ITR/Course Info-Session Biology Medical Sciences A collaboration between
What is ITR? Completing your ITR ITR Process Requirements for Biology and Medical Science Majors/Specializations Q & A Upper-Year Students ITR and Course Information Today’s Agenda
ITR is the process for undergraduate students to inform Western about the degree/modules in which they would like to register for the upcoming year When final marks are available in May, students will be adjudicated for their ITR choices (eligibility will be determined) and then assigned to modules/degrees for the upcoming year ITR and Course Information What is ITR?
The ITR online service is available from February 1 st to March 31 st, 2016 Only students who submit an ITR before the deadline (March 31 st ) will be given access to web registration for Fall/Winter courses ITR and Course Information Completing your ITR
Your First Choice for next year: 1.Status (full- or part-time) 2.Faculty/school (e.g. Science) 3.Degree designation and type (e.g. BSc) 4.Module type (e.g. Honours Specialization) 5.Subject of module (e.g. Genetics) Your Second Choice for next year 1.Repeat steps 1-5 ITR and Course Information What you need to indicate in the ITR process?
Requirements for Biology Majors/Specializations ITR and Course Information
To Access a Biology Module from first year MUST have a 60%+ average in Biology 1001A or 1201A and 1002B and 1202B (no exceptions). Chemistry must be passed, a minimum 60% for the Honors Modules. 1.0 from the listed math courses 0.5 from Physics 1028A or alternate physics 1.0 from a faculty other than Science.
Modules offered by Biology 4 Honors Specializations (10.0 credits): – Animal Behaviour (with Dept. of Psychology) – Biology – Biodiversity and Conservation – Genetics – Genetics & Biochemistry (with Dept. of Biochemistry) Also Offers: – Specialization in Biology (9.0 credits) – Major in Biology (6.0 credits) – Major in Ecosystem Health (6.0 credits) – Major in Genetics (6.0 credits) – Minor in Biology (4.0 credits) – Minor in Genetics (4.0 credits)
How to choose courses 1.Check the module you hope to enter 2.Read the course descriptions to decide which courses you want to want to take in the future and get the appropriate prerequisites before enrolment. 3.Balance out your workload, divide-up the essay and lab courses if possible to different terms. 4.Seek out counseling to ensure that you are able to proceed. And read!
Double Major vs. Honors Specialization Double MajorHonors Specialization More flexible Not able to access 4000 level courses Allow students to have a broad understanding of their interests Limited research experience May have common credits –different regulations depending on the modules Requires courses at 4000 level Honors Thesis Opportunity is a choice in Biology Extensive background in a specific discipline Recommended for students interested in Graduate studies
How to access Honors Modules Biology is NOT a Limited Program – if you have the grades you will be admitted. After first year, we forgive the 70% on the 3.0 principal courses (must have the 60% in Biology and Chemistry) Modular averages become the focus. Check the calendar and the Biology website for announcements and see your Biology counselor for assistance in balancing your work load.
Breadth Requirements At least 1.0 course from each category: Category A – Social Sciences –Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Psychology or Music etc. Category B – Arts and Humanities –Classical Studies, Film Studies, Languages, Visual Arts –Music is NOT considered Category B Category C – Science –Biology, Engineering etc. Please check the calendar on line for all listings. Must be completed by graduation.
Biological ScienceMedical ScienceHealth Science Diversity of organisms Integrates cellular, organism, community, and ecosystem levels Explore the molecular, cellular, and systemic organization of the human body Promotes health and wellness Reviews how health care is provided Modules Offered Animal Behaviour Biology Genetics Genetics & Biochemistry Anatomy and Cell Biology Biochemistry Microbiology and Immunology Physiology Comm. Rural Health Development Health Promotion Health Sciences Rehabilitation Sciences Course Selection – Year 1 & 2 Year 1: Bio, Chem, Math, Phys Year 2: Principal science courses Ecology, Evolution Year 1: Bio, Chem, Math, Phys Year 2: Principal science courses Entry courses in various disciplines Year 1: Bio, Health and Wellness Year 2: Anatomy, Measurement & Analysis Course Selection – Year 3 & 4 Various disciplines within Biology Field Courses available Basic Med Sci courses in year 3 Various disciplines within Med Sci Ethics & Health, Health Policy, Health Promotions, Health Issues Career Opportunities Graduate studies (MSc/PhD) Professional School Employment in: Public sector Business and industry Teaching Law Graduate studies (MSc/PhD) Professional School Employment in: Public sector Business and industry Teaching Law Health Promotion Community health programming Public sector administration and policy development Biomedical ethics Business and industry Non-profit sector
Summer Courses Offered in Biology Summer Calendar is available. Check out page 14 for details on Summer activation and available courses. Intersession Biology 2290F –Scientific Method in biology –Biology of the Fungi 3218F –Various Field courses 3220Z, 4257Z or 4258Z –NEW this year Biology 2483A/B and Cell bio 2382A/B via distance studies. –Summer Day: Biology 1001A and 1002B.
