Towards a Low Carbon Emission Industry in the Port of Antwerp: the role of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Karen Callebaut, Technical Manager Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a Low Carbon Emission Industry in the Port of Antwerp: the role of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Karen Callebaut, Technical Manager Environment 17/03/2015

Drivers Hotspot industrial CO 2 -eq 15 Mton CO 2 -eq (PoA) vs 31 Mton CO 2 -eq (Flanders) (VORA, 2010) Companies’ competitiveness Social economy Chemicals: direct (17% of Flanders) (NBB, 2012; essenscia, 2012) Europe’s largest integrated petrochemical cluster Cost efficiency by synergy > 50% > 70%

Vision GCO 2 pipeline Compression/Liquefaction at PoA Use Depleted NG Aquifer EOR Building material Greenhouses Renewable chemicals Separation technology Micro algae… CO 2 source 1 CO 2 source 2 CO 2 source n Purification of CO 2 (if needed) Geological storage at North Sea OR CCU(S) Network at Port of Antwerp

Strategy Knowledge sharing Annual CCUS Advisory Group North Sea Basin Task Force Facilitate CCU(S) projects Detecting opportunities Stimulating partnerships Pro-actively exploring infrastructure Formalise engagement Industry Policy makers

Initiatives Partner(s)Scope Flemish and Dutch regional bodies and knowledge institutes Interreg IV - Inventory CO 2, CH 4, RES, infrastructure - CO 2 cleaning plant - Feasibility analysis CCUS infrastructure PoA - Cases greenhouses - Power to Gas - Vision document Knowledge institutes, industry Horizon2020 -CO 2 conversion through electrochemistry and plasma technology -Pilot scale testing Messer Group, RecmixHigh level calculation of business cases -Greenhouses -Carbonation FISCH asblOpportunities CO 2 renewable chemicals - Identify Flemish expertise - Quick wins matchmaking PoA

Interreg CO 2 and CH 4 6 AIM Long cyclic → short cyclic energy IMPROVING REGIONAL Implement CO 2 and CH 4 circular economy SUSTAINABILITY PARTNERS Avans Hogeschool (applicant), Impuls Zeeland, BOM, TOM Brabant POM West-Vlaanderen, UGent, POM Oost-Vlaanderen, POM Limburg, POM Antwerpen, Boerenbond, Antwerp Port Authority Zeeland Refinery: private co-financing TIMING November 2013 – December 2014

Interreg CO 2 and CH 4 activities and deliverables 7 Design cleaning plant CO 2 → dimensioning tool Inventory supply/demand CO 2 and CH 4, infrastructure, waste heat, RES → interactive map Case studies Feasibility study CCUS infrastructure Port of Antwerp Business case CO 2 pipe Antwerp, Zeeland → greenhouses Noord Brabant Business case CO 2 greenhouses Melsele/Beveren Costs/benefit analysis energy and carbon cycles Duffel → greenhouses Sint-Katelijne-Waver, industry cluster Albertkanaal Feasibility study Power to Gas Regional position paper CO 2 and CH 4

Feasibility Study CCUS infra PoA 8 Potential most suitable sources for capture Cost effective transport configurations of CO 2 to  greenhouses  carbonation (construction material)  offshore Enhanced Oil Recovery  power-to-gas

Feasibility analysis CCUS infrastructure PoA 9 Source scoring Concentration CO 2 flue gas Annual CO 2 emission Geographical clustering Cost efficient pipeline infrastructure

Feasibility analysis CCUS infrastructure PoA 10 EOR Carbonation Greenhouses Melsele-Beveren Greenhouses St-Katelijne-Waver Hoogstraten Greenhouses NL

Feasibility analysis CCUS infrastructure PoA: Tariff ( €/ton CO 2 ) Scenario’sAll sources (15 Mton / year) No EOR (0.5 Mton / year) Most relevant sources (5 Mton / year) GaseousSupercriticalGaseousSupercriticalGaseousSupercritical Reference scenario Own capital 30% ROI 5.81% Steel price +25% ROI 9% ROI 15% Own capital 70% Intraport CO 2 transport infrastructure

Feasibility analysis CCUS infrastructure PoA ParameterValue reference scenario Debt capital70 % Interest rate of debt capital6 % Annual indexation of profits1,6 % Belgian taxe rate for partners33 % Annual inflation1,6 % Work capital (cash) for start-up (% of investment)0% Duration of the project20 years Depreciation20 years Payback20 years ROI5,81 %

13 Way forward in 2015 Q2 2015: High level calculation business cases greenhouses and carbonation Q2-Q3 2015: Explore/Prepare PCI Antwerp → The Netherlands or U.K. Engage partners for CCU(S) implementation Q1 2015: Facilitate CO 2 thematic group under EU Regulation N°347/2013

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