Biodiversity: Scientists have named more than 1.5 million species on Earth. This variety of different living things is called Biodiversity. Living organisms provide humans with food, products and medicines. Close to half of all medicines used by humans come from plants or other living organisms. Biodiversity: Scientists have named more than 1.5 million species on Earth. This variety of different living things is called Biodiversity. Living organisms provide humans with food, products and medicines. Close to half of all medicines used by humans come from plants or other living organisms.
Humans also depend on the cycling of things like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and water. These cycles are closely linked to the diversity of living things. All life is affected when these processes are disturbed. Biodiversity also means there is a variety in genes and genetic information in species. Humans also depend on the cycling of things like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and water. These cycles are closely linked to the diversity of living things. All life is affected when these processes are disturbed. Biodiversity also means there is a variety in genes and genetic information in species.
Variety allows living things to respond to changes or threats. Ex. Insects or diseases can attack crops humans grow for food. These crops may be killed affecting the world’s food supply. Varieties of these plants found in the wild may have different genes for defenses. These genes might be passed to food crops helping them survive. Humans are a source of many threats to living things. Variety allows living things to respond to changes or threats. Ex. Insects or diseases can attack crops humans grow for food. These crops may be killed affecting the world’s food supply. Varieties of these plants found in the wild may have different genes for defenses. These genes might be passed to food crops helping them survive. Humans are a source of many threats to living things.
Biodiversity can be threatened by: 1. Pollution 2. Loss of Habitat 3. Introduction of Nonnative Species 4. Overhunting Pollution: is any change in the environment that causes harm to organisms. Ex: Oil Spills – Fossil Fuels Burning – Pesticides Biodiversity can be threatened by: 1. Pollution 2. Loss of Habitat 3. Introduction of Nonnative Species 4. Overhunting Pollution: is any change in the environment that causes harm to organisms. Ex: Oil Spills – Fossil Fuels Burning – Pesticides
Biodiversity can be threatened by: 1. Pollution: Oil Spills: destroy both land and water ecosystems Biodiversity can be threatened by: 1. Pollution: Oil Spills: destroy both land and water ecosystems
Fossil Fuels Burning: like coal or gasoline, releases harmful substances into the air.
Biodiversity can be threatened by: Continued These harmful substances can change the atmosphere, affecting the Earth’s temperature and producing acid rain. Pesticides: Chemicals used to kill weeds or insects can also be pollutants. Poisoned air, water and soil affect all living things.
Loss of Habitat: Habitat: the area or place where an organism lives. If an organism loses its habitat, it will die unless it can find a new home. Habitats can be changed or destroyed by natural processes. Ex. Forest fires, volcanic eruptions Habitats can be destroyed by human activities.
Humans can endanger the survival of other species or reduce biodiversity by taking away habitats. Ex. Deforestation – completely cutting down or clearing forests. Many of the deciduous forest of the United States and Europe have been cleared for farms, roads, homes and businesses. Humans have moved into the the spaces need by other species to live.
Introduction of Nonnative Species: Humans sometimes introduce animals and plants to new ecosystems. Nonnative species: organisms that are moved into an area where they are not normally found. Nonnative species can disrupt ecosystems and affect biodiversity.
Introduction of Nonnative Species: Continued These organisms may have no predators in the new ecosystem. They and their offspring may take resources such as food or space that native species need. Nonnative species may prey on native species for food.
Overhunting: Population – a group made up of one species of organisms. A population can grow too large for its ecosystem – called over population. Hunting organisms that have few predators can sometimes help ecosystems by preventing over population. Hunting can also harm ecosystems when it decreases biodiversity.
Overhunting occurs when more organisms are killed than are replaced each year. Overhunting means more organisms are taken than can be replaced naturally.
Tasmanian Tiger – now extint
Rhinos, elephants and tigers are threatened for extinction. Many plants are endangered. Extinction – when all individuals of a species die. Extinction is a natural process, however humans have increased the rate of extinction. Conservation – involves using resources wisely and includes protecting living organisms and their habitats. Some of the ways that conservation can help: Minimizing Pollution Protecting Habitats Preserving Ecosystems Wildlife Conservation