8 – 16 months practical science career- related placement and receive 1.0 credit Average annual salary of $36,000 Paid hands-on work experience Mentored by professionals in the field Eligible to 2 nd and 3 rd year students enrolled in BSc and BMSc Honors programs Western Science Internship Program
Requirements for BMSc Majors/Specializations ITR and Course Information
BMSc Program Progression from BMSc 1 to BMSc 2 (ITR) Admission to Year 3 BMSc (ITR) admission to modules in Year 3 Admission/Progression to Year 4 BMSc admission to modules in Year 4
-Biochemistry -Biochemistry and Cell Biology -Biochemistry and Pathology of Human Disease -Biochemistry of Infection and Immunity -Chemical Biology -Computational Biochemistry -Epidemiology and Biostatistics -IMS (Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences) -Medical Biophysics -Medical Biophysics (Clinical Physics Concentration) Modules Offered in BMSc: -Medical Biophysics (Medical Science Concentration) -Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry -Medical Cell Biology -Medical Health Informatics -Microbiology and Immunology -Microbiology and Immunology with Pathology -Pathology -Pharmacology -Physiology -Physiology and Pharmacology
full course load minimum mark of 60% in each half course in biology, chemistry, math, physics no failures Requirements to progress from BMSc 1 to BMSc 2:
go to landing page on BMSc website for Medical Sciences 1 click on ITR link Submitting an ITR for BMSc 2:
Super easy: Click on “Continue in Current Program”
Adjudication for BMSc 2: adjudication = assessing students for their eligibility for their ITR choice occurs in May, once all Fall/Winter marks are available results will be posted in Student Center
What happens if you’re not eligible for BMSc 2? you’ll be registered in something else (Yr 2 BSc with a module or modules?) ➢ depends on your marks from first year you can still apply for admission to Year 3 BMSc check the Academic Counselling website for “what ifs”, etc. ➢ Academic Counselling Office is in WSC 140
~ 500 spaces in Year 3 BMSc assured admission for students in BMSc 2 (conditions must be satisfied) Admission to Year 3 BMSc:
~ 500 spaces in Year 3 BMSc assured admission for students in BMSc 2 admission from the “competitive pool” to the remaining spaces (admission not assured) conditions must be satisfied Admission to Year 3 BMSc:
Honors Specialization modules (limited capacity) or Double Majors (capacity is not limited) or Specialization modules (not popular – students do not graduate with honors degrees) Although you don’t register in an Honors Specialization module or Double Major modules that lead to BMSc degrees in Year 2, you have to know in which module or modules you want to register in Year 3 → this determines your course selection in Year 2 Modules in Year 3 (and 4) BMSc:
go to landing page on BMSc website for Medical Sciences 2 click on ITR link ITR process is easy but deciding on 1 st and 2nd choices (2 nd, in particular) requires some thought! Submitting an ITR for Year 3 BMSc:
choose the correct faculty! #1 tip for submitting ITR for Year 3 BMSc:
adjudication = assessing students for their eligibility for their ITR choices BMSc Program + modules = 2 steps for adjudication occurs in May, once all Fall/Winter marks are available results will be posted in Student Center Adjudication for Year 3 BMSc:
1.determine which students in Medical Sciences 2 satisfy the conditions for assured admission to Year 3 BMSc 2.admit qualified students to Year 3 BMSc and assign to modules, according to ITR choices and averages on the 2000-level courses in the Admission Requirements admission to Honors Specialization modules is competitive Adjudication process for admission to Year 3 BMSc and modules:
1.determine which students in Medical Sciences 2 satisfy the conditions for assured admission to Year 3 BMSc 2.admit qualified students to Year 3 BMSc and assign to modules, according to ITR choices and averages on the 2000-level courses in the Admission Requirements admission to Honors Specialization modules is competitive 3.determine the # of spaces remaining in Year 3 BMSc 4.determine which students applying from the competitive pool satisfy the conditions for admission to Year 3 BMSc 5.admit qualified students to Year 3 BMSc and assign to modules, according to ITR choices and averages on the 2000-level courses in the Admission Requirements some Honors Specialization modules will already be full Adjudication process for admission to Year 3 BMSc and modules:
must be in Yr 3 BMSc all Year 3 BMSc students are considered equally when applying to modules for Year 4 Honors Specialization modules (limited – see Weighted Average Chart) Double Majors (unlimited) Admission and modules in Year 4 BMSc
Things to Remember ITR and Course Information Some courses overlap! Be sure to check for this. Minors do not show up on your Diploma If you decide to defer anything, make sure it is not a pre- requisite for a future course you wish to take → Generally not advisable to defer cell bio/genetics DO YOUR ITR → Better than getting lumped into something you don’t want