobility Strategy 2020 for the European Higher Education Area.
The Ministry will support development of the strategy of internationalization of BiH, be active member of Consortium and will disseminate project results to other stakeholders. FMON will participate in filling questionnaire, at different seminars/ workshops, study visits, in contributing of adopting criteria for assessing of internationalization, dissemination of project activities, sustainability project activities, commitment in accordance with quality policy paper. FMON will have to comply project coordination plan, communication, risk management, conflict resolution plans.
to be an active partner in the Project Consortium Board and Executive Board developed innovative elements and achieved easier access to the EHEA through the internationalization of teaching, learning, research, students, staff, and the like, as well as the mutual recognition of qualifications respecting Lisbon Recognition Convention. Strategy of Internationalization of BiH as well as universities strategies of internationalization developed Increased mobility of teaching staff and students -
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Ministry of Education and Science Dr Ante Starcevica bb – BA Mostar