Workshop Targets Learn Effective and Appropriate Transition Assessment and Planning Learn How to Write Post-Secondary Goals Into an IEP Learn Legal Requirements of Indicator 13 Begin to Develop Self-Determination SkillsSelf-Determination
Indicators of Successful Transition National Longitudinal Transition Study NLTS-2 identified 4 outcomes of successful transition: - Employment, Postsecondary education, enjoyment in life, and social interactions. - Fact – Students who had work experiences while in high school were 5X more likely to be employed 2 to 4 years after graduation - Fact – Students who were involved in transition planning were 5X more likely to be employed and 2X more likely to be enrolled in postsecondary education - Fact – When family members participated in transition planning, students were 41X more likely to enroll in postsecondary education - Fact – Only 43 percent of students reported having adult service agency involvement. Source:
Section 1: Components of Transition Assessment Determining What to Assess Selecting Appropriate Assessments Conducting Assessments Analyzing Assessment Results Using Assessment Data
Determining What to Assess Assess for Success/Appendix 5B Employment Post-Secondary Education and/or Training Community Involvement Personal/Social Independent Living
Selecting Appropriate Assessments Table 2. Sample Online Transition Assessments anning/ anning/ workkeys/ workkeys/ /info /info
Conducting Assessments Student Self Assessment Functional Assessment Questionnaires (Parent, Student) AKCIS Online Career Interest Inventories TPI-2
Analyzing Assessment Results Figure 2 and 3 – Transition Assessment Review Tool and Completed Transition Assessment Review Form
Using Assessment Data Helps determine Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAFP) in IEP PLAFP is the starting point for writing Transition Goals and Objectives
Section 2 – Writing Post-Secondary Goals and Objectives Transition Activity Areas Using Content Areas to Teach Transition Skills Examples of Transition Goals: Upon completion of high school, John will enroll in the general Associates Degree program at Ocean County Community College in August of (separate, education or training) Jason will get his undergraduate degree in history and education, to become a high school social studies teacher. (combo, education or training and employment) Given a bus schedule adapted with pictures, Stephanie will select the correct time and stop for five scenarios of activities presented to her with 80% accuracy.
Section 2 – Writing Post-Secondary Goals and Objectives Meet Test Student Aardvark Teacher practice if time permits
Section 3 – Indicator 13 NSTTC Indicator 13 Checklist Form A #8. If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority?
Section 4 – Resources for Developing Self- Determination Table 1: Strategies to Incorporate Self-Determination Concepts into Elementary Curriculum Table 2: Resources for Promoting Career Awareness and Development With Students in Elementary Grades Table 3: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Career Development Table 1: Transition-Related Apps for iOS Devices Self-Directed IEP Meeting Agenda (Script and PowerPoint) Graduation by IEP Checklist