o Identify the impacts and dependencies of business operations on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes o Assess and prioritise the risks and opportunities arising from those impacts and dependencies o Produce action and monitoring plans to address the identified risks and opportunities In the context of BROA, BIODIVERSITY is defined as : ecosystems (species and habitat) AND their derived ecosystem services. A field-based tool for use by organisations with agricultural operations and supply chains Biodiversity Risk and Opportunity Assessment BROA ENABLES A COMPANY TO :
Agricultural production depends on services provided by healthy ecosystems: water supply, soil formation, pollination, pest control, etc. Conducting a BROA helps you and your stakeholders maintain and enhance these services in your operational landscape and support long term supply chain sustainability The BROA process can help your organisation to: o Strengthen its stakeholder network (such as with producers, government, community groups, NGOs and academics) to address operational issues o Increase organisational experience and insight into biodiversity o Standardise reporting to enable comparison and prioritisation across global operations
o Stakeholder mapping and identification o Map operations against areas of biodiversity importance o Stakeholder engagement to identify initial risks and opportunities o Gather more detailed knowledge with site surveys o Analyse and prioritise risks and opportunities o Develop action and monitoring plans with stakeholders o Approval of plans by company senior management o Address capacity needs and outsource where required o Monitor progress with regular stakeholder review and site surveys Planning & Information gathering Identifying, investigating & prioritising risks and opportunities Action & Monitoring plans
o BROA training workshop in country of application for the team conducting the assessment o Remote technical support whilst conducting a BROA, and to identify a Conservation Partner for the assessment o A landscape level case study of your experience using BROA, and feedback on the process, that you'd be willing to share. DOWNLOAD : the tool, training material and pod casts from the Biodiversity Partnership website FREE OF CHARGE (SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY) : WHAT THE PARTNERSHIP SEEKS FROM YOU :