Oedipus solved the sphinx’s riddle. Giving him the throne of Thebe’s and Jocasta as a wife.
Laius’ oracle was that he would die to his child’s hand. Oedipus’ oracle was that he would murder his father and wed his mother.
Oedipus without knowing kills his father Laius, and also killed three out of four of his servents. Where the three roads meet while he was running away from home because his oracle said he would kill his father and he didn’t know that Polybus was not his real father.
Was lead into the city by a boy because he was blind. Tiresias was a Prophet of Apollo who could see the future. He was brought into the city to tell Oedipus who murdered Laius. When he first got there he didn’t want to speak. He ended up telling the town it was Oedipus who killed Laius. And Oedipus blamed Creon for trying to get him thrown out of town so that he could be king
A messenger comes into Thebes to tell Oedipus that his father died and that he is to be king of Corinth. Oedipus is glad to hear that his father died and he was not the one that killed him, but he refuses to go back home because he doesn’t want to marry his mother. The messenger tells Oedipus that he was found on the mountain of Cithaeron with his ankles tied together and he was brought back to Corinth to Polybus so he could rise him as his own.
The shepherd was the servant who took Oedipus to be killed on the top of the mountain. He was brought into town to ask if he recalled who was the parents of the child. At first he did not want to speak of it but Oedipus threatened to kill him if he did not speak. The shepherd said that it was from someone in the castle and that is was Laius own son. This is when Oedipus also realizes that he is the son of Jocasta and that he killed his own father and then wed his mother.
When Jocasta finds out that she married and had children with her own son she went into her room and hung her self.
In shock of realizing all of this news, Oedipus blinds himself with the pin off of Jocasta’s dress. He does this because he doesn’t want to see his parents in the underworld. He also can’t bare seeing his children.
… of Oedipus Rex, asks Creon to see his daughters because he knows he will be sent out of the city and he will never be able to see them again. He also asks Creon if he will watch his daughters because no one will want to marry his daughters since they were born within their family. He then goes to the mountain where he was found as a child to die. And then Creon would become the king of Thebes.
"oedipus rex." uofttix. Web. 19 Mar kspark. Web. 19 Mar "the death of laius." clipart etc. Web. 22 Mar < “oedipus_jocasta.” colorado drama..