A Low Power ADS Demonstrator Hywel Owen School of Physics and Astronomy University of Manchester.


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Presentation transcript:

A Low Power ADS Demonstrator Hywel Owen School of Physics and Astronomy University of Manchester

The Motivation Peak oil may or may not have already happened, but it will… Peak coal will happen this century (if we keep using it) Peak uranium will happen soon (but seawater?) David Goodstein (‘Out of Gas’): – Civilisation as we know it will come to an end sometime in this century, when the fuel runs out M.K. Hubbert, Paper to American Petroleum Institute, Shell Pub. No. 95, (June 1956) A.R.Brandt, ‘Testing Hubbert’, Energy Policy 35, 3074 (2007) UK Production

Thorium, Uranium and Lithium (Lithium figure is disputed) But anyway, fusion is still a long way away! MSR: Bowman et al., NIMA 1992 vol. 320 (1-2) pp Lead-Cooled: Rubbia et al., CERN/AT/94-47 & CERN/AT/95-44 Phys Rev C73, (2006)

MEGAPIE (SINQ Facility, PSI) Ran successfully for 4 months in kW, CW, liquid Pb-Bi First Pb-Bi spallation target ‘Makes future licensing simpler’

MYRRHA Funded and recruiting right now; construction SC Linac, 600 MeV, 2.5 mA 57 MWth reactor Pb-Bi eutectic target/coolant Fuel (MOX) loading from underneath Examine transmutation of waste Useful proton source in its own right Replaces BR2 isotope reactor Abderrahim et al., Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 20, No. 1, (JAEA plan similar project at JPARC)



CONSORT Reactor UK’s only civil research reactor 100 kW, ~1m 3 core 235 U plate fuel Discussion: Solid W spallation target & 230 MeV proton cyclotron ICIS – 25mm x ~6m (to final quad) 180 deg irradiation tube- 145mm x ~2.5m (to final quad)


Approximate parameters E (MeV)I (uA)Target (kW)Reactor (kW) Assuming k=0.98 Bruker (ACCEL) COMET 3.4 m diam, 90 ton, MeV

Target concept Vacuum 100 mm 50 mm 60 mm Al collar around W plug Reactor tank wall First fuel element Air circulation Cooling water circuit in Al vacuum pipe (Removable) Cd Control Rod Water coolant/moderator Concrete p+ n

Tungsten Target Neutron Production

Relative Forward-Going and Side-Going Neutron Production

Core Layout K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R S S F F G G H H I I J J A A B B C C D D E E T T U U V V W W X X RB Coarse (Cd) RA Coarse (Cd) RF Fine (SS) RS Safety (Cd) Proton Beam Procedure: – Match keff to / by fuel mass adjustment with C/F rods at 30cm (half-way into core) – Assume flat plates ok (to be checked in MONK) – Insert C/F rods to 60cm: keff= / – Add external neutron source at spallation position (direct spallation target calculation crashes) MCNPX multiplication is 68.4 (nout/nin) Theoretical value 64.1 (nout/nin)

Applications 1 st demonstration of ADSR Reactor kinetic studies (load-following) Source-jerk k eff measurement (ADTR concept) Fuel irradiation measurements

3D Silicon Neutron Detectors? Uher et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 576 (2007) 32–37

Yields from Different Accelerators AcceleratorEnergy /MeVCurrentTargetTarget P /kWYield/ n/s /MeV Cyclotron2301 uAW ~0.5 Cyclotron305 uABe <1 Deuteron RFQ41 mAWater Proton2.21 mA7Li2.20.6~0.150

Resonant 98 Mo Capture see e.g. NIM A601, 223 (2009) 2.8 MeV 7Li(p,n)7Be target